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Essays 1 - 30

Roland Case and Penney Clark's The Canadian Anthology of Social Studies

the globe, to armchair inquiry into such things as films, television and music of contemporary urban life. While anthropology may ...

Leadership as a Privilege

In one page this essay discusses the privileges of a leadership that is earned in an examination of successful leadership qualitie...

A Review of Psychological Egoism

the way in which the world operates" (Yost egoism.htm). Feinberg, however, argues that this theory is not infallible. He claims th...

Sociocultural Values in The Makioka Sisters by Junichiro Tanizaki

In five pages this essay discusses Westernization of Japanese society in an examination of sociocultural values within the context...

Anthropology and Lack of Feminism

- male or female? For the most part, Michel Foucault, in his thesis "Discipline and Punishment," seems to regard feminism ...

Anthropology as a Career Path

The writer describes the requirements for a career in anthropology as well as the outlook for employment. The writer argues that a...

Anthropology Benefits to Performance Studies

rooted in the behaviors of pre-historic man and has played a primary role in the evolution of human cognitive functions (Beeman). ...

Life Definitions

way to talk about complexity when it is so poorly defined is to describe "the boundary between order and chaos - where complexity ...

Theories of Anthropology

In a paper consisting of seven pages Emile Durkheim's functionalism, Julian Steward's cultural anthropology, and Franz Boas's psyc...

Postmodern Criticism and Feminist Anthropology

This paper addresses the ways in which feminist anthropology can negate some of the traditional, male-dominated viewpoints in the ...

Anthropology Definitions and Concepts

humans from animals (McConnell, 1977). Total Social Fact as Suggested by...

Personal Account/Male Growing Up in Vancouver

to his readers, giving his ethnic origin, social class and gender. He might say something like: "As a white, middle class male, I ...

The Ok Tedi Mine Case Study and the Relevance of Anthropology

The idea as expressed by Kirsch (2002) for example is that the people are ignorant and do not have the power as do the large corpo...

Social Anthropology and Its Evolution

and Boas in order to trace the development of anthropology throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. This paragraph helps the stude...

Nonscientific Inquiry and Interpretive Anthropology

you prefer, raised) to the level of sheer appearances, where their meaning can be more powerfully articulated and more exactly per...

Argonauts of the Western Pacific and The Nuer

This 5 page essay contrasts these classic anthropological texts by Malinowski and Evans-Pritchard. Ethnographic style vary but ea...

Cultural Anthropology Observations

figure to a neighborhood who respected his demeanor and longed for the genuine cultural heritage they found at Sals pizzeria. ...

Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in WSJ Ad

by Janice Vincent, 5/8/2010 VISIT more information on using this paper properly! ...

Article Critique, Duranti

This essay offers a critique of a 2003 article by Alessandro Duranti, which is entitled "Language as culture in U.S. anthropology:...

Dancing Skeletons

A 5 page essay exploring the ethnographic account by Catherine Dettwyler. Medical anthropology entials precise fieldwork, professi...

Views on Affirmative Action

that this job was "whisked away and handed to an unqualified black" (i.e., Wilkins) (Wilkins 639). On checking out this story, Wil...

Overview of Culture and Cultural Diversity

to their ethnic, religious and/or racial origin. When educators and policymakers speak of cultural diversity, and particularly reg...

An Examination of 3 Rhetorical Essays

insanity, which becomes her only way she can avoid the domination that threatens to totally suffocate her individuality. In his di...

3 Sample Essays and an Examination of Rhetorical Modes

just versus unjust, making it clear that it occupied the highest moral plateau. In Book II, another student, Glaucon, questions j...

Examination of 'The Wife of Bath and the Mediation of Privitee' and Essay Response

In the end of the essay the author notes, "She expropriates herself: she makes of herself a sign, she publishes herself, as if she...

'Shooting an Elephant' by George Orwell

of the perseveration and thought, but he does shoot it. The villagers immediately strip it of meat and ivory - of everything they...

Humans and Nature

essay that illustrates her story about being African American is not every African Americans story and in truth it is quite differ...

Analysis of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal

people to propose a number of ill-conceived schemes that would "fix" social and economic ills with miraculous ease (Wittkowsky 85)...

US Economic Life/Billionaires & Poverty

fact that the minimum wage has been frozen at $5.15 an hour since 1997 (AFL-CIO). The following examination of the extremely wealt...

Nurses and Controlling Infection

appropriate. Also, when changing bed linens it is imperative that the soiled bed linens get placed in a bag and not into the clea...