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Essays 1 - 30

Different Careers in Nursing

nurses which makes job searching easier. Registered nurses are in great demand and it is thought that there will be a significa...

The Potential Issues and Career Possibilities for Up and Coming Nursing Professionals

Fifteen pages and 8 sources. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the information available about job opportunities fo...

Why Nurses Leave Clinical Practice?

change the position before completing three years of clinical practice (MacKusick and Minick, 2010). This research article is very...

The Impact of the Kentucky Trilogy and Generational Cohorts on Nursing

example charge nurses may make assignments in terms of patients to different style for the shift, there will not necessarily be in...

The Development of Career Models based on Existing Theory

becoming more open towards new aspects that are not governed by ideals of the organisation, by comparison in the static career the...

Nursing Shortage

information about the shortage of nurses and the consequences. This was achieved as demonstrated in the following brief report of ...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

Nursing Contracts

312). Various types of contracts characterize contemporary professional nursing. For example, due to the nursing staffing shorta...

Philosophy of Nursing and Future Plans

for my patients. Personal philosophy of nursing: Tourville and Ingalls (2003) offer a fascinating and very apt analogy to descri...

Certified Public Accountant - Career

detective work, the accountant uncovers fraud, identifies the culprits and then, gives the evidence to the FBI (Vogt, 2007). This ...

Philosophy of Nursing

Nightingale as power-crazed and iron-willed. Salvage (2001) tends to believe that these criticisms of Nightingale reflect lingerin...

Images of Nursing

when nurses are needed the most, which is when we are ill (line 12). This is when "Nurses come through, with their care and goodwi...

A Career Working with Children

Early Childhood Education programs prepare the candidate to supervise and provide learning experiences and care for children aged ...

Self Analysis

that I wanted to make a difference in peoples lives as well. But while my people skills are excellent and I am sure that I can e...

Officers in Armed Forces

The military is not an easy career but is the career the writer has chosen. The essay discusses different issues dealing with bein...

Florence Nightingale

disciplined and well-organized care. On returning to England, she visited the Institute of Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserwerth, ...

Noncompliant Patients Due to Culture

The United States has become more and more diverse over the last four decades and that diversity continues to expand. Different cu...

Challenges for Employers in the Hotel Industry

Two articles looking at different issues associated with employing workers in the hospitality industry are examined. The first ar...

Dorothea Dix, Pioneer of Nursing

Dixs problems with mental health may have inspired her passion for aiding those who were diagnosed as being mentally unstable or i...

Doctorate of Nursing Goals A

12-21, live relatively sedentary lives, as they are not active enough to successfully maintain good health (Covelli, 2007). The in...

Med-Surge Nursing

nurse working on a medical unit at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. According to Kodet, the only thing ...

Jean Watson, Nursing Theorist

move in concentric circles of caring--from individuals, to others, to community, to (the) world" (Vance, 2003). Caring science inv...

Career Objectives and Philosophy of Nursing

nursing is based significantly more within the psychological components of the patient/caregiver relationship than most people rea...

National Association of Orthopedic Nurses

NAON recognizes that learning and developing professional is a life-long processes and it helps orthopedic nurses achieve the goal...

CC vs. Med-Surg Units/Job Satisfaction

(Domrose, 2001). However, current trends have developed that have greatly expanded the scope of med-surg nursing, which includes a...

Nurse Salaries

the politics found in hospitals and other environments (Reuters, 2008). Supply and demand is always a major driver of salaries in...

7 Nursing Theory Issues

patient was in a significant amount of pain, he made jokes throughout his entire stay, as family members remained at his bedside. ...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

individual is an "open system," which includes "distinct, but integrated physiological, psychological and socio-cultural systems" ...

The Use of Counseling and Career Support

24 pages and 15 sources used. This paper provides an overview of a survey of counseling professionals with a specific focus on ca...

The Importance of Career Guidance as a Component of Personal Counseling

13 pages and 10 sources. This paper provides an overview of the concept of career guidance and career counseling and relates the ...