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Ethics and Choice of Therapy

Masson and Harvill, 2009) While group therapy encompasses some tremendous advantages, it is also important to acknowledge that t...

Reality Therapy

(and) Do you want to figure out a better way?" (Passaro, et al, 2004, p. 503). Dr. Glasser has continued to evolve Reality Thera...

William Glasser's Reality Counseling

(1999), people often disconnect from the world around them when things become too much of a challenge, with much of that disconnec...

Schools and Reality Therapy Uses

Dr. William Glasser's reality therapy is considered in a research paper of five pages that focuses on the school applications of c...

The Client-Centered Therapy Theories of Carl Rogers

the Teachers College was the international center for the "dissemination of Deweys educational philosophy" (Gordon, Feb 1997, p. 7...

Glasser Choice Therapy and Feminst Therapy

needs by satisfying the pictures in our Quality World, and all we do is behave (The William Glasser Institute, 2010a). 3. Choice ...

Social Constructionist and Other Models

needed to be devised for this approach so the Milan approach today is sometimes referred to as Post-Milan to indicate the impact o...

Techniques of Family and Marital Therapy

In twelve pages various types of family and marital techniques including behavioral family therapy, transgenerational family thera...

Business Ethics and Policy

religious ideology) and the various "sciences" of business (Parker S27). Quite often these arguments have attempted to negate the ...

TwoTypes of Therapeutic Interventions

There is confusion when someone talks about cognitive therapy or behavioral therapy alone because since the 1960s, these have give...

Brief Psychological Therapy

In six pages brief therapy methods are examined and include psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and strategic sol...

Cognitive Therapy : Addiction & Trauma

specifically the division of artificial intelligence (Boeree, 2000). Some of the major players are Tolman, Piaget, Bandura, Chomsk...

Substance Abuse and Therapy

(Bromwell, n.d.). This approach would also try to have the patient develop different patterns of thinking (Bromwell, n.d.). For ex...

Counseling: Exploring the Therapeutic Value

therapeutic value primarily because it is built upon a foundation of solid psychological premises and ideas. It is these ideas whi...

Test Anxiety and Animal Assisted Therapy

challenging mathematical exercises alternating with periods of sitting quietly, during which further measurements were taken (Alle...

Family Systems Theory

goes on to say that the nature of the family is its members being "connected emotionally" (Bowen Center for the Study of the Famil...

Adolescent Depression from a Clinical Perspective

2003, p. 7). The manner by which depression overtakes each gender is a varied as how the illness is ultimately manifested. While...

Pet Therapy for the Elderly

topic has been anecdotal in nature, therefore, Banks and Banks (2002) designed a study utilizing pet therapy, or as they term it, ...

Existential, Client-Centered And Gestalt Therapies

Sharf, 2007). Other central foundational concepts of this approach include the striving for self-awareness, the goal of freedom an...

Is The Broad The Variety Of Choice The US Consumer Market A Good Thing?

efficiency within the market. The ability to offer choice and differences can also be seen as a core foundation and the concept of...

Student Achievement and Classroom Behavior Improvements Through Choice

lead to a "healthy psychological balance" (Tassell, 2004; St Olivers Community College. 2004). People make choices in what they do...

Physical Therapy as a Career

health care fields have provided a substantial body of information about their professionals, physic therapy has not assessed thes...

Social Work Case Study Analysis

and relationships with others. This same psychodynamic theory will be useful in helping NE with her relationship with her daugh...

REBT by Ellis

Ellis joined cognitive therapy with behavioral therapy and introduced it as Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy in the mid-1950s. ...

Adolescents and Art Therapy

This research paper examines literature that discusses the utilization of art therapy in regards to meeting the counseling needs o...

Assessment of Insulin Pump Therapy in Effectiveness of Treating Type I Diabetes Mellitus Study

In twenty five pages the effectiveness of insulin pump therapy in the treatment of Type I Diabetes Mellitus as opposed to magnetic...

Process of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy

A group therapy setting is featured in this research paper consisting of ten pages in which cognition is described in terms of the...

Reality Therapy

Institute, 2006). No progress can be made until this relationship is developed (The William Glasser Institute, 2006). Effective p...

Carcinoma of the Breast

harming healthy cells, which is a negative side effect of both radiation and chemotherapy (Meisheid, 2005). In 2003, the American...

The Call for a Cautious Approach to the Poly-amorous Lifestyle

7 pages and 5 sources utilized. This paper provides an overview of the nature of the poly-amorous lifestyle, with a focus on the ...