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Economic Implications of Different Ventilation Choices for COPD Patients

beneficial or having no impact, negative or positive on most patients outcomes (Agarwal et al, 2009; Masip et al, 2005). The ben...

COPD Patient Mechanical Ventilation Case Study

and John noted a resistance to mechanical ventilation as a part of the treatment plan. John stated in one of his few lucid period...

Case Study on Mechanical Ventilation

authors isolated the following recurring elements, in order of their statistical appearance in the definitions [1]: Violence, forc...

Ecological and Economic Impacts of Food Choices

I also purchased honey produced in the state and coffee roasted from a local business. My thought was that these efforts to chang...


is seldom an option as well (Oakes, 2000; University of Michigan Health System, 2005). Although size alone is not an absolute con...

Choices for Business Growth

The writer looks at the case of a business which needs to increase capacity. The writer assesses three potential choices, looking...

Is The Broad The Variety Of Choice The US Consumer Market A Good Thing?

efficiency within the market. The ability to offer choice and differences can also be seen as a core foundation and the concept of...

Case Study/COPD

not fully reversible, is treatable. This term describes a progressive airflow limitation that typically caused by an inflammatory ...

Dyspnea, Family Caregiving and Quality of Life

primary symptoms of COPD are "wheezing, cough, dyspnea on exertion and increased phlegm production" (Touhy and Jett, 2012, p. 289)...

Relationship Between Patient Mechanical Ventilation and Oral Hygiene

billions in additional health care cost. Likewise, Houston, et al (2002) substantiate that contraction of nosocomial pneumonia co...


In a paper of three pages, the author reflects on questions about different types of medications. The author answers questions ab...

The Potential Issues and Career Possibilities for Up and Coming Nursing Professionals

Fifteen pages and 8 sources. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the information available about job opportunities fo...

Nutritional Needs of Intubated Patient, COPD

This research paper describes COPD, a case study, and then presents recommendations for meeting his nutritional needs. Five pages ...

The Economic Position of Nigeria in 2010

resources have on the economic development of a country. While recognising that some rare countries, such as Saudi Arabia have acc...

Comparing Two Investment Projects

quarters. We can calculate these and then include the revenue in the last quartet to get the net revenue for each of the quarters....

Assisting in Grief Counseling

left to deny anything connected with the loss, either before or after the fact. Those left behind also need to acknowledge the me...

Imogene King: Theory Of Goal Attainment

how to achieve restorative health within an environment of compassion, benevolence and intuitiveness. Indeed, the fundamental bas...

Nursing a Muslim Patient

different ways, In communication a starting point is the presence of verbal and non verbal communication. Different cultures may h...

Noncompliant Patients Due to Culture

The United States has become more and more diverse over the last four decades and that diversity continues to expand. Different cu...

Falls and the Retired Population - An Annotated Bibliography

The writer reviews and present the main theme of fifteen articles that would be useful in a project to assess the impact that fal...

The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act Issues

The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010. It is a progressive, sequential act with different parts mandat...

Depression: To Medicate Or Not

2004). This is to say nothing of the side effects that accompany every drug manufactured to treat depression. Contrastingly, hol...

Avian Flu 2

include HPAI in a local bird population and contact with another patient with an unexplained repository disease and a positive res...

The Call for a Cautious Approach to the Poly-amorous Lifestyle

7 pages and 5 sources utilized. This paper provides an overview of the nature of the poly-amorous lifestyle, with a focus on the ...

Strategic Study on Dendrite

In five pages a student submitted case study on Dendrite's strategic position is presented in terms of choices regarding U.S. mark...

Group Dynamics and Decision Making

In five pages decision making processes are examined in a discussion of group dynamics with the implications of individual v. grou...

A Case History of Angina

of angina, but no indication of muscle damage or clotting (as would be the case in coronary thrombosis). It should also be...

Family Values/ICU Environment

and the church" and encompasses "spirituality, social support, and traditional, non-biomedical health and healing practices," whic...

Assessment of a Bundle of Healthcare Services for Patients with Dementia

why this population may be seen as particularly vulnerable. The paper will then look in detail at the service offered, and then co...

Assessing the Success of an IT Implementation in a Healthcare Setting

The writer presents a paper which looks at the implementation of electronic patient records for a company providing medical care f...