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Defining Type II Diabetes

diabetes (because it often occurs in adults) or ``non-ketosis-prone diabetes (because ketoacidosis seldom occurs), but it is neith...

Hispanic American Children and Type II Diabetes

In sixteen pages this paper considers the reasons behind the predisposition of Hispanic American children to Type II diabetes. Fi...

Diabetes Mellitus, Type II

in the blood and is not properly transferred to the cells, the body begins to feel weak and fatigued from lack of energy (Type 2 D...

Study Funding For A Type-II Diabetes Treatment

(King, 2000) Type 2 Diabetes In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas either doesnt produce insulin or doesnt produce enough of it; in T...

Type 2 Diabetes

Kolatkar, 2005). For instance, a lack of exercise and obesity are believed to contribute to diabetes (American Diabetes Associatio...

Type II Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

In two pages cardiovascular disease and the complications it represents for patients suffering from Type II diabetes are discussed...


of sugar build up in the blood, creating hyperglycemia and high levels of blood glucose. Complications from this disease range fro...

Type I Diabetes Mellitus or Juvenile Diabetes

In five pages this paper discusses the insulin dependent form of diabetes that was once thought to only affect young children. Si...

Type I and Type II Errors and Statistical Testing Uses

to third world countries where there are problems such as hunger and famine. The development of foods that need lesser levels of w...

Pancreas and Diabetes

an autoimmune reaction to the antigens that are found in the islet cells located in the pancreas (King, 2005). What happens is th...

Overview of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Implications

In six pages diabetes mellitus is discussed in an overview of Type I and Type II and the implications these forms have in the long...

Patient Treatment Plan

She surveyed all of the independent living facilities in the local area and chose one; her grown children arranged and conducted t...

Patients with Diabetes and Diet

other organs, such as the heart, kidneys and eyes (Visalli, 1996). Although individuals with Type I diabetes must take insulin, d...

Diabetes in America

the pancreas do not produce enough insulin in order to meet the bodys needs, and this is in part attributable to the acquired decr...

African American Diabetes and Inner City

This paper suggests educational and community outreach projects that would help improve nutrition and level of activity among this...

Polk County, Florida Diabetes Prevention Program Proposal

50.9% of the population ("Polk County Quick Facts," 2005). The population is 79.6 white ("Polk County Quick Facts," 2005). It seem...

Gibbs' Reflective Model and a Reflective Learning Document

undue fear created but there is also an appreciation of the true nature of the condition and the care the patient needs to take of...

Three Articles on Issues Involving High Acuity Nursing Reviewed

may have produced the desired results, the issue of promoting healing in extremities is one that is difficult at best (Wound Care ...

Patient Education That Are Both Successful and Unsuccessful

of her post-polio syndrome left her unable to completely void her urine, which in turn led to the development of further UTIs. Da...

"Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Disease In Children With Type 1 Diabetes" - Brief Analysis

to occur in someone who has had diabetes for many years" (Federal Citizen Information Center, 2006). Type 1 diabetics walk ...

Overview of Type Two Diabetes Mellitus

This overview of diabetes mellitus, type two, defines the disease, discusses the importance of diet and exercise and presents a de...

Description and Diagnostics of Diabetes Mellitus

"a heterogeneous disorder characterized by 2 pathogenic defects, impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance. The resultant ...

Type One Diabetes Screening Tool

This research paper reports on the development of a revised, validated screen tool for disorder eating among type one diabetes mel...

'The Play's the Thing': Analyzing Six Passages from William Shakespeare's Plays

Analysis of William Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act V, Scene ii), As You Like It (Act II, Scene vii), Richard III (Act I, Scene ii), The...

Teaching Patients and Students About Disease

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, including an increase in the number of ...

Adolescent Type I Diabetes Care Plan

much sugar remains in the blood and too little energy is transferred to other cells. The diabetic needs to take externally adminis...

Depression And Diabetes: Article Reviews

2001. Primary focus was placed upon newly-diagnosed patients at least twenty-one years of age. That they had depression was dete...

Diabetes Type 2

two primary types of diabetes include Type 1 and Type 2, which are associated juvenile and adult diabetes, respectively. Diabetes...

Diabetes in Adolescence

between cases at the time of diagnosis (Newmark and Anhalt, 2007). Type 1 diabetes is typically due to a "lack of insulin producti...

Diabetes Mellitus, Causes, Treatments

This research paper presents a discussion of the type 1 and type 2 diabetes causes and treatments. Six pages in length, seven sour...