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Gun Control an the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution

argue, the amendment is no longer necessary--we have won our civil war. To them, the amendment represents a guarantee to form mil...

Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

were needed, and with that, the Second Amendment guaranteed the right of individuals to bear arms in service of that militia, so t...

Essay on the Pros and Cons of Gun Control

It is a very small price to pay in order to fortify the level of safety that is so quickly plummeting in todays society (Anonymous...

Explosive Issue of Gun Control

In three pages the explosive arguments for and against gun control are examined in a consideration of advocacy and a protection of...

Legislation Regarding Gun Control

Some politicians are clamoring for greater restrictions on guns. They include licensing that is mandatory, and a maximum number o...

In Support of Gun Control Legislation

stress and arming robots with shotguns (Hanchette PG). And while these things did occur in Waco and Ruby Ridge, they prompted gun ...

Policy and Issues Involving Gun Control

these two conditions; namely, common sense, in which guns should be kept away from untrustworthy people and, political philosophy ...

2nd Amendment and Gun Control

In fourteen pages this research paper supports the 2nd Amendment's declaration of an American's 'right to bear arms' and opposes g...

Opposition to Gun Control in the State of Texas

In twelve pages this paper discusses the opposition to gun control legislation in the state of Texas in a consideration of its int...

American Constitution, the Second Amendment, and the National Rifle Association

the Second Amendment, bears proof that the right to bear arms has consistently been, and should still be, construed as an individu...

Analysis of 3 Legal Issues

adverse to removing them from the law abiding citizen, who often needs a gun to protect himself from the very criminal element of ...

Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment

This essay discusses and offers an argument in favor of gun control. Three pages in length, four sources are cited. ...

Debate on Gun Control

statistics which show how many people have avoided or saved their own lives aided by the owning of a gun (Polsby 1994). In other w...


Discusses pros and cons of gun control in the U.S. while pointing out that the current solutions aren't particularly effective...

Examination of the U.S. Constitution's 2nd and 4th Amendments

in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no Warrants s...

Arguing Against Gun Control

have also pointed out that those who are involved in a gun fatality are also involved in alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence...

Gun Control Debate, An Overview

This research paper offers background information pertaining to the gun control debate and then reviews 5 articles that pertain to...

Federal and Georgia State Constitutions Compared

In eight pages the Federal Constitution and Georgia State Constitution are compared on three issues of abortion, capital punishmen...

Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

There are currently more than 20,000 gun laws on the books in this country as of 1994. (Cottrol 11) Simultaneously 40 states assur...

Constitutional Change and the Influence of Abraham Lincoln

critics considered Lincoln far too moderate, Lincoln clearly addressed the major issues of the day, working towards a free America...

2nd Amendment 'Right to Bear Arms' of the US Constitution

"The right to keep and bear arms originated in the common law right of self-defense."3 The Common Law was established to give men ...

Countries' Comparison of Gun Control Laws

In twenty three pages this research paper compares the laws of 10 countries regarding gun control in a consideration of whether or...

The Facts Surrounding Gun Control

reiterates this fact time and time again. Gun control attempts through legislation have been a miserable failure in their e...

Policy and Gun Control

logic of those for gun control and illustrate how they cling to smallest details, attempting to manipulate them to their own ends....

The Right to Bear Arms

The U.S. Constitution has an amendment that addresses this issue. Numerous Supreme Court cases have been filed regarding the Secon...

Gunpowder's Invention and Historical Impact

and explosives has ranked among the top three most important elements of modern civilization along with printing and the Protestan...

1st and 2nd Amendments' Examination and Revision

the Constitution (and its Bill of Rights) is a living document, which was written in such a way so as to fit the times. While this...

Barbara W. Tuchman's The March of Folly From Troy to Vietnam

Latin successors, to the Middle Ages and from the medieval romancers to us" (37). In the next...

Second Amendment and Gun Control

A persuasive essay on this controversial topic is presented in 3 pages. The bibliography cites 3 sources....

State Gun Laws and Gun Violence Levels

states scored more than 50 percent of the 100 available points ("Gun control," 2000). The study also illustrated the extreme varie...