YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Evidence Based Nursing Practice and Technology

Essays 121 - 150

Nursing Leadership

that the working environment of the scenario is lacking, as the two nurses who are moonlighting, if this accusation is true, may h...

Entry into Nursing, BSN

This research paper investigates the issue of whether or not a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) should the entry level require...

Role of Nurse Educator

employability: The role of nurse educator requires an advanced practice nursing degree at the graduate levels of masters and docto...

Is There Evidence of Inequality In The US Criminal Justice System?

poverty. There is always a potential bias in any system that has the danger of becoming an inequality. The basis of the law and...

Changing the Scottish Evidence Rules

be heard. The opposite to this is an inquisition system, where there are not different sides, but the aim of finding the truth. Al...

United Kingdom and Evidence That is Illegally Obtained

of the case. Mirfield (1998) in fact focuses on the topic of pretrial evidence and warns about improperly obtained evidence. Altho...

Controversial Evidence

involving torture or the killing of a law enforcement officer, is a plan that does not require scientific proof (Daley, 2004). "Ra...

Changing the Structure of Wimpey

a number of independent units which were autonomous, creating a structure of a group of companies in which could be seen as most c...

Adding MRI to the Orthopedic Practice

for its lack of market-changing competition (Porter and Teisberg, 2004), but competition exists nonetheless, if only indirectly. ...

Power Plants in Texas

alternative new technology plants cost 20% more to build that these models. With any form of energy production there are differi...

Justification Concept and Process

In six pages this paper discusses 'facts' and 'evidence' as they pertain to the justification concept and process....

'Moses and Monotheism' by Sigmund Freud

In five pages social amnesia is examined in terms of the evidence offered by Sigmund Freud in his work....

Against the Practice of Race-Based Jury Nullification

to be guilty, innocent, in order to nullify unfair laws. This is particularly true of black juries finding black defendants innoce...

Assessment of a Paper Regarding Iranian HRM Practices

social context of the area, seeing Iran as an example of a developing country as well as a divergent culture. The development o mo...

Implementing an eBusiness Solution

the traditional mail order and once on the internet, or even twice on the internet. With the traditional mail order when a custome...

Managing Security Challenges

can be perceived then the same measures should deal with the lesser threats. It was a threat based approach that NATO used during ...

Situation Assessment of Kudler Fine Food

finding a new niche market, or expanding on an existing niche market to make up for force in the main market. The company is also...

Can Teamwork Overcome the Negative Aspects Associated with Scientific Management Workplace Practices?

where jobs were not only broken down into component pars, but were examined in a logical manner, so that discretion on how to do t...

New HRM Strategy for CCDC

the use of HRM strategies in a manner that would add value to the operations. There is a very clear human relations approach where...

Power and Practice in Nursing

nursing leadership and the integration of best-practice approaches to nursing care in order to address some distinct issues in the...

APNs and Cardiology

registered nurse (RN) who has obtained a graduate degree, at least a masters. There are four basic APN categories: clinical nurse ...

Problems Facing Advance Practice Nurses

This 11 page paper provides an overview of the issues advance practice nurses face in expanding their practice. This paper demonst...

Discussion Questions for Nursing Practice

In a paper of nine pages, the writer looks at nursing practice. Discussion questions related to education and practice are examine...

Nursing Education and Technology

In a paper of four pages, the writer looks at nursing education and the use of technology. The uses of various technologies are ex...

Advanced Practice Nursing, Various Issues

This research paper offers discussion of a various issues that pertain to advance practice nurses (APNs), such as their involvemen...

Need to Broaden the Scope of Nursing Practice

This research paper discusses the need to broaden the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses, which is recommendation of t...

Importance & Application of Nursing Theory

diabetic education that uses the Neuman Systems Model, which supports and facilitates taking a "holistic view of people with diabe...

Reaction Paper on a Case Study

weaker, less developed than the other. This delayed his walking, and, even after he walked successfully at age 3, it took several ...

A Family Practice Model for Advanced Nursing Practice and Grieving Parents

define what other mechanisms are brought into the healing process. For example, Gordon et al (2002) argue that depending on the v...

The U.S. Air Force and Advanced Practice Nursing

between states and federal regulation. The purpose here is to determine whether the USAF advanced nurse practitioners are "functi...