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Essays 1 - 30

Evaluating Nursing Programs

This essay discusses different issues related to nursing education program evaluation. These include: influences, regulatory and a...

Evaluating a Nursing Educational Program

The writer looks at the way in which a nursing program may be evaluated to provide instant results. The tool advocated is a self c...

ESL Program Evaluation

This research paper presents a proposed qualitative study that will provide evaluation of a new ESL program at a community college...

HR Training Program Selection and Assessment

In ten pages this paper examines selection and Level 4 assessment as each pertains to human resource training programs. Ten sourc...

New Training Programs Development and Evaluation

In seven pages the new implementation of a training program for a fictitious company is considered along with acquiring program su...

Limiting Junk Food Intake Through a Self Modification Program Design, Application, and Evaluation

related to the learning capabilities of children - with the point he was most enthusiastic about being "the difference in the natu...

Practicum Example for a Nursing Course

of falls in elderly chronic patients at that home. 1c. Discuss findings with supervisor/mentor. 1a. The creation of a detailed...

Evaluating a Program on Special Education

important questions be asked. For instance, he asks a specific question in respect to an example provided: "How well are students ...

Evaluating Health Programs

In a paper of three pages, the research writer expounds upon the system of a SWOT analysis, identifying the strengths, weaknesses ...

Educating Nurses on the Importance of Clean Scissors

and cleaning as a subject for education the need goes beyond the common sense approach. The recognition of the importance indicate...

Nurse Anesthetist Program Letter of Admissions Sample

nurse anesthetist. For one week, I watched the interactions between the nurse anesthetist and other professionals, as well as the...

Training Philosophies According to Donald L. Kirkpatrick

In five pages training programs of organizations are examined as they relate to Donald L. Kirkpatrick's work in an examination of ...

Lone Star College System Analyasis

The crisis of a nursing shortage will continue for at least another three years. Some colleges have added additional programs in a...

Article Analysis/Evidence-Based Practice

study also examined the availability of information resources available to the RN respondents (both at work and at home). Their fi...

Are All Nursing Degrees Created Equal?

the associates course of study to address the very things that can make the greatest difference in patient outcomes and satisfacti...

Advantages of Implemeing Health and Wellness Programs

such a program. Who Initiates and Leads the Program The human resource department would be the group to initiate such a project....

An Evaluation of the Open Court Reading Program

accelerate reading skills among elementary students. This goal has been necessitated by the prevalence of students who were passi...

How a New Teacher Should Teach Reading

a time (Torgesen, 1998). Letter-sound knowledge can be measured by presenting one letter at a time and asking the child what sound...

Disease Management/Hypertension

management (DM) concept Disease management (DM) is defined as a "systematic clinical improvement process," which addresses both ...

Evaluation Theory in Academia

This 25 page paper discusses the field of evaluation with regard to academic programs. The paper includes a literature review of p...

MSN Summary and Evaluation

homes. Rather, it is a high-quality facility dedicated to providing the best of care to its residents. Staff members are employe...

Welfare to Work Program and Family Literacy

work, he or she is expected to work. It also means that if welfare recipients are capable of working, but need education or traini...

CLES+T and Nursing Education

In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at the CLES+T instrument. A nursing education program is evaluated. Paper uses four sou...

Chronic Pain Relief and a Nursing Research Proposal

18 to 89 years old. All of the members of the aggregate have been referred to the alternative program by a physician, ensuring th...

Patient Simulators/Human Patients in Nursing Education

age. Therefore, the patient population is increasing. This factor is also influenced by the fact that that the huge lump in the Am...

Improving Pediatric Care in the ED

graduate nursing hires (Truman, 2004, p. 45). The novice nurses participate in six hours of classroom instruction, plus thirty hou...

Nursing Leadership Scenario

defining the leadership characteristics that would be the focus of this educational effort (Pintar, Capuano and Rosser, 2007). As ...

Health and Alcohol as Perceived by a GP Nurse

those under stress or who are unhappy with their lives. For this reason there has been a higher use in poorer social classes where...

Review of an Article on Nursing

during which time they reviewed data regarding the patient and made adjustments to the clinical care program. The advanced practic...

Domestic Violence Intervention/Study Analysis

the IG or CG groups. Consent forms were completed at each interview, which were conducted by undergraduate interviewers, who were ...