YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Healing and the Significance of Ritual and Belief

Essays 31 - 60

Evolution of Evil in Christianity

How evil evolved in Christian beliefs is the focus of this paper consisting of ten pages and how evil has changed in terms of soci...

Healing and the Role of Therapeutic Touch

The second definition of pressure point relates to the bodys nervous system. Pressure points under this definition are those loca...

Christian Eucharist Interpretations

In 5 pages the Christian Eucharist is interpreted with the emphasis being upon the transubstantiation ritual doctrine and its sign...

Magic In The Works of Goethe And Shakespeare

This paper examines the ritual use and significance of magic in Goethe's Faust and Shakespeare's Midsummer Nights Dream. This fiv...

Comparison of Ritual According to Theorists Michael J. Harner and Joseph Campbell

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares Harner and Campbell's perspectives on ritual and its significance. Three sources ...

Dogon Tribes, Birth Twins, and African Religious Symbolism

In six pages the significance of twins in African religion in terms of symbolism and ritual is discussed with the emphasis upon Do...

Beliefs and Practices: The Vodou Spirits of Ezili and Shamanistic Healing

interest in Haitian Voodoo (Rhodes, 2001). He stayed with Celie and was thus introduced to many vodou rituals and ceremonies (Rhod...

About Hinduism: Beliefs, Customs and Rituals

soul that transmigrates from one body to another at death (reincarnation); and the law of karma that determines ones destiny both ...

Native American Ceremony and the Importance of the Circle

involve the use of the four directions which some may say could be construed as a square but when ceremonies are being undertaken ...

Case Study/ICU Wound Mgmt

(Cardozo, 2003, p. S35). Within a few hours of being admitted to the ICU, Jacks condition was evaluated using the Waterlow risk as...

Forecasting for a Fast Food Outlet

and ice creams sold in the summer, this looks at the trends rather than just the past performance. Regression analysis takes th...

Healing after the Vietnam Experience

Healing in the Aftermath of War Research Compiled for The Paper Store, Enterprises Inc. by Janice Vincent, 4/27/10...

Dossey's "Healing Words," Chapter 6

This essay describes chapter 6, healing and love, of Larry Dossey's text Healing Words, by answering ten questions. Six pages in l...

Healing the Body and Mind with Yoga

This 3 page paper gives an explanation of how meditation can help healing. This paper includes the practice of meditation for heal...

Healing Powers of Jesus?

In twenty pages this essay considers the validity of the statement that Jesus Christ possessed healing powers with its problems as...

The Role of the Physician: Differing Views in Accordance with Age, Gender, Ethnicity and OccupationVarious Perspectives on the Role of Medical Doctor

value the psychological and social factors which can equate with disease or infirmity. Nurses, although also trained primar...

Healing Wounds and the Role of Epidermal Stem Cells

that there is a higher speed of full thickness dermal renewal, this has been attributed to the increased level of hair follicle de...

Business Leadership Self Evaluation

I hope to have some day. Values I think that everyone has values, even the dweebs. They have their own values, they just may not...

An Eyewitness Voodoo Ritual Account

In this paper consisting of eleven pages an eyewitness account of a Vodun or Voodoo 'day of the dead' ritual is simulated and back...

The Politics and Metaphysics of Thomas Hobbes

same time that other men pursue the same desires (Hobbes 185). The development of enemies comes from this course of natural compe...

Eliade's Ritual and Mythology and Durkheim's Ritual Theory

In six pages Durkheim's ritual perspectives are examined in terms of their implications when applied to Eliade's arguments on ritu...

19th Century American Slavery and Marriages

In five pages this paper examines 'jumping the broom' and other rituals that were part of the 19th century American slave marriage...

Medication and Cultures

This research paper describes how health beliefs and cultural views of medication influence health behaviors. Three pages in lengt...

Comparing the Christian and the Buddhist Belief Structure

to being divine. However, they may pay reverence to images of Buddha (Gyatso, 2001). Buddha is seen as a teacher or a guide with B...

Jamaican Culture & Health Beliefs

A 5 page research paper that discusses Jamaican culture and health beliefs....

How My Life Was Changed by Buddhism

because of the construct of human nature, and the constant conflict caused by physical needs, sexual urges, and the desires for lo...

Beliefs and Teachings of Islam

of Jesus Christ (Injil) and the Quran" (Wenner, 2001). They believe in prophets who are individuals that God speaks throu...

Delimitations, Summary Sections for Proposed Study

the research team will use a convenience sample of women recruited from a specific geographical area, and the team may choose to l...

Role of Culture/Mental Health Nursing

to work efficiently and effectively across cultural boundaries. This concept also encompasses not only the assumption that nurses,...

'The Temple' Poem by George Herbert

moral and religious instruction, Herbert includes an invitation to delve deeper in the "church" before beginning the next section....