YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Four Issues Regarding the History of Australia

Essays 1 - 30

Four Issues Regarding the History of Australia

also occurred in numerous nations in the mid- to late-1950s through the 1970s (Spooner, 2002). The focus of this wave included: "e...

Refugees in Australia

Convention of 1951, dealing specifically with refugees and rules for asylum. Those who flee their country of origin to escape pol...

Australia's Lend Lease Corporation

million 38 xix. Operating profit before tax (Answer in dollars; making sure to provide the unit of measurement (millions; 000s) A...


without a whole lot of trouble. But is an open economy necessarily a good thing for Australia? What, exactly, are the advantages o...

Douglas Robertson's Wake Up Australia

however, and we begin to feel that the poem will clearly focus on some political argument. He then introduces the word "white" ...

Australia's System of National Identification

This source suggests that these kinds of prevenative measures may not be as beneficial as original perceived. Davies, S. (1996)...

American History

experience in the war for a soldier other than seeing battle, worrying about home as it became vulnerable, dreaming of freedom and...

Haunted America by Patricia Limerick

people who eventually fought each other had prior history together. "Before whites and Indians would feel inclined to fight each o...

Organ Transplant Policy: Australia

cell research. Federal legislation passed in December, 2002 placed significant boundaries upon how and when stem cells can be inc...

Issues in Australian Law

The second basis of the appeal was that evidence of an alibi had been excluded by the initial trial judge under s.150 of the Crimi...

Australia and Medicare

the poorest communities, in terms of income level, have the lowest standard of health: a group which practises low-risk behaviours...

Biography of Gail Kelly

this school and during her final year became a school prefect (The Age, 2005). Gail then went to study Latin and modern history ...

Social Responsibility, Terminally Ill Citizens, and Euthanasia

In five pages euthanasia is explored in terms of history, types, and issues of economics, living wills, and human rights....

Reilly on Extermination Camps and Imperialism of the 19th Century

In five pages this paper discusses how this historian presents these issues from history....

Twenty First Century and Appropriateness of Australia's Constitution

to address the current realities of the American people. As visionary as the men who created the American constitution were, they ...

Australian Manufacutring and Workplace Employment Changes

In six pages the changes in Australia's manufacturing industry with regards to a softening of school of management human relations...

A Multinational Real Estate Company

billion worth of commercial, agricultural and residential real estate annually" (Knight Frank, Factsheet, 2010, p. 1). Every offic...

Issues Concerning Child Abuse

Tom. Jennifer flatly states that she has been locked out of the house at night in punishment for objecting to being sent to her ro...

Global Links and Australia

in the Singapore-Malaysia area, the arrangement obligates members to consult in the event of external threat and provides for stat...

Australia and Compulsory Voting

not know the candidates nor how they feel about a particular issue. Votes derived from some citizens may not be as desirable as th...

Equity, Responsiveness, Merit, and HRM

In eleven pages human resource management is examined as it pertains to Australia's public sector in a consideration of such relev...

Was the Iraq War Illegal?

In 2003 the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia invaded Iraq. The war was controversial, justified to many of the ele...

The Australian Experience of Multiculturalism

there needs to be the cross cultural experiences, this creates understanding and is more likely to result in cohesion, as fear is ...

Australian's Negligence Tort

In eight pages this paper discusses issues of negligence in this examination of Australia's tort law and the relationship between ...

Australia's Occupational Safety and Health Act

In fourteen pages this report examines Australia's OSHA standards and various issues of relevance particularly as they relate to d...

Australia's System of Criminal Justice and Mental Illness

evidence in a large amount of literature that there is a link between mental illness and crimes (Drake and Pathe, 2004). T...

Australian Cross Cultural Experiences

at the dominant culture as the principle culture and then at others which have subsequently entered, this undermines the indigenou...

Australian Immunization Issues and Policies

should the MMR immunization series (measles, mumps, rubella); the DTP series (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) and the polio vaccin...

Australia's 1914 Crime Acts

In four pages this paper considers Australia's 1914 Crime Acts in a discussion of how law evolved and changed. Four sources are c...

Australia, Law, and Women

In a Canadian Bar Association report, minority women working in the public sector indicated that their career choices were more li...