YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Essays 61 - 90

The Life and Times of Federico Garcia Lorca

This paper discusses the life of Spanish dramatist and lyricist Federico Garcia Lorca. The author examines how his life was affec...

Color Blue and Dreaming in Cuban by Christina Garcia

The significance of the color blue in Garcia's text is contemplated in eight pages. There are no other sources listed....

Christina Garcia's Dreaming in Cuban

In five pages effectiveness and character are examined through a sociopolitical analysis of Garcia's Dreaming in Cuban novel. The...

The Message of Misogyny in Márquez's 'Love in the Time of Cholera'

This paper examines Marquez's use of misogyny as a thematic element in this work. This five page paper has no additional sources ...

Marquez’ “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” - Realism and Faith

man recovers not his sight but his lost teeth for instance (Marquez, 2002). In other words, the old mans angelic nature is offset ...

Arguedas, Borges, Marquez, and the Literature of Latin America

and highly sexual, taking lovers and fathering illegitimate children, while others are quiet and solitary. The women, likewise, ra...

Gabriel's Spiritual Revelation in Joyce's The Dead

yet, continued Gabriel, his voice falling into a softer inflection, there are always in gathering such as this sadder thoughts tha...

Gabriel's Embracing of Homosexuality in The Fur Queen

Background The Fur Queen is the basis on which Gabriel adapts to life and the gay world while dealing with the horrific exp...

A Review of Gabriel's Story

the April sky was not a thing of air and gas. Rather, it lay like a solid ceiling of slate, pressing the living down into the prai...

Marquez's No One Writes the Colonel

His wife does not seem to be well and is anxious all the time about what is to become of them. Obstinately refusing to believe tha...

Bronte’s Jane Eyre/Joyce’s The Dead

because he is married to another woman and she will not compromise her morals or her principles. However, when she is offered a ch...

Federico Garcia Lorca/Play Trilogy

intended and his mother, she bites her hand in frustration in "inexpressible rage and desire" (Jones and Jones, nd, p. 13). During...

Memory Mambo/Aguero Sisters

heritage, a mulata, she would "do just about anything to deny her real lineage," and is attracted to Juanis father primarily becau...

Why It's Not Naïve to be Green (Article Review)

does not exist, but rather that green IT does exist in the fact that people are doing something about the dilemma. Gabriel (2008) ...

Gabriel and Dubliners and Mr. Rochester - Byronic Heroes or Not?

notes that Byron "emphasizes specially the spirit of revolt against society ... But his villain-heroes ... are selfish and unscrup...

Effective Democracy Developed by Ordinary Americans

so the development of the three branches of government and the distribution of power reduces the chances of too much control falli...

'Song of the Bower' by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

prior to Rossettis marriage to Lizzie, however, the poem does not address Lizzie as its subject. Rather, in this poem, Rossetti is...

Browning and Spera

various admirers which she held in just as much regard as anything she received from him-including the title. Furthermore, she fli...

The Divine Name Found in Jerusalem

author notes that such a find indicates that there was still a great deal of worship that took place for the Jews as it involved g...

Detailed Analysis/Retrospective Exhibit on Orozco

Orozco, biographical information and his art philosophy Orozco was born in 1962 in Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico and studied art at th...

Love and Marriage Disappointments

the elements that speak of such disappointments. The paper finishes with a brief discussion of the works discussed. Story of an ...

'The Dead' by James Joyce

In five pages this essay analyzes James Joyce's short story and the meaning of 'dead' within the characterization of Gabriel. The...

Relationships in The Legacy by Virginia Woolf and The Dead by James Joyce

different ways. While both couples symbolize the bonds of matrimony in one way or another, it is not actually the marriage, in an...

Poetry of 'Come Talk to Me' by Songwriter Peter Gabriel

In four pages this paper discusses how these song lyrics by Peter Gabriel can be regarded as poetry that is independent from the m...

The Life and Works of Federico Garcia Lorca

This paper examines the works of the Twentieth Century Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Lorca. The author provides a brief biography...

Lorca and Dario on the Industrial Revolution

In eight pages this paper examines chapters one and two of Ruben Dario's El Oro del Malorca and Frederico Garcia Lorca's New York...

Homosexuality and Other Prevalent Themes in Federico Garcia Lorca's Works

This paper examines the works of the Twentieth Century Spanish Poet, Federico Garcia Lorca. The author discusses how two of Lorca...

Julia Alvarez, Italian Americans, and the Immigrant Experience

In 5 pages this paper contrasts and compares an interview with an Italian American with How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by ...

Dominican Poet and Novelist Julia Alvarez

In ten pages the life and works of Julia Alvarez are examines in an overview that includes a discussion of How the Garcia Girls Lo...

Dreaming in Cuban

Cristina Garcia looked at three generations of Cuban women in her book Dreaming in Cuban. This summation and analysis focuses on p...