YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Fiction Comparison of Toni Morrison and Ishmael Reed
Essays 1 - 30
In five pages The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison is compared with Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed in terms their very different tragic an...
This 6 page paper argues that Toni Morrison's book Beloved exposes the way in which white culture dictates black identity....
This 4 page paper describes Toni Morrison's use of imagery and metaphor in her novel Tar Baby....
This 5 page paper analyzes Toni Morrison's novel Sula. Primary source only....
This 5 page paper compares and contrasts Toni Morrison's book Jazz with Louis Armstrong's song Black and Blue....
In five pages the social commentary featured in Walter Moseley's White Butterfly and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye are contrasted...
that, in truth, Morrison never reveals the race of the two characters although most people will assume that one is black and the o...
as we can see from works such as Toni Morrisons Beloved, slavery was a moral and psychological evil whose effects were felt -- and...
segments correlates with the seasons. The section about "See Jane," is really about Pecola, as opposite a presentation from the w...
This 6 page paper discusses the concept of the separation between the Self and Other, as realized by Toni Morrison in her novel Su...
In six pages this paper examines how 'home' and 'self' are conceptually depicted in Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko and Beloved by...
This 5 page paper analyzes Toni Morrison's novel "Jazz," and argues that Toni Morrison uses jazz and sexual identity as ...
has been missing in his life and that his values and priorities are backward and unfulfilling. For example, by the time Milkman jo...
very powerful historical examinations because slave narratives are a very powerful part of the historical examination of slavery a...
Sula because she has divorced herself so completely from her own emotions. By the end of the novel, both characters come to the re...
girl before she is stopped. It is this sin -- the sin of Cain, to murder ones own flesh and blood -- that traps Sethe both in tim...
This 5 page paper examines the structure of Toni Morrison's novel Sula. The writer argues that Morrison uses the friendship betwee...
bedroom and gently holds him. Then she pours kerosene over the sleeping man and burns him to death. Morrison writes that Plum ope...
This 6 page paper is a biography of Toni Morrison, the renowned African-America author. The writer examines some of the events in ...
In 5 pages this paper examines the various narrative techniques these authors employ in a contrast and comparison of these novels ...
typical, but maybe too stereotypical. He is someone who today would appear on The Jerry Springer Show. His life has always been dy...
Sula deals with the lives of these two opposed characters, The novel opens at the time when the girls were around the age of twel...
In six pages the concept of freedom through death as a release from life's hardships is examined through such works as William Fau...
In six pages this paper examines realiites of Pilate, Hagar, and Milkman in a consideration of the point of view featured in Toni ...
This paper contrasts and compares different images of being an American in eight pages as represented in Toni Morrison's The Blues...
this 5 page paper summarizes the main issues Toni Morrison discusses in her award-winning novel Beloved. In particular, the writer...
This paper addresses Toni Morrison's use of misnaming and other dramatic techniques. This six page paper has no additional source...
In twelve pages this paper examines confrontation in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and in Toni Morrison's Jazz. One othe...
This 5 page paper analyzes the first chapter of Song of Solomon, a novel by Toni Morrison. The writer suggests that in this openin...
girl who is rejected by nearly everyone. In fact, so too is her family as the lot of them is cursed with ugliness and rejection. ...