YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Drug Policies in California

Essays 301 - 330

Drug Rehabilitation v Prison

pockets of those buying. Incentives exist for each of these groups. For one group the economic incentives are a positive factor ...

Legalizing Drugs

For example, most people do not know that cocaine was once a common ingredient in Coca-Cola. Many social pressures led to the even...

Living With AIDS

combination of these drugs is prescribed although there are some drugs that are combinations within themselves, such as Combivir, ...

Why Pharmaceutical Companies Focus On A Disease

potential to make it through to the next step, the Phase 1 human testing trials (Masia, 2008). This is a very healthy small group...

Adverse Drug Reactions and Metabolic Changes Associated with Antipsychotic Medications

as typical or traditional (first generation) and atypical (second generation) (Blake, 2006). Typical antipsychotic medications ar...

Reaction Paper on Joshua Marston’s Film Maria Full of Grace

perfect mule to travel from Bogota to New York because no one would dare X-ray a pregnant woman. Of course, by ingesting the 62 h...

Fact and Fiction of Drug Legislation

America, and the finicky laws that change over time, it is hard to know fact from fiction. For example, was cocaine ever legal? Wa...

ECSTASY (MDMA): The Impacts of the Drug

a number of different fashions, depending on how quickly they want the drug absorbed in their blood stream. Like crack cocaine, M...

Japan as a Destination Market for an Orphan Drug

on the attractiveness of the market. The Japanese pharmaceutical market in 2006 the market accounted for approximately 11% of th...

Exploring the Legality and Ethics of Drug Screening at Work

Literature Review George (1997) performed an analysis of 1617 specimens collected from drug screening from 82 separate work...

Alcohol and Drug Use/Juvenile Crime

health and well-being (Neff and Waite, 2007). While illicit substance usage peaked in the late 1970s, recent statistics indicate t...


reduction tools and, to an extent, education on the evils of drug use (Seelke et al 2010). The results have been mixed to not-so-g...

The Pharmaceutical Industry and Erectile Dysfunction

Men who have problems getting or sustaining a penile erection suffer from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be the r...

Issues With Antipsychotic Medications

You provided a good explanation of first-generation and second-generation antipsychotics. To add to the discussion: A number of st...

The Relative Merits of Medical Marijuana

Marijuana (Canabis sativa) is currently classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance. The drug is typically associated with...

The Most Destructive Illegal Drugs - A Ranking

unable to feel pleasure or function normally without meth (National Institutes of Health, 2012b). Moreover, the potential to overd...

Prison System and Drug Programs

In ten pages prison systems and drug use are examined in a discussion of penal system drug addiction program implementation. Four...

Criminal Justice System and Organized Crime

international scope quite considerably since the spread of Internet communication. In addition, international travel has itself gr...

School Infiltration by Crack Cocaine

In five pages increased youth usage of crack cocaine is examined in terms of the 'cool' perception of drugs that suggest school dr...

Using Drugs and Juvenile Delinquency

use is a prevalent factor in the school setting is intrinsically related to social elements, a point the authors illustrate by exa...

Possible Solutions to the Problems Associated with the 'War on Drugs'

the displacement and abuse of the impoverished in the world. Turnipseed (2000) notes that in order to help many of the people in f...

The Phenobarbitone Processes of Excretion, Metabolism, Distribution, and Absorption

might experience toxicity under a pharmacological regime containing phenobarbitone or other drugs that they cannot metabolize due ...

Case Disposition and Drug Offenders

of drug case is processed across the state (OSCA, 2004). For instance, a drug offender might be assigned to a treatment program du...

Substance Abuse and Society

to hire a lawyer. This is true even when police use illegal tactics to secure an arrest. Certainly, there are tax implications an...

Border Control and Immigration Policy

fence, but rather that remedies should address both social concerns and the realities of this social, economic and political probl...

U.S. Policing, Racial Prejudice and 'the War on Drugs'

the economic and political struggles of inner-city existence in the United States. "Racial discrimination exists in the criminal ...

Major Drugs' Decriminalization

to legalizing drugs. But these days it isnt mob criminals that are the problem, but international terrorists that are benefiting f...

'War on Drugs' and its Political Benefits

the creation of organizations. NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) is perhaps the best known group that...

Prescription Drugs' Rising Costs

high price of drugs is not justifiable on the basis of creating such things. Also, when using Nexium for example, one can argue t...

Australian Society and Drugs' Legal Status

legal status have no supportive precedents to cite (Moffitt et al, 1998). In the United States, Alaska briefly legalized the use ...