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Essays 31 - 60

The Human Resource Planning Process

right cost" (Anonymous, 2008). This is not today definition of human resource planning, as it focuses on the strategic aspects, a...

The Peter Principle And Human Resource Management

to do with the inertia of hierarchies in any type of organization wherein those who are promoted are not innovative but rather, th...

Human Resource Management and the Case of AXEON

be effective motivators, but they may help to prevent dissatisfaction, and the higher order needs, which start with the need for r...

Improving Human Resources in Health Care

The vision is to be a leader in providing high quality health care services. Their values include a customer-focus and to exceed t...

HRM as a Self Descriptive Term

way of performing a task, this was seen in the well known studies at Bethlehem Steel works, it was also seen in the work of Frank ...

Human Resource Management at a Telecommunications Company

high level of reliance on technical skills of relatively few employees as well as services standards, at both customer contact poi...

Human Resource Management: A Comparison Between Civilian and Military Management

warranted, but upon careful examination there are more similarities in military HR and private sector HR than one might think. Fir...

What Is Strategic Human Resource Management?

advantage has been the result of its employee base, this may be due to the level of service provided, as seen in the company such ...

Human Resources: Hospital Case Study

privately-owned not-for-profit partnership that was established more than four decades ago (Doctors Hospital, 2005). Briefly state...

Industrial Relations and HRM

(Silva, 1997). In todays organization development literature, we consistently find the word strategic - strategic planning, strate...

Connection Between HRM and Human Resource Development

both external and internal; the use of organizational teams and cross functional teams; an emphasis on problem solving using teams...

Health Care, Human Resource Training, and the Value of Marketing

In five pages this paper examines health care organizations' human resources and discusses the values of marketing and human resou...

Ethics and HR Professionals

In eighteen pages this paper examines ethics from a human resources perspective in a consideration of issues including responsibil...

Personnel Management v. Human Resource Management

In nine pages this paper presents a model case study in which differences between personnel management and human resource manageme...

Human Resource Managers' Activities

on. However, the "core roles" of HRM which McNamara lists are primarily concerned with the workplace, including as they do o...

Human Resources Management and Boeing

knowledge assets and, as a result, ended up creating a competitive advantage across many Boeing departments and divisions (Anonymo...

Human Resource Managements and Its Functions

then we can also it is common sense for aspects such as planning organising and leading as part of this role. The extent of these ...


as governmental organizations are - but if those private entities engage in business with a governmental agency, this is an act th...

Expressing Love for the United States

pavilions from all different nations, and its possible to buy food and authentic merchandise from the country youre visiting. The...

Federal Bureaucracy

order to coordinate the Union war effort (Federal Bureaucracy) It was in the nineteenth century that Western democracies began ...

HRIS Discussion

Since the 1990s, information systems have played a key role in managing the functions of this division. Today, human resource info...

Evolution of Assistance to the Needy

The history of human services and social welfare in the United States began long before the federal government stepped into the pi...

Resource Management and its Impact on Public Health

This paper emphasizes the importance of resource management and how it impacts human health. The poor are often harder hit by poo...

The Management of Human Resources and Reward Management

To appreciate this each subject may be considered in turn. Resourcing may be seen as making sure that the right resources...

HR, Quantitative and Qualitative Research

requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative research information. A popular phrase (or some variation of it) in many o...

Marriott Hotels Resource Use Effectiveness

When considering resources we need to remember that this covers a very wide area, form the financial resources of capital and reve...

Conditions at the Otis South Africa Corporation

In ten pages this presents an investigation of human resources' management problems as they pertain to Otis South Africa with a ni...

Tips for HRM When Resources are Limited

objectives (Eyre 2008, p. 20). Other authors also report that it is essential for companies to continue offering training progr...

Management of Criminal Justice

officials by giving them a clear cut series of tasks to accomplish. What this would tend to do, one might state, is to give the of...

Human Resources Management and the Impact of ADA

(2003). Also, in order to be considered disabled, the individual must have a record of such an impairment or is regarded as having...