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Essays 1 - 30

Hand Washing Hygiene in Disease Control

asked to touch the groin area of a patient as though they were taking a femoral pulse for a duration of fifteen seconds. The work...

Research Study Proposal/Hand washing

to wash their hands both before and after attending each patient. However, one physician-investigators asserts in reference to doc...

Article Critique/Compliance with Hand Hygiene Guidelines

a concise, but thorough description of the study that certainly will engage the interest of any healthcare professional researchin...

Hand-Washing - Importance, Practice and Barriers to Best Practice

and by 1867 Joseph Lister had introduced to role of antiseptics by his practice of spraying surgical instruments with carbolic aci...

Importance of Hand Hygiene

This research paper pertains to the hand hygiene, its significance and the interventions that have been instituted to improve adhe...

Hand Washing and the Care of Patients

preventing and controlling nosocomial infection. Yet its often neglected although nosocomial infections threaten the lives of appr...

Reducing Hospital Acquired Infections

This essay briefly reports study results from ten journal articles. The topic is hand hygiene and its effects on HCAIs. The simple...

American Experience and Change in Irving, Calisher, and Hawthorne

In four pages the acceptance of change among individuals are compared in the characterizations of Calisher's Greenwitch, Hawthorne...

Hand Sanitation's Significance

an infective dose is developed. Three factors are required for reproduction: time, temperature, and a nutrient source. It usually ...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

American Journal of Nursing Article 'Improved Rates of Compliance with Hand Antisepsis Guidelines: A Three-Phase Observational Study' Reviewed

efficiency is paramount. The problem is important for nursing study because (1) it is so pervasive, and (2) returning to ba...

Hand Washing Improvements

the staff themselves. The pressures include limited time with each patient and pressure to deal with a large patient load due to l...

Measuring the Success of a Hospital Hand Washing Training Course

indirect through the in-house CCTV systems. Individuals may also change the practices because they are being observed which may sk...

Healthcare Communication

Asynchronous communication is that which does not require the simultaneous direct attention of all involved. It can take the form...

Hand Hygiene Programs and Health Care Organization

structure is never easy, except for at the very formation of that organization. To come into a pre-existing organizational environ...

Addressing Issues in the HCAHPS

Systems (HCAHPS) is a patient satisfaction survey and assessment of the level of quality care provided by hospitals and healthcare...

Infection/Cross Contamination and Hand Hygiene

This research paper pertains to hand hygiene and its importance. Problems, as well as solutions, are discussed. Three pages in len...

Hand Washing Project

proven to be the principal reason for nosocomial infections, that is, infections that are acquired after hospital admittance. Impo...

Hand Hygiene Project, Part B

that the research report does not offer a description of the study instrument, nor does it offer details on the methods of data an...

Decreasing Nosocomial Infection Rates,Hand Hygiene,

This research paper presents project, which is designed to decrease the ratite of nosocomial, that is, hospital-acquired infection...

Hand Hygiene Health Care Providers

millions of people in the hospital contract infections. This means that they are not only dealing with the issue or illness for wh...

Important Discoveries in Microbiology

Pneumococcal disease has proven a very serious foe for human populations. This disease has...

Financial Control; Budgeting and Proposing a Project

budgets relating the responsibilities of the executives to the requirements of the policy, and by continuous comparison of actual ...

Pennsylvania Public Health Law

This research paper provides an overview of two provisions of Pennsylvania's Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955 and descr...

Pertussis Rises Again

By the 1970s, the country believed that scientists had finally controlled the spread of major diseases like whooping cough, also k...

Disease Management/Hypertension

management (DM) concept Disease management (DM) is defined as a "systematic clinical improvement process," which addresses both ...

Heart Disease and Serum Cholesterol

contends that conflicting results occurred in such studies because of "inadequate sample size". The article references the World ...

MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

of settings ranging from nursing homes, to prisons, to athletic teams (Turabelidze, Mei Lin, Wolkoff, Dosson, Gladback, and Zhu, 2...

Infectious Disease Control and Precautions That Are Standard Based

are theoretically viable, but there is actually no evidence to support the claim that UPs will actually reduce the number of expos...

Overview of Gene Therapy

In ten pages in vivo gene therapy is examined in terms of research and the human genome project with disease control a primary fo...