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Excalibur, A Cinematic Representation of Arthurian Legend

his sword and kneels commanding that his enemy should knight him. Overcome with Arthurs bravery, as the noble could just as easily...

Arthurian Legend in Bernard Cornwell's Excalibur A Novel of Arthur and John Boorman's Film Excalibur

The different Arthurian legend portrayals of this novel and film are contrasted and compared in eight pages. There are no other s...

The Once and Future King by T.H. White

In six pages various Arthurian legends are compared with The Once and Future King by T.H. White in terms of time period and the ch...

The Significance of the Arthurian Legend

In eight pages this research paper discusses the impact upon the Arthurian legend upon medieval literature and includes The Weddin...

Arthurian Legend Role Played by Morgan Le Fey

pagan religions, and therefore belief in her fading, being overtaken by the new religion of Christianity. A comparison ca...

Arthurian Legends and the Depiction of Women

The earliest texts of Arthur skim over the women, focusing mainly on the achievements of King Arthur himself, and his success in b...

Magical Applications of the Legend of King Arthur

King Arthur was the only one who could have united all of England because he was the embodiment of the old and new ways. As such, ...

An Analysis of the Arthurian Legend

and the Lion which he saves from a snake dragon. ANALYSIS: The story of Yvains reconciliation with Laudine mimics that whic...

Guinevere and Lancelot/Their Love in 2 Films

no adultery, save for stolen kisses, which of course are observed and thereby cause conflict, anguish for Arthur; exile for Lance...

"Lanval" - Subversion of Gender Norms in Arthurian Legend

of masculinity. As the poem opens, Lanval, a noble knight in the service of Arthur, is overlooked during a feast at which Arthur g...

Guinevere's Role in Arthurian Legend

This discussion examines the manner in which the legend developments the character and role of Guinevere and how it changed over t...

Antigone Legend and Myth

( "Unmoved by the dissuading counsel of an affectionate but timid sister, and unable to procure assistance, she determi...

American Culture Literary Comparison of Washington Irving and Nathaniel Hawthorne

and... evokes that stage of Puritanism when a diminished conviction was beginning to be replaced by a somewhat hypocritical moral ...

Cinematic and Literary Representations of Vanity

necromantic books are heavenly!" (Marlowe, Act 1, Li 40-50). Having made his decision to...

Cinematic Gender Representation

choice to live and abide by a certain set of unwritten expectations. The movie, Menage, directly challenges this idea. Powrie al...

Frame Concept and Cinematic Representation

surprise twist at the end - the camera, representing the subjective perspective of the audience, is "run over" by a car rather tha...

Three Decades of Cinematic Representations of Their Respective Times

In six pages this report analyzes how Gold Diggers of 1933, Casablanca, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers each represent their re...

Martin Scorsese Cinematic Comparison

In nine pages Bringing Out the Dead and Taxi Driver are contrasted and compared in terms of themes, characterization, and cinemati...

Tremors Science Fiction Film Review

to avoid being consumed, Bacon, Ward, Finn and a number of townspeople spend a significant amount of time on the roof of houses, h...

Africa's Cinematic History

Africa had been claimed by one European nation or another. The nations claiming Africa were Belgium, France, Germany, Great Bri...

Art Questions

page. The use of negative space to enhance the darkness of the central image is important to creating a tone for the site, and th...

Oleanna by David Mamet

In five pages this play in three acts is analyzed in its representation of themes emotional warfare, power, and sex....

Birth Defects and Vitamin A Overuse

In five pages this paper discusses how birth defects including those involving the cranial neural crest and retinal issues can be ...

Excalibur in The Once and Future King

King. The sword in the stone had words on it that stated "Whoso Pulleth Out This Sword of this Stone and Anvil, is...


on product leadership. Stanley is in very good shape, in many ways. Stanley is a brand that many people recognize. Weve been aroun...

Mozart/The Appeal of Don Juan

While "Figaro" ends with marriage substantiated and the framework of society intact, "Don Giovanni" threatens that world with indi...

American Interpretations of Film Noir

of America had suffered through more than 15 years of deprivation in one form or another. The Great Depression that began with th...

Cognitive Cinema Theory and Narration

night light. It sits in bedrooms and living rooms but has become something one does in place of nothing. Rather than sitting and r...

Film and TV Adaptations of King Lear, Hamlet, and Othello

of Hamlets famous soliloquies, except for the ones which heightened dramatic impact, such as "To Be or Not to Be." He shrewdly ch...

Alfie Kohn's The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes

reward. He has been joined by a number of other theorist, each of whom present their own social cognitive theories. Several of t...