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Film The Matrix and the Philosophies of Rene Descartes and Jean Paul Sartre

the world, but only derive essence later. In other words, a human is nothing to start with, and the essence of the person comes fr...

Humanism and Existentialism

whatever they become, defining their being through a projection of what they foresee of themselves in the future....

Historical Context Regarding Philosophy's Intent

In fifteen pages this paper examines the intention of philosophy from a historical perspective that includes consideration of phil...

Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

The revolutionary philosophy of Rene Descartes as it is presented within Meditations on First Philosophy is explained in an essay ...

Existentialism, God, and Man’s Purpose

The philosophy of existentialism originated among late nineteenth century philosophers such as Keirkegaard...

Philosophy Defined by Philosphers

explain why this is so. Descartes also questioned the ability of a dreamer to know whether or not he is dreaming. Many people do a...

Philosophical Arguments Pertaining to God's Existence

In twenty pages this research paper considers philosophical arguments pertaining to God's existence as argued in support and in op...

God According to Jean Paul Sartre, Immanuel Kant, and Rene Descartes

In six pages this research paper and essay considers how God's existence or lack thereof was argued by these three philosophers. ...

Jean Paul Sartre, Taxi Driver Film, and Existentialism

In five pages existentialism is examined and then discussed within the context of Martin Scorsese's film Taxi Driver and Jean Paul...

Taxi Driver, J.P. Sartre, and Existentialism

In fourteen pages this paper considers the philosophical concept existentialism and then applies it to the 1976 film Taxi Driver a...

James Cameron's Film Titanic and the Existentialist Philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre

This paper applies existentialism to an analysis of the character Jack in the Titanic film by director James Cameron in 5 pages. ...

Descartes and "The Matrix"

essentially wrong is when words appear on his computer screen-something that should not happen-and hes told to "follow the white r...

Jean Paul Sartre's Existentialism Revealed in His Play No Exit

difficult to define as it is a philosophy that originated with one philosopher (Kierkegaard) but has been embraced by a good numbe...

Moral Certainty and the Existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre

In five pages this paper examines how moral certainty is attacked by the existentialist philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre. Two sourc...

Are Principles Chosen or Inherited?

the society and, subsequently, from the self. Sartres concept of alienation was certainly different from Marxs. Of course, Mar...

Essence is Preceded by Existence

is characterized in a particular way; Sartre argues that "conflict is the original meaning of being-for- others." (Baron, 2002, PG...

Utopia and Hell Visions in the Works of More, Voltaire, and Sartre

woman who all her life has rejected any opportunity to choose her path in life, as well as any responsibility for her actions; and...

Similar Values of the Greek Stoics and Jean Paul Sartre

of the fact that the Stoics believed that natural evils were an aspect of existence that could not be overcome, those who possesse...

History and Theory

In ten pages and 3 sections student posed questions on Karl Marx's writings, Jean Paul Sartre's historical materialism concepts, a...

Student Questions on Theory and History Answered

A paper consisting of ten pages and 3 sections answers various questions on French history, Karl Marx, and Jean Paul Sartre's hist...

Practicality of Existentialism

if coincidences are meaningless activities created by the individual thinker who indeed creates his own universe? It is really dif...

Love in “No Exit”

cousins wife and when he was killed by a tram, Inez took her in (Sartre). But Inez tortured Florence by constantly reminding her o...

Jean-Paul Sartre/The Flies

plagued by both flies and a sense of overwhelming guilt. The stage is dominated by a statue of Zeus, "god of flies and death," whi...

Comparing the Philosophies of Plato, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Paul Sartre

In seven pages this paper presents a comparative analysis of these theorists' philosophies and how each of them would critique the...

First Meditation of Rene Descartes

Most people like an ordered existence. It makes them feel comfortable with the real uncertainty of life. Descartes made "doubt" a ...

Thomas Hobbes' and Jean Paul Sartre's Theories

In about nine pages short essays consider the contradictions that appear in the theories of Sartre and Hobbes. There is no biblio...

Jean Paul Sartre's No Exit

In five pages this paper examines the theme of freedom to make individual choices as depicted in No Exit, a 1944 play by French Ex...

'Evil Genius' and Rene Descartes

significance despite scholarly interpretations to the contrary, because Descartes, himself, rejects this line of reasoning (109). ...

Dualism Philosophy of Rene Descartes

mind may receive sensory perceptions from the brain, but it is able to act freely, based on thought processes. While it may have ...

Jean Paul Sartre's 'The Wall' and Existentialism

In four pages Sartre's short story is examined in terms of how existentialism is contained within. There are no sources listed....