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English Class Research Proposal

the increasing severity and frequency of floods, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, drought, and heavy rains is directly related to g...

Research Proposal for High School English Class Motivation

this study is quasi-experimental and uses questionnaires to provide the data to determine the effectiveness of motivational strate...

Reducing Class Size/A Research Proposal

about class size and achievement involved the entire Texas education system, which is comprised of 800 districts and over 2.4 mill...

Class Size Effect/A Research Proposal

class size. Also, the student may want to include literature about class size theories that do not necessarily emerge from researc...

University Student Performance and Class Size Research Study Proposal

any relationship between larger class sizes and poorer performance of the students, and if this is the case the quantification of ...

Academic Achievement and Class Size Research Study Proposal

Problem There is a long history of research and opinions regarding the effects of smaller class size on student achievement. Alth...

Teaching English to ESL Students/Research Proposal

ESL students who possess a beginning level of language proficiency also possess the ability to handle the academic language requir...

Bilingual Education/Issue Pro & Con

associated with bilingual education, evaluating what works and what does not, is not an easy task (Gilroy 50). Both supporters an...

Children and the Psychosocial Effects of Television Violence

to real-world violence, and thereby less empathetic to the pain and suffering of others (Chidley 37). Observations of teenagers re...

Oral Business Communication Research Study Proposal

at least in practice. This provides the foundation for the significance of the study and for the objectives of determining what t...

Research Proposal on Intervention Studies Precutaneous Revascularization, Pharmacotherapy, and Exercise in PADr

problems with the arteries that carry the blood away from the heart. In recent years, a focus on arteriosclerosis, hardening of t...

Example of a National Heritage Grant Proposal

used to study this particular family, because this goes to show that extended family doesnt necessarily have to be made up of bloo...

English System of Criminal Justice from 1700 Until 1850 and Class Rule

he can make an Old Bailey case of it, he takes the Boy up, because he gets his expenses, or something, I believe, for his trouble ...

The Validity of Bequests In a Will

to the trust and trustees, this is not vital, as even directing one party to hold it for another may be sufficient, as seen with t...

Dialect, Accent/Southeast England

reality of this situation is that some accents are associated more closely with the accent that is perceived as the societal norm ...

The Role of Leadership in TQM Implementation; A Research Proposal

TQM practices? In order to undertake this a number of sub-questions can be used to guide the research. These include * Does...

How Can a Developing Country Increase Its’ Share of FDI?

is where there is an investment made directly in a country by a foreign government, company or other organisation. By direct inves...

'Black English' in an English Dialect Study

fricatives (three pronounced as tree and the pronounced as do), and the monophthongalization of /ay/ and /aw/ dipthongs find an...

Glorious Revolution's Social Impact Upon England

In nine pages this research paper examines the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in an overview of its impact upon religious tolerance a...

Research Proposal for the DOA In Regard to Granting More Government Contracts to Small Businesses

if they gain a government contract. * To identify the current processes used by the DOA in awarding contracts, including assessm...

English Versification Development

In five pages this research paper offers a brief English versification history beginning with Beowulf's Old English and continuing...

Literature Review on LEP

phonics are not the only answer to the problem of developing reading proficiency, particularly in regards to leaning a second lang...

Research Proposal Evaluate Adult ESL

How effective are adult ESL courses? This is a question that often generates great debate because assessments of the impact of the...

Black Middle Class and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement

to such an extent that?in retrospect?these witnesses now see the African-Americans who suffered as people, and not as "other." The...

Proposal for Research on Changing Organizational Culture

The writer presents an outline of a research proposal on a form provided b the student. The research is to examine and assess the...

Outline for Research Utilizing Existing Data

This paper presents a research outline for a research proposal provided by the student. The research proposal is for an ex post f...

Research Proposal Cement Company

The Dangote Group is involved in several industries, one of which is cement. Three plants are being expanded to more across Africa...

Reducing the Number of Hispanic High School Dropouts Proposal

drop out rate. Instead we must concentrate our efforts on improving the environment of our classrooms so that it does not discour...

Customer Satisfaction Action Research

of the first customer survey and training in elevating customer service quality and customer satisfaction. Customers will b...

Assessing Employee Motivation; Research Proposal

management to develop an understanding of factors that may impact on employee performance. The academic approach is interesting, b...