YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Healing and the Significance of Ritual and Belief

Essays 211 - 240

Social Solidarity and Emile Durkheim

In three pages this essay defines the concept of social solidarity as glimpsed from Emile Durkheim's perspective and then applied ...

Islamic and Hindu Religions on Death and Dying

In eight pages the ways these religions deal with dying and death through ritual and corpse disposition are compared and contraste...

Magic and Primitive Religion

In six pages this paper compares Catholic religious practices with the magic used in primal religious rituals with Kenneth Kuykend...

Daily Worship Ritual, Mohammedanism, and Islam

him on a virtuous path by requiring him to communicate with God five times each day. In essence, the Salat is the renewal of mans...

An Examination of Abuse in Satanic Rituals Allegations

This is a report consisting of ten pages that discusses ramifications and issues as they pertain to both the survivor as well as t...

Myths and Rituals in the Jewish Religion

This paper consists of five pages and considers rituals and myths as they pertain to Judaism. Nine sources are cited in the bibli...

'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson

and commonplace New England town for the event. It could serve as the model for a Norman Rockwell painting that could be titled "T...

Culture, Food, and Ritual

In five pages this paper discusses food and a funeral ritual as cultural components. Five sources are cited in the bibliography....

Ancient Egypt Religion and Mythology

land to appear with their nutrient rich soils. By day Ra sailed through the air on a boat between the sky and the earth, resting a...

Confucius on Ritual

be applied to laws. One obeys the traffic signals. This is because to do so promotes safety, but it is also a most efficient way t...

Cherokee Indians' Mortuary Practices

which the Cherokee deal with the dead has, of course, changed considerably over time as well. While today Cherokee mortuary pract...

'Good' and 'Bad' Tradition in 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson

The original equipment needed to conduct the lottery was lost "long ago," and the current paraphernalia shows signs of age, the bl...

Islamic and Hinduism Religious Concepts of Death

and that death impacts the body and soul, the impact differs based on the religious practices. Islam believes that ones sou...

Culture and Science Conflict

formed a Native American Heritage Commission to attempt to police the digs (Sacred Burial Grounds: The Controversy Continues, 1992...

Africa's Native Foods

to be so necessary for proper development of the physical body and freedom from disease. The Neurs especially valued the livers of...

'Irish Conversation' Metaphor and Southwest Airlines

Clearly, the relationship between Southwest Airlines marketing division as guided by owner Herb Kelleher and the metaphoric Irish ...

Aztec Culture and Myth

superstitious. They are often deemed psychotic by the institutions that are common to modern society, something that demonstrates ...

Mayan Empire's Ritual and Religious Practices

they conquered. MAYAN CIVILIZATION: THE SPANISH INVASION The typical Maya family consisted on average of five to seven members. ...

Historical Overview of Voodooism

African for Spirit(Corbett). "Vodou is tolerant. It receives. It honors and respects us all as though we were gifts. It tells us t...

Christianity and Judaism and the Rites of Circumcision and Burial

signify the "blood of the covenant" (Geffen, 1993, p. 28). It is a time-honored ceremony that is concluded when a family member (...

Political Power, Supernatural Rituals and Anthropology

in society provide numerous functions while at the same time explaining mans origins and how man relates with nature. Many of the ...

Ancient Aztec Courtship and Marriage Ceremonies

said that because someone can invent it, that it does not necessarily mean that it should be invented. From all accounts the Aztec...

Confucianism and Daoism in 'Peony Pavilion'

an unthinking adherence to ritual. Analect 9.3 reads: The Master said, According to ritual, the ceremonial cap should be made of ...

Religious Practices of Egypt and Mesopotamia

for war, but success really depended on a favorable relationship with the gods. This helps explain the importance of the priestly ...

America and Catholicism

and symbols of faith, Catholics are able to participate in their religion, which serves a variety of sociological and psychologica...

Young Girl's Cross Cultural Observations of Ritual and Religion

varied types of ritual which characterize her new home and the interrelationships between the various members of her new family. ...

Comparing Indian Hinduism with Chinese Taoism and Confucianism

in actuality are very different in ideology. It is important to clarify in our discussion of this relationship that the terms "Ta...

Catherine J. Allen's The Hold Life Has

previously the case" (Allen, 1988: 195). It is a very popular pilgrimage that draws people from all over the region, if not the wo...

Western Nightclub Rituals and Male Behavioral Patterns

and who a man is to be. Non-verbal male language Within the nightclub it may be noticed that a good deal of the communication tha...

'Epithalamion' by Spenser and the Concepts of Sacrifice and Ritual

some reference to violence, in the course of the consummation of the marriage. There are, she notes, elaborate rhyming stanzas, th...