YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Essays 91 - 117

The Thematic Element in Art

song of Liling is that which provides us with the foundation of the story. Now, of course, the music and the song actually serv...

Three Plays by Federico Garcia Lorca

another side of his work that illustrates Lorcas sexual instinct: dealing with conflict between human beings. The exact manner in...

Dietitian Professionalism and the Green Movement

This essay offers a summary of research conducted by Wilson and Garcia (2011). Then the writer discusses personal belief pertainin...

Imagery in Aguilar’s Luminous Cities

about Aguilars work, one author notes the following in relationship to intertextuality: "The concept of intertexuality thus dramat...

Comparing Lorca and Brecht

their prose (or in Lorcas case, his poetry) and their plays. In this paper, well examine two works: Lorcas "La Casa de Bernarda A...

Comparison of Two Superintendents

between Whites and minority children, specifically Black and Hispanic children. Neither tolerated reasons or excuses for this gap ...

How Two Leaders Made Changes

in trouble. Gordon Bethune took over Continental Airlines. All stakeholders of Continental, including employees, shareholders and ...

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, But Never Won the Battle of Cultural Clashes

course of the novel. They are products of a highly conservative Latin culture, which is in stark contrast to an American culture ...

An Analysis of Gabriel Christian's Short Stories, Rain on a Tin Roof

This paper analyzes Christian's short story collection, Rain on a Tin Roof. The author focuses on details of Christian's coming o...

Father Gabriel Sagard's The Long Journey to The Countries of the Huron Interpreted

which may indicate the natives side of the story. At the time of writing this, Sarard may be seen as a member of the colonial powe...

Pavane, Opus 50 by Gabriel Faure

a moderate tempo, the strings playing a staccato bass line, with a lilting melody above. The bass line suggests dancers, whose ste...

Gabriel Coco Chanel

(which Chanel herself was) (Greinke and Corbett, 1999). Chanel pioneered the style of practical and trendy and wearers of her fas...

Zimbabwe Leader Robert Gabriel Mugabe and Spanish Leader Francisco Franco Compared

In four pages this essay contrasts and compares these two men's ascent to power and their styles of leadership are also considered...

Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia

Her oldest daughter, Lourdes, has no patience with her mothers attitudes or her commitment and is determined to make...

Timeless Appeal of Garcia Lorca's Blood Wedding and Euripides' Medea

In five pages this paper discusses the timeless appeal of these two works with similar themes. There is no bibliography included....

Julia Alvarez's How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents

In three pages Americanization is one of the thematic aspects considered in this analysis of Julia Alvarez's novel. There is 1 so...

Cultural Identity and How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez

level best to blend as quickly as possible into the melting pot of American culture. When this happens, it is very difficult for t...

Language Uses in Julia Alvarez's How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents and Toni Morrison's Sula

rejection, cause the child to turn away from the conventions of society and to avoid even the trauma of her own emotional reaction...

Women in The House of Bernarda Alba by Garcia Lorca

give it up once Agustias is married. Poncia warns Bernarda that the women are going crazy being locked up as they are and that she...

Garcia Lorca's Yerma and Motherhood

produce a child, she eventually seeks out the village sorceress where she is involved in witnessing a pagan ritual. When her husba...

Editor's Review of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez

form of Yolanda. There is an understanding of the problems as well as a wondering at why these events have hit the family, with so...

Federico Garcia Lorca's Bodas de Sangre and Intertextuality

In five pages this story is examined in an analysis of intertextual aspects. Nine other sources are cited in the bibliography....

Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia and the Cold War

In five pages this paper examines how the characters in the novel were affected by the Cold War between the U.S. and the Cuba of F...

A Cultural Perspective of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez

In five pages this paper argues that language is used metaphorically by the author to represent cultural assimilation. There are ...

Symbolic Interaction in How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez

true, but there will also be certain established parameters which must not be crossed. To do so marks the individual as deviant in...

Illness and Culture in How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez

differences between cultures consist of variation in their main pattern in terms of these five dimensions and that these differenc...

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent by Julia Alvarez and the Themes of Language and Love

In 5 pages the importance of the duality of love and language themes to the immigrants and to the novel as a whole is examined. T...