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Essays 1 - 30

Developing and Maintaining Customer Relationships Through Direct Marketing

Direct marketing must be fulfilling many goals as this s an area of rapid growth. This is one form of advertising that is easy to ...

Marketing Strategy: From Traditional to Customer-Targeted

information within them and understanding the theoretical frameworks in which each was undertaken. Literature Review Factory Produ...

Gap Customer Service and Marketing Communications

and other community events, marketing communications is another area in which the GAP can make its presence known. One way in whic...

Data Use in CRM

technology" (Clow and Baack, 2007; p. 360). CRM is most effective when "customers have highly differentiated needs, highly differ...

Electronic Media and Direct Marketing

of millions of potential consumers with few barriers (Phelan, 1996). This saw an initial rise of the use of marketing through the ...

Consumer Behaviour and Marketing a Hotel

be looking for the best deal, the most service or facilities for the lowest price, where love is involved they may be looking for ...

Direct Market Strategy Development for UK Company

of interest allowing direct marketing to be targeted, either by direct mail, the telephone or e-mail. The first stage of any direc...

IBM Systems and Technology Marketing

had to recover from losses that the firm may be argued as becoming one that was more marketing oriented. The firm certainly undert...

B2B and B2C Marketing: Similarities and Differences

supposed to be given good information, but when it comes to B to B, there are things that the business owners are expected to know...

Customer Centric-Marketing

the experience, and the way in which this may be related to by the customer, rather than demonstrating how a product can fulfill a...

Developing a Marketing Plan for Viagra

to influencers Pfizer may appeal to men who would not otherwise come forward. It is undertaken in a tasteful manner, in line with ...

Implementing Customer-Focused Strategies

Further, the marketing mix approach is far less effective in the electronic environment than it is in the local supermarket or Sup...

The Use of Customer Relationship Management in High End Fashion

satisfy certain criteria laid down by the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture. Each year a list is drawn up by the commission wh...

Marketing a Hospital

business plan, the role of different stakeholders all decision-makers, and the way that the leadership should be involved with the...

Marketing Communications Planning Suggestions

the problem, we can then define the outcome - which is that such a lack has meant huge numbers of returns, complaints about the co...

Coca Cola Market and A Marketing Campaign

that there are no conflicting messages sent and that the message appeals to the target market and supports the positioning. To d...

IMC for Wella

The writer considers a position where Procter & Gamble wish to increase their market share and penetration, expanding and increasi...

Data Collection for PiggyBank

consumers lied when asked for their personal details over the Internet" (Study deems e-data unreliable, 2006; p. 2). Not only doe...

Customer Satisfaction/Profitability v. Production & Quality

A 12 page research paper that explores the topic of customer satisfaction and how it is related to both profitability and product/...

Business Success and the Role of Customer Satisfaction

In four pages customer surveys and marketing trends are employed in a consideration important securing customer relationships are ...

The Challenges of Adopting Customer Centric Processes

market capitalization 64 Figure 13 Hierarchy and Customer Centric Organisational Structure 70 Figure 14 Push Organization 72 Figur...

Resources and Competitive Advantage

introduction to Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society, Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski and Flowers (...

How Employees Can Be Managed To Provide A High Level Of Services To Customers.

Model Zeithaml (et al, 2006) has presented a comprehensive model that looks at how leadership and culture will impact on the serv...

Roche Diagnostics 'Customer Delight' Achievement

The very nature of the environment in which Roche products are used dictates that Roche products must be free of defects. One of ...

Target Marketing Methodology

illnesses; but the actual customer will be the medical clinics, doctors or hospitals that would need this technology in diagnosing...


holidays - and giving kudos and thanks to the schedulers who made it happen. The blog includes various routes that will see some e...

Canadian Company Plan for Employee Development

service in a plan is paramount (Hesketh, 1998). In addition, with Dr. Finch (presumably) wanting to be seen as a "communit...

Role of Customer Relationship Marketing

of separate unconnected events, but an ongoing event that develops and changes and is renewed. There are different stages in rel...

Direct Marketing Concepts and Strategies

In ten pages this paper discusses direct marketing concepts, strategies, and the advantages and disadvantages of interactive strat...

Avon's Transformation

and high touch" (Avon, The Net, And Glass Ceilings, 2006; p. 104) III. China will be a stand-alone business; North American and Eu...