YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Five Empirical Studies on PTSD

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Five Empirical Studies on PTSD

3. a sense or action that suggests that the traumatic event is recurring, and in young children, trauma-specific reenactment may o...

Case Study on Fictitious Company Empirical Chemicals' Strategy

In seven pages this student provides fictitious company case study examines Empirical Chemicals' corporate fragmentations through ...

Iraqi Veterans/PTSD, A Case Study

event, which is capable of causing PTSD symptoms. Complex trauma, however, is when the individual experiences prolonged, repeated ...

Two Studies of Information Technology

gratification and for some purchases the inability to see and feel what they are. These different elements are seen as reassuring ...

Emotionally Abused Spouses

There is a great deal written about both physical and emotional spousal abuse. There are many empirical studies published about ef...

Children's Language Development

This paper reviews and offers conclusions on empirical literature that pertains to young children's language development. Seven pa...

Leaderhip Studies in Education

was a unique study in that it was both quantitative and qualitative. The study included 132 school districts in Virginia. The core...

A Review: Bae (2011)

This research paper presents a review of the research conducted by Bae (2011). This study consists of a systematic review of empir...

PTSD, Effects on Life Circumstances

This research paper describes the symptoms of PTSD, but then goes on to discuss the effects that PTSD has on the lives of its vict...

Educating the Public About Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

loved ones. One means of instilling a better understanding of PTSD is education. The National Center for PTSDs (2009) website sho...

Proposed Study/PTSD and Parents

(PTSD) is associated with the trauma experienced by soldiers, PTSD can develop due to having experienced any form of intense traum...

Journal Article Review Delinquency

This essay reports an empirical research study that focused on the effect of neighborhoods on juvenile delinquency and recidivism....

Diversity of Racism in the Workplace

and dynamics" should be openly discussed (Constantine and Sue, 2007, p. 142). The "general purpose of this study was to explore ...

Empirical Research Report on Violence in Schools

within the past two decades. Latch-key kids, single- and no-parent families, emotionally absent parents, working parents -- all t...

Crtically Analyzing an Empirical Study

premise of the studies presented, then, is to determine whether the fears that are created as a result of this belief in focus are...

Organizational Behavior and Customer Satisfaction

changes. Gomes, et al. (2003) investigate a company in the textile industry, one that supplies knitted clothing to its cust...

Article Analysis on Empirical Research

In nine pages this paper discusses empirical types of research in an assessment of one study's methodology based upon external and...

Multicultural Educational Environment and Counseling Issues

In eight pages African American students are examined in terms of literature regarding dropout rates for adolescents and college s...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

In fourteen pages and 4 parts this paper examines PTSD and Albert Ellis' REBT in a study recommendations for the combination of Po...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Used in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

a result, more diagnoses have been made (Grinage, 2003). It is now something that is also associated with trauma stemming from chi...

DSM IV Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment of PTSD

after the exposure to the initiating traumatic event (Stein, 2002). If PTSD-like symptoms become evidence and are intense prior to...

Argument Against Using Supplements of Vitamin C

In five pages this research paper argues that vitamin C supplements in large doses are not sufficient to cure diseases and offers ...

Company Earnings and Dividends

In nine pages this paper examines how dividends can be studied in order to understand a company's present and future earnings with...

United States, Crime, and Drugs

a large proportion of its budgetary resources enforcing drug laws. Drug-related arrests have gone up 50 percent over the last ten ...

Elementary Classroom Learning and Music Instruction

level math and science problems. In a subsequent study that replicated this research, again, the results showed that the students ...

Leading in Education

2009). Contingency styles consider the relationship between the leader and follower, the specific task, and power (Doyle & Smith, ...

The G-Spot, Real or Myth?

as to whether or not the G-spot actually exists from the time that Dr. Ernst Grafenberg first described it in 1950. At that time, ...

Which is Worse Carbs or Fats

Diet Revolution in 1972. It was at about the same time that Americans were just accepting the official notices that saturated fat ...

Student Retention Two-Year Institution

This paper describes a program to retain at risk students in community colleges. The program is based on empirical studies that id...

Empirical Research

that there is a great deal of literature searching in quantitative research. This is provided towards the beginning of the study a...