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Essays 1 - 30

First Two Books of The Republic by Plato

In two pages this paper considers Plato's use of tetralogy organization in an overview of Books I and II of The Republic. There a...

Justice Discovered by Socrates in Books Two and Four of The Republic by Plato

offer a profusion of pleasures... injustice pays better than justice" (364b). Next, Socrates appeared to shift gears and direct t...

Ship of State Metaphor in Book VI of Plato's The Republic

reaching true conclusions and therefore may use their knowledge of language and logic to confuse the average person on the issues ...

Sports and Music in Book III of Plato's The Republic

between the citizens. Taken together, the guardians are people who are skilled in governing certain areas. However, these two type...

Book 4 of Plato's Republic, 'Justice of the City'

what it is that you "can do," and then doing that for the good of the group - in this case the city. The unification of the virtu...

Contemporary Courts and Books Six and Seven of Plato's The Republic

In four pages this paper discusses the contemporary court system and considers Plato's philosophy on leadership as presented in Th...

Books V and VIII of The Republic by Plato

advent of history. When women were allowed to work in the factories during World War II, it was found that the women were actually...

Book VII of The Republic by Plato and Its 'Allegory of the Cave'

much like ourselves. As this suggests, Socrates means to make it clear that this allegory has relevance to the realities of everyd...

Book I of Republic by Plato and Justice

In 6 pages this paper critically analyzes Socrates argument regarding justice in this text and the use of logical deduction by Pla...

Morality, Justice and Books I and II of The Republic by Plato

"clearness and accuracy" (336d). He elaborates in section 338c that while there are different forms of governments, each one "defi...

Justice and Injustice in The Republic by Plato

means. The function of justice is to improve human nature, which is inherently constructive. Therefore, at a minimum, justice i...

Cave Allegory in The Republic by Plato

of Nature. He has also noted that while the 20th century has involved a great deal of specialization, the 21st century will be a ...

Plato's 'Gyge's Ring'

at once managed for himself to become one of the envoys to the king ; upon arrival, having seduced his wife, with her help, he lai...

The Republic by Plato and Justice According to Socrates

with sickness, or the pilot who helps friends against "the perils of the sea" (Plato Book I). He then inquires into "what sort of ...

Analogy, Plato, and Rousseau

a familiar kind of Socratic dialogue about justice, just as the Euthyphro is about piety and the Meno is about virtue. The Republi...

Socrates, Plato, 'Allegory of the Cave' and Phaedo

as a teacher, is to free his students from the cave and metaphorically drag them into the sunlight. The selection from Phaedo reco...

'Beautiful and Just Things,' 'Just' and Plato's The Republic and Phaedo

In six pages this paper discusses the philosophical distinctions Socrates made between these two concepts as presented in Plato's ...

Critical Thinking, 'Allegory of the Cave' and The Republic by Plato

prisoners were suddenly unshackled and forced to turn around and face the fire. To begin with, he would be blinded by its brillian...

Plato's 'Republic' and a Consideration of Rational Intellect and Emotions

good gifts to their friends and family but often do not have the expenses which would allow them to do so. However, people may use...

Aristotle, Plato, and the Influence of Socrates

as the Socratic dialogue that in many ways can be compared to todays constructivist approach to education in which he "drew forth ...

Kaku's Universe Theory and Plato's Allegory of the Cave

In five pages Kaku's theory of the universe is compared and contrasted with Plato's cave allegory that is featured in Book VII of ...

Tyranny in The Republic by Plato

for an impartial judge; one who would not be swayed by public opinion and "hype" to pre-judge the tyrant. With themselves a...

Definition of Tyranny in The Republic by Plato II

In order to effectively answer this, they decide on the necessity for an impartial judge who could not be made to choose a biased ...

Open Mindedness and The Republic by Plato

a weapon to the hands of a madman is obviously unjust. Taylor (2003) comments on how this refutation of Cephalus position demonstr...

Republic of Plato and 'the Just City'

how ones intellect cannot be considered a gender. In other words, intelligence is intelligence regardless of where it is housed. ...

Human Nature as Perceived by Plato

In five pages this paper examines Plato's views on human nature as they are presented in The Republic with the 'Good City,' societ...

The Republic by Plato and Poetry

like Hades and the underworld; Tiresias the blind seer; and other references to death and dying (Plato). They decide they have to...

Leadership View of Plato in The Republic

In five pages this report examines Plato's perspectives on leadership as they are reflected in The Republic. One source is cited ...

Plato's Republic and Five Essay Questions

self-destruction. Socrates proposes many people in the simple city would not be satisfied forever with a simple way of life (Pla...

Consequences of Morality in The Republic by Plato

concepts that are far beyond his level of comprehension, only to ultimately be able to process the information. To reach true m...