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God According to the Ancient Greek Philosopher Xenophanes

all, but rather only the world (Burnet ch2bii). Modern terminology used by those sharing Xenophanes views would be that there lik...

Ancient Greek Philosophers

Aristotles concrete, scientific theories are more relevant than Platos deductive and abstract ideology. Aristotle believed...

Aloofness and Human Disinterest of the Greek Gods

them somehow" (Ancient Greek Religion and Mythology, 2003). For example, "The Egyptian goddess Isis was especially popular in Athe...

Comparative Analysis of Gilgamesh and Heracles

cultures. In addition, the kind of difficulties and trials faced by different ancient communities will also tend to be similar. On...

Herakles Presentation by Playwrights and Artists

very opposing forces. There is an evident duality to Herakles. On the one hand, he has a compassionate side that truly wants to ...

Why Socrates 'Did' Philosophy According to J.S. Mill

In four pages John Stuart Mill's views on why philosophy was 'done' by Socrates are examined in a consideration of the ancient Gre...

Gift Giving in Homer's Odyssey

he will gild her horns as part of the sacrifice (Homer). Such sacrifices were meant as "gifts" to the gods, which were designed to...

Medea, An Overview

This essay presents an overview of Medea in Greek mythology, referring to scholarly assessment of ancient sources and also the way...

Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes/Existence of God

conclusion that "a being than which none greater can be conceived can be conceived to be greater than it is," which is "absurd" (A...

Ancient Greek Philosophers Empedocles and Parmenides

In twelve pages this paper examines these two classical philosophers in a comparative analysis of their thoughts and achievements....

The Life and Times of Empedocles

This paper examines the life and teachings of ancient Greek philosopher, scientist, poet, and physician, Empedocies. This three p...

Ancient Greece's Stoic Philosophy

In fourteen pages this paper examines the Stoic school of philosophy that developed in ancient Greeks in a consideration of the ph...

Historical Context Regarding Philosophy's Intent

In fifteen pages this paper examines the intention of philosophy from a historical perspective that includes consideration of phil...

Greek Philosophers and Myth v. Knowledge

he did not know the true cause of an action he would readily admit to not knowing. This should not be mistaken however for a will...

Dylan Lyrics & Greek Philosophy

the Republic. Take pornography as an example. Plato argued that objectionable ideas can upset the understanding (Johnston). Femini...

Would Aristotle Label Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman as a Tragedy?

audience" (66). The reversal refers to a reversal in fortune, which Aristotle believed was classically represented in a fall from...

Works of Sophocles and Homer and the Gods

In five page this paper considers Gods and their roles in ancient Greek society and literature in a consideration of a passage fro...

Oedipus the King by Sophocles and the Ancient Greek Gods

In three pages this report analyzes the power of the ancient Greek mythological gods in this consideration of Oedipus the King by ...

Images and Energies of Apollo and Dionysus

the purpose of allowing the repressed feminine or nurturing side of man to come forth and for the brutal or aggressive side of wom...

The Bible - Fact or Fiction?

This 8 page paper considers whether the Bible is fact or myth, and whether or not it provides an accurate account of real people a...

Strong Women in Ancient Greek Theatre

the "sheet-anchors," i.e., the weapons that will be their salvation (Aristophanes). Lysistrata gathers together women from all o...

Greek God Apollo's Influence on Ancient Greece

This 5 page paper gives an overview of the Greek god Apollo. This paper includes what areas of life Apollo ruled over and how he w...

The Early Christians and the Ancient Greeks Comparing Their Gods

Looking at Saint Augustine's 'Confessions' and Homer's 'The Iliad', the author finds characters and situations that represent the ...

Differing Views of Tragedy by Assorted Philosophers

of the tragedy is that it is connected with the heros activities and it emphasizes human vulnerability (2005). To Aristotle, trage...

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and Social Values

extremely civic-minded society and active participation in the democratic process was demanded of everyone. No one took his polit...

Antigone/The Female Role in Society

of patriarchal privilege and set society against her is not sufficient justification for ignoring what she perceived to be a highe...

Rome & Greece: Good, Dutiful Citizens Versus Athletic Ability, Philosophical Issues And Physical Beauty

fully clothed to completely nude was a symbol in and of itself: Aphrodite had begun a journey exemplifying female physical beauty,...

Greek Virtue

the foot of power!/Nothing care I for Zeus" (Aeschylus). In other words, Prometheus will not succumb to tyranny and a power that r...

Art of Ancient Greek Civilization

It is for this reason that Greek art conveyed abstract ideas such as "beautiful" concepts of the human body through a dichotomous ...

The Evolution of Stoicism

This 5 page paper discusses the philosophical thinking known as Stoicism, and why it appealed to the ancient Romans and Greeks. Th...