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Examination of International Law

In eight pages international law is defined and its purpose is explained in a consideration of sanctions with independence for Nam...

Sharia Law v. International Human Rights Law

In five pages this paper examines the inherent conflict between Sharia law and Human Rights laws particularly as they involve the ...

Australia's International Arbitration Law and Commercial Arbitration Law

and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Wars (the New York Convention), the UNCITRAL Model Law and the Convention on the Settlement of...

Harmony in Global Trade Law and the International Chamber of Commerce's Role

In forty five pages this paper examines how the ICC creates harmony in global trade law. Fifteen sources are cited in the bibliog...

Law Choice and Applications in International Commercial Disputes

a decision which is based ion evidence resented to them, and without the use of their own knowledge of a matter (Goode, 2000)....

Theories on the Legal Relevance of International Law

1979). As the world has developed from a separated and isolated set of civilisations and societies into what is now referred to as...

Abortion, Surrogacy and Men

providing women with more civil, political and social rights, the traditions of patriarchy and male control of reproduction still ...

Nuclear Testing and International Law

In fifteen pages international law with regard to nuclear testing is examined in a consideration of the South Pacific nuclear test...

Businesses and International Law

the seeking of an injunction and force compliance with the law (August, 2000). There is also the potential for action to be bro...

Sources of International Law

from being true law (Hart, 1994). He states there is an argument that this cannot be the case as the evolution is different; there...

International Law Matters

centralized law-maker, a centralized executive enforcer, and a centralized, authoritative decisionmaker," it seems that there is n...

Could the Leaders of Boko Haram be Charged with Crimes Agsinst Humanity?

Boko Haram are an Islamic jihadist organization based in Nigeria who became known for the kidnapping of more than 200 Christian s...

Israel/Lebanon Crisis

higher moral ground according to international law? Does any of them? The following examination of this crisis looks at it from th...

Have International Human Rights Really Changed Over the Last Sixty Years?

is a law that is more basic that that which is made by man, supports of this such as Aristotle and the stoics such as Cicero and S...

Terrorism Perceptions and International Law

a simultaneous attack on the Pentagon itself. The sanctity of U.S. political borders had been attacked as it had at no other poin...

Uniform Code Value, European Law, Contract Law, and the 'Battle of the Forms'

In 28 pages the impact of globalization on twenty first century European contract law is assessed in a paper trail that covers amo...

Great Britain and its Environment of International Trade

In a paper containing ten pages the international trade environment of Great Britain is examined in terms of international trade f...

Transnational Effects of Terrorism

groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience (Dammer and Fairchild 294). Terrorism can occur within t...

'Keeping the Peace' with International Law

to provide a structure for keeping the peace. The same is true for international law, the rules of a classroom or the advice of a...

State Responsibility and International Law

In six pages this paper uses student submitted case information in an examination of aliens and state responsibility in an intern...

Drug Cartels in Colombia

The evolving drug threat in Colombia and other South American source zone nations. Retrieved 6 Feb 2004 from http://usembassy.stat...

Meanings of Copyright Laws

International and domestic copyright laws are considered in this paper containing 8 pages which includes discussion of Internet co...

UK Law

In five pages this paper discusses UK law in an overview of governmental structure, the making of laws, and international law with...

Question Five in a Reebok Analysis

In ten pages this paper examines Reebok International's weaknesses and strategic implementation problems....

Issues in English Employment Law

entitled to a long notice period or the employee is entitled to a valuable remuneration package (DiscLaw Publishing Ltd, Wrongful,...

Business and the Law

The writer looks at a number of different facets of the law which impact either directly or indirectly on businesses. The consider...

International Law Evolution

the World Trade Organization, but other changes such as increased intolerance of corruption are based in heightened awareness of e...

Reviewing the International Criminal Court

a pivotal player in the precursors to the ICC. The Geneva Convention, signed into effect in 1864, was one of these precursors. I...

Arms Control Agreements and International Law

accord with previous established treaty accords. For example, Iran is currently challenging the dictums of the Nuclear Non-Proli...

International Laws and Categories of Intellectual Property

than one might imagine. For instance, shortly after the WTO was established, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Hu...