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Essays 1 - 30

God's Existence and Knowledge

In four pages this paper discusses how God's existence is argued through epistemology with Thomas Aquinas' arguments providing evi...

First Meditation of Rene Descartes

Most people like an ordered existence. It makes them feel comfortable with the real uncertainty of life. Descartes made "doubt" a ...

Biography and Arguments of Saint Augustine of Hippo

In four pages this paper presents an autobiography of Saint Augustine and also considers his arguments on the existence of God....

Evil and Theodicy

the ultimate good. If God has created finite spirits endowed with free will, it must be expected that this free will is going to...

Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes/Existence of God

conclusion that "a being than which none greater can be conceived can be conceived to be greater than it is," which is "absurd" (A...

God According to David Hume

He asserted that evidence that God exists in a singular or plural context because it has become universally accepted as truth (135...

Philosophical Concepts

of the most important philosophers when talking about knowledge and where it comes from. His explanation suggests that there is a ...

Knowledge of God

A devout person will say that he or she "sees" "God in all things" (Hodges 101). This person is referring to an act of "intuitive ...

Third Meditation of Rene Descartes

In five pages Descartes' Meditation III is analyzed in terms of affirmations, denials, knowledge, and the existence of God. There...

God Exists According to the Arguments of Saint Augustine

something greater than humans and that is God (Donati, 2002). He offers further proof through mathematical concepts, for instance,...

Existence of God

goodness and evil. They are the opposite ends of a pendulum. If God existed there would be no observable evil. Since we know there...

Existence of God According to Rene Descartes

In six pages the proof Descartes offered that God exists is considered but other relevant issues such as why he would have been mo...

What is a Religious Experience?

to God or to some type of "Ultimate Reality" (16). Such an experience differs from religious insight in that a religious insight ...

How to Think About God According to Mortimer Adler

In five pages God's existence as it is considered within the context of Mortimer Adler's How to Think about God A Guide for the 20...

Rene Descartes and the "Evil Demon" Argument

do know for certain that objects exist, we must know of them through the mind and not the senses (Important arguments ...). Desca...

An Argument Against the God Existence Proof by Kierkegaard

In three pages the writer criticizes Kierkegaard's argument and counters the philosophical logic used in the contention that reaso...

Existence of God According to Saint Thomas Aquinas

In three pages this paper discusses how God's existence was argued by Saint Thomas Aquinas. There is no bibliography included....

Fictional Philosophical Conversation Between Two People

In six pages this paper presents a fictional dialogue on philosophy between two people with one arguing in favor of sensual proof ...

Gaunilo's Response to Saint Anselm's Ontological Argument on God's Existence

In six pages this paper examines how Gaunilo philosophically responded to St. Anselm's Proslogion as it featured his argument on G...

Questioning the Existence of God

from the known. Unless God is already known, logic is of no use. Having discredited all rational arguments for and against the ex...

God's Existence and Reason

In eight pages this paper examines God's existence in a consideration of philosophy's rational arguments. Four sources are cited ...

Analysis of God's Existence

In eight pages this research paper considers philosophical perspectives regarding God's existence and includes David Hume's opposi...

Philosophical Arguments Pertaining to God's Existence

In twenty pages this research paper considers philosophical arguments pertaining to God's existence as argued in support and in op...

Proving God's Existence with the Philosophies of Wittgenstein, Descartes, and Plato

argued that this is true, Plato, but let us bring forth two other philosophers to create a better atmosphere for this discourse. ...

An Examination of Atheism

In ten pages this research paper presents arguments on God's existence both pro and con and discusses beliefs of atheists. Eight ...

Differing Opinions of Aristotle and Plato

In eight pages this paper examines how the views of Aristotle and Plato on God's existence, poetics, and forms concepts differed. ...

God's Existence

In nine pages this paper discusses the philosophical and theological 5 proofs of God's existence but the lack of understanding tha...

Contemporary Religion and Plato

In six pages this paper compares contemporary religious views with Plato's philosophical concepts with God's existence, morality, ...

Aristotle's Original Theories

coined until Aristotle contributed to it, the concepts were there in the past. Thus, in such concerns, one might say that Aristotl...

Comparison of Spinoza and Hume

was that pleasure was immediate gratification but the greater good would be realized by a life lived based on principles as the go...