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Examination of Environmental Justice

river, or a waste dumping site was not attractive, but it was cheap. Some moved in saying it was a place to start, and somehow n...

Environmental Risk Management

Environmental risk management is becoming in recent important within a commercial environment. This 14 page paper looks at a numbe...

The Importance of Biodiversity

beyond the "natural" extinction process and is a direct result of mankind and his abuses of the environment. The problem...

Refocusing Housing Public Policy: An Environmental Impact Study

A 17 page paper discussing environmental justice, policy and environmental law as the concepts apply to Altgeld Gardens, a low inc...

Environment and Business

In a paper consisting of eleven pages the environmental impact of corporations are discussed and include an examination of ethical...

A Recidivism Study

and is a significant problem, but while the problem remains, legal aid programs do little to help. An example of why this is the c...

Aspects of Crime

things in life is to deviate from what is considered by the masses to be normal; in fact, Morpheus points out that it is often con...

Six Country Comparison of Police Force Organization

as long as there is "some consensus about the proper parameters of social protests," as well as how the police and public should r...

Conducting Drug-Use Research/Texas Prisoners

first institution listed in regards to male offenders, which is the James V. Allred prison unit, located just outside of Wichita F...

Organizational Justice and Motivation

that this will impact on behavior. As seen in the Mayos Hawthorne studies, where employees had a good employment relationship with...

United Kingdom Business and Environmental Issues

demand for development and the protection of the environment" As such this can be seen as an attempt to regulate and bring togethe...

'Letter from Birmingham Jail' by Martin Luther King Jr. and Social Justice

the United States. Its ugly record of brutality is widely known. Negroes have experienced grossly unjust treatment in the courts...

Overview of Environmental Justice

In three pages environmental justice is defined and the circumstances that may prove elusive. Three sources are cited in the bibl...

U.S. Emvironmental Policy in 1992

This 6 page paper discusses U.S. international environmental policy, and examines the failure of the U.S. to take its expected lea...

A Global Perspective on Environmental Problems

residents of one country ay be harmed by pollution generated by another (Akimoto, 2003, p1716). These initial early measurements o...

Criminal Justice and Alcoholism

of drug addiction (alcohol included) and they engage in criminal activity to support that addiction. Statistics support this obs...

Environmental Management

companies specialising in cleaning pollution and manufacturing of clean up equipment (Chyssides and Kaler, 1998). An inter...

Environmental Risk Management In the Construction Industry and the Role of the Project Manager

in 2005. Prior to this only 10% of electrical waste was recycled, this legislation makes manufacturers responsible of goods throug...

Theories of Justice, Ancient and Modern

even harder to achieve. This paper considers some of the principles of justice theories, how they differ from utilitarianism, how ...

The Aeneid and Roman Justice

such, the men prepare for the journey, but are instantly faced with a critical setback: Aeneas primary fleet captain Palinurus is ...

Fully Restorative Programs

An 18 page paper which summarizes 3 separate textbooks which analyze fully restorative programs as they relate to the field of ju...

The Criminal Justice System and the Issue of Racism

a great deal of ignorance and disrespect for that individual; just because someone is a member of a certain race does not mean tha...

William Shakespeare's King Lear and Conflicts of Divine vs. Earthly Justice

In six pages the types of justice as defined in this Shakespearean tragedy are considered with the human 'earthly justice' compare...

Criminal Justice System and Fairness

amazed that Bostick consented to the search. The United States Supreme Court held that Bostick had the ability to refuse. ...

Universe, Justice, and Martin Luther King Jr.

any sense of justice. But, the universe, in terms of the cosmic and God does have a concern for justice. As such the future, if th...

Comparisons Between Criminal Justice and Juvenile Justice

idea that juvenile offenders needed to be handled different from adult offenders; as the goal was to retrain the child toward more...

Justice Defined

the group prosper (147). First of all, before considering what constitutes justice within a community, it is first necessary to ...

Environmental Impact of El Nino

no rain - and people died of starvation and disease from lack of water and lack of crops (Goreman, 1998). ENSO also...

Criminal Justice, Social Justice, and Morality

the right to be treated the same as others Conclusion Although we know that the US Constitution guarantees certain rights to its ...