YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Great Britain and Chinas 2 Opium Wars

Essays 1 - 30

Great Britain and China's 2 Opium Wars

In six pages this paper examines the 2 Opium Wars between Great Britain and China that occurred during the nineteenth century. Si...

Opium War of 1839 Between Great Britain and China

In five pages this paper sides with the Chinese in an overview of this 1839 opium conflict initiated by Great Britain. Five sourc...

Southern Great Britain and Henges

This paper discusses Great Britain's ancient monuments and what henges reveal about the Bronx Age in nine pages....

Crisis in the Falklands

The Falkland Islands' crisis and its impact upon Argentina and Great Britain as well as its global ramifications are examined in 1...

European Community's Relationship with Great Britain

In thirteen pages this paper examines the relationship between the European Community and Great Britain....

European Countries and the Concepts of Title, Property, and Ownership

This paper examines title, property, and ownership concepts as they pertain to France, Germany, and Great Britain in 5 pages....

Employment and Directives of the European Community

This paper examines employment legislation in an overview of EC directives' effectiveness in Great Britain in seventeen pages....

China's Seventeenth to Twentieth Century Qing Dynasty

ordered men and to where the Manchu clothing rather than the clothing style, during the Ming Dynasty (Minnesota State University)....

Post Second World War Great Britain and Social Democratic Consensus

elements came into play as well. One of these involved the labor and trade unions. Through the approach of the consensus there app...

Impact of the Great War on Western Literature

would be sent to war in just a few years, underscores the awful waste of youth, of life, of promise. The final stanza, in particu...

1930s' Decline of Great Britain

Imperial rule of the colonies was being demonstrated, perhaps over confidence following the 1857 mutiny which had been put down, w...

Great Britain's Housing Programs

Northern Ireland, there were far fewer houses built during a comparable period: the rate at which both local authorities and priva...

Sean Greenwood's Britain and The Cold War, 1945-91

policy and the position of the British government. Britain was trying to assert itself as a world power during those decades and t...

Escapades of British War Minister John Profumo

In five pages this paper discusses the international intrigue and sex scandal that brought down Great Britain's war minister John ...

First World War and British Air Power

Morrow states, "Initial hesitation need not necessarily have proved damaging: The German government, soon to sponsor one of the m...

Postwar Great Britain's Political Landscape

context of specific subjects, such as domestic or foreign policy. With this is mind it is the electorate that ultimately p...

Cold War and Great Britain's MI6 Intelligence Agency

Magazine, 2004). Furthermore, by the end of the war, American and British intelligence were involved (along with the Vatican) in r...

Cold War and Great Britain's MI6 Relevance

official reports which conclude that two of its MI6 officers had actually been involved with the passing of fake documentation to ...

Great Britain's Inter War Architecture from 1919 to 1939

modern. It was a time, as mentioned, of great change, socially and politically. It was a time which followed what was assumed to b...

War of 1812 and its Causes

In eighteen pages this paper examines the possible causes for the War of 1812 including war hawk pressure, 1807's Embargo Act, the...

Australia and Great Britain and Critical Events

be a most applicable means by which to render attack on the enemy; however, what ensued was not so much of a protecting agent as o...

Great Britain's Great Depression of 1873 to 1896

advances that were made in transportation are considered the problem in terms of why consumption of goods form the colonies was so...

Criminal Justice VII

would be that such a thing would never happen in the US without great public outcry, but that was before passage of the Patriot Ac...

Political and Economic Philosophical Trends

In six pages this paper examines China, France, Great Britain, and Russia in an overview of each country's trends regarding indivi...

Terrorism/Comparing Countries

the threat of bio-terrorism (Dammer and Fairchild 304). France : France, also, has long had to cope with terrorism, as the Frenc...

Opium War, 1840-1842: Barbarians in the Celestial Empire in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century and the War by Which They Forced Her Gates by Peter Ward Fay

seeking to do business in the area. These included restrictions, such as not being allowed to learn Chinese, only being able to li...

Middle East Imperialism

non Egyptians, known as the Semitic Kings, named Hyksos, meaning princes of the foreign lands (Thornton, 2003). They had come down...

Free Market Economy and Great Britain During the Victorian Era

was a time of free trade. This was a theory of self regulation; this can be seen as an optimistic idea. The invisible hand was t...

17th Century Great Britain and the Navigation Acts

use British chops and increase their costs. It was this Act that subsequently led to the Anglo-Dutch war. In 1660 there was a tig...

Youth Gun Violence in Great Britain and its Causes

goes on and on and on, but the results are always the same (Jasper). Black crime is growing, and is becoming an increasingly sign...