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Essays 91 - 120

Regulating the Internet

supplies. Ramirez, himself, did not make these purchases. Weeks later he was to learn that he had, in fact, been a victim of ident...

Source Citations from the Internet

In five pages this paper examines how sources from the Internet should be cited when used as references....

Employee Recruitment on the Internet

In eight pages this paper discusses the Internet as a tool increasingly utilized by employers to recruit employees....

Paper Sales on the Internet

In one page Internet uploading of papers is discussed....

Student Submitted Case Study on ILI

consumers to obtain their good quickly. These elements were those that offered an advantage over other internet auction sites, t...

Internet Technology and Society

As the request in this paper was to analyze implicit system of thought that inform the technology, we can probably use the hypothe...

IT Professionals and Data Collection

may be asked. A tool that has become increasingly popular is that of the pop up survey. The pop up survey will...

Patient Teaching Plan on Diabetes and the Internet

In five pages this paper examines how the Internet can be used as a tool to teach patients how to manage the disease diabetes....

Human Behavior and the Impact of the Internet

In six pages this essay discusses how human behavior is affected by the Internet....

Do Pure Play Internet Banks Create Value?

This 58 page paper looks at the way in which pure play internet banks, such as First Direct and Egg, may be able to create value. ...

Critique of "Computers in Clinical Assessment: Historical Developments, Present Status, and Future Challenges"

which can be found in various forms scattered all through the Internet. "Overall, there is greater potential for resistance...

Pure Play Internet Banks; Can they Create Value?

in the way that the customers see the bank, if they value the bank services more than other banks loyalty maybe increased and over...

The Internet Significantly Contributes To Social Democracy: Opinion

in which people live, work and interact seems a logical succession for maintaining mans existence throughout the coming centuries,...

The History of the Internet

it is known, had emanated from the history of Silicon Valley. The 1970s ushered in the Silicon Valley phenomenon. The name Silico...

Defamation Laws And The Internet

law but many states have enacted specific laws about defamation (Larson, 2003). That means defamation laws are now found in statut...

Hewlett Packard Web Site

with Dell, emulating a similar model of sales. In terms of the way the company has set up generally business have two...

The Deleterious Effects of Computer Gambling

are admitted sex addicts and "shopohaulics." No one would want to outlaw shopping or sex, but of course, sex and shopping are regu...

Internet Group Membership and the All Macaw Group

The student writing on this topic should note that I personally have been a member of AllMacaw since its inception and have full k...

Intranet Business Intelligence Applications

isolating server system that effectively keeps the populace from entering. Creating the web site on an internal network is one wa...

Accounting and the Impact of Technology

online equivalent to the standard accounting function. Of course every migration from age-old procedures to a format compatible w...

Journalism and the Internet

this was a publication where many different items of news described the events of a recent period and were run end to end(Smith, 1...

Economy and the Internet

with each other, how researchers research, how financial transactions occur and hundreds of other things. The Internet changes ma...

Internet Strategy of British Airways

airline industry and including the development of technology and as time went by this was increasing apparent that it would have t...

Democracy in the Digital Age by Wilhelm

a divide now but that does not mean that the problem cannot be corrected. Wilhelm (2000) hints that the conversations which occu...

Psychometric Testing Online

In twenty pages this report discusses the Internet's role in individual aptitude and achievement testing in a consideration of psy...

Internet Terrorism and Freedom

In twenty pages this paper examines the Internet's anonymous servers in terms of advantages and disadvantages and discusses releva...

IRC Impact of Women's Internet Communities Women on the Internet; The Impact of Internet Relay Chat

This paper examines women's internet communities and commercial marketing with regard to women in this overview of Internet Relay ...

Aggregation Service Accounts and Marketing

In five pages this paper discusses how to market an online business service aggregate first to existing customers because of their...

Overview of Canada's Service Delivery

In six pages this paper examines the Internet's significance in Canada's service delivery in this overview. Five sources are cite...

Internet and Pirating Software

In five pages this paper examines the role of the Internet in increased software piracy with recommendations offered regarding tou...