YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Female Coming of Age as Seen in West Indian Literature

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Female Coming of Age as Seen in West Indian Literature

family life. Annie John can be seen as a typical; adolescent, not only of Antigua or of West India, but of adolescents as a whol...

Dan Hillman's The Peaceful Warrior

may have perceived myself as a moderate, it has been brought home to me enough times, that I can no longer pretend it is my person...

Why Are Female Stereotypes in Advertising Still Effective?

displays of identity and values, which, for the main part are perceived as a result of product placement and marketing the the lin...

Plains Indians' Tipi

plains. Their mobile lifestyle necessitated mobile housing. The tipi was the result. Sometimes misspelled as "teepee", the tipi...

Thomas A. Bailey and the Trail of Tears

as noted above deserves some further expansion so that we know how to respond to it. When he discusses Baileys remarks, Peloso is ...

Bildungsroman in Samuel Richardson's Pamela and Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe

life of misery which was to befall me" (Defoe). Crusoes defiance of his father relates also to his willfulness toward God, who, ...

'Indian Camp' by Ernest Hemingway and the Theme of Coming of Age

may have relevance to the overall plot. What seem to exude from this short story are the elements of pain and fear....

Morally Justifying Mutilation of Female Genitals

sexuality of the individual. However, FGM is far more drastic and damaging than male circumcision. A more appropriate analogy woul...

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

magazine contest whose prize is the opportunity to work in New York City for a month. She is a sensitive and highly intelligent wo...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

Human Behavior According to Freud and Nietzsche

is something that is not synonymous with love. At the same time, the sexual system is more than just something that involves a man...

Bronte's Jane Eyre and Female Emancipation

her intellectualism, Bertha is a victim of her own sexual desires. Bronte tried to provide a useful guide to women of her time in ...

Opportunities for Women of Color in the American West

school systems and particularly in the realm of higher education at a time when only those with financial means were able to atten...

Female Sex Offenders and the Prison Environment

the number of suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect topped 1.9 million cases; by 1994, over 3.1 million children were rep...

Concept Analysis: Aging

identifying the uses of the concept and its defining attributes (Walker and Avant, 1995). The steps involved also include defining...

Female Police Officers

The literature makes it very clear that female police officers face more challenges and have fewer opportunities than male office...

Literature and the West's Medieval and Renaissance Cultures

Dantes (1999) Florentine origin, one first must ascertain the reasons why people are drawn to his work. Is it that poems are enjo...

Collapse of the West Indian Federation

2005). They would possess "internal self-government for each unit territory" (Sanders, 2005). These ideas, however, did not come...

Comparing the Impact of Colonization in Brand's 'Blues Spiritual for Mammy Prater' and Walcott's 'A Far Cry from Africa'

the struggle of colonization of the West Indies and slavery issues from conception to independence. In his poem "A Far Cry from Af...

West Indian and Italian Immigration to the U.S.

cities could eventually be found in New York, Chicago, Boston and other metropolitan areas (Hutchmacher, 1967). It was these Littl...

Brain Response/Males & Aggression

et al, 2006). In this study, it was found that girls at every age demonstrated "more self-regulated, committed compliance and less...

Strategic Plan for Dell

computer users - and therefore buyers - insist that they will not purchase another Dell computer unless and until Dell provides so...

India's Economy Analyzed

scientific advancements made by India concern their testing of nuclear bombs. This development has resulted in sanctions being iss...

Comparative Analysis of Technological Development in the West and East

In this paper consisting of 30 pages attempts at understanding the development of technology Eastern and Western cultures are disc...

Old West Forts as Centers of Trade

In twelve pages this paper examines how the forts of the Old West served as trade centers with references made to the historical t...

American Indian Sovereignty

The indigenous peoples of the Americas have suffered long and hard since their juxtaposition of their cultures against those of th...


practices in India and Pakistan, and how they impact the textile, carpet and apparel industries. Teach the Children Well I...

The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan and Oppositions

In five pages this paper discusses how the author portrays East and West cultural oppositions....

The Black West by William Katz

simply slaves. They were not simply second rate human beings but have constantly played a very vital role in the history of the na...

Changing Driver’s License Age Limits to Save Lives

description shows the factors that are common in crashes involving teens: a 16-year old boy was driving; he was in an SUV; there w...