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Essays 1 - 30

Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Prohibition

that it controlled a bipartisan majority of more than two-thirds in each house of Congress by 1916" (Lacey, 2005, p. 45). The arg...

Prohibition: Pros and Cons

the cities themselves. Evangelist Billy Sunday preached a sermon about the evils of alcohol in 1920. Among other things, he said...

Pros and Cons of Mock Juries

In twelve pages this paper evaluates the system of mock juries in terms of their pros and cons....

Deregulating Public Utilities in Pennsylvania

This 3 page paper evaluates the pros and cons of deregulating Pennsylvania's electric companies, and argues that deregulation woul...

Globalization Issues

locations of Japanese companies came to see an entirely different world. Employees were valued for their efforts as well as their...

USA Patriot Act Advantages and Disadvantages

federal government to investigate suspected terrorists quickly and without going through time-consuming bureaucratic channels. Th...

The Confederate Flag

flag they are respecting their history and their ancestors. There are surely individuals out there who are simply ignorant, are an...


Discusses pros and cons of gun control in the U.S. while pointing out that the current solutions aren't particularly effective...

Essay on Nestles Withdrawing Infant Formula from the Third World

nations? Or do we continue to have a presence in these nations, despite poor publicity and the risk that mothers may not use the f...

Internet Technology and Society

As the request in this paper was to analyze implicit system of thought that inform the technology, we can probably use the hypothe...

An Argumentative Essay Presenting Both Sides of Going to the Gym

on maybe getting some kind of a healthy drink or lunch afterward. But are gyms the panacea theyre made out to be?...

Interpersonal Relations Assessed

and physical functioning (See Brooke, 1999). As a result, Bracken outlines 60 psychoeducational assessments that can be used effe...

Pros and Cons of Surrogacy

is able to have their own infant. This, of course, applies to heterosexual couples for there must be a sperm and an egg which can ...

Electoral System of the United Kingdom

This paper examines the United Kingdom's 'first past the post' electoral system in an assessment of its pros and cons in 5 pages....

Marketing of Pornography

This paper assesses the pros and cons of publicly displaying pornographic materials and the harm such marketing can cause in 5 pag...

Pros and Cons of Internet Grocery Retailers

be able to deliver the goods to the customer the same day in a cost effective manner. The potential feasibility for a consumer on ...

Pros and Cons of Animals Being Used for Medical Research Purposes

such critical components as antibiotics, blood transfusions, dialysis, organ transplantation, vaccinations, chemotherapy, bypass ...

Pros and Cons of the US Falling Dollar

In five pages foreign investment is the primary focus in this assessment of the declining US dollar's pros and cons....

Pros and Cons of Abortion

the fetus. Pro-choice individuals often argue that the fetus is nothing more than a part of the womans body, with no more signific...

A Research Proposal for Transition Into E-Commerce

looking for ways to increase turnover and profit and increase competitive advantage. E-commerce has been seen as a tool that may e...

Criminal Justice System Deterrence

There are pros and cons to deterrence programs and some are far more effective than others. Comparing and contrasting these aspec...

Overview of Direct Manipulation Interfaces

the user (Smith, 1997). As a term "direct manipulation" (DM) refers to a style of human-computer interactive design that features...

College Campuses and Alcohol

on their campuses. "Widely used despite its illegality for most undergraduates, alcohol contributes to almost half of all motor ve...

Potential and Impact of Microsoft's Windows XP

standard, which was not a feature in the previous system, while providing improved security (Anonymous, 2002). Summarizing the maj...

Gambling on the Internet

advances have been made, not only in the area of special effects, but in the area of sound, color, home video, and sound effects (...

Primary Care v. Team Nursing

care. The team leader is responsible for overseeing and coordinating all of the elements of care and also delegates care of specif...

Pros and Cons of E-Commerce for SME's

and for many companies these will be higher than initially planned due to hidden or unexpected costs, such as increased fees for t...

Horror Film Genre

The horror films of the 1960s and 70s served to continue the challenge to the legitimacy of capitalist, patriarchal rule. The evol...

Learning Theories of Maria Montessori

their environment, stating that first the senses, then the education of the mind(Wesissglass 1999, see also Schute 2002). ...

Controversy of Cloning Human Beings

this kind of assertion is challenged by medical interests, including corporate interests and the views of medical professionals, w...