YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Healing and the Significance of Ritual and Belief

Essays 241 - 270

Contemporary Bushmen

Bushmen. Deeming them "untamable" and a threat to livestock, settlers treated the Bushmen as vermin, killing them in great numbers...

Zoroastrian Religion's Purification Rituals

in the physical world was a constant battle between good and evil (Traditional Zoroastrianism). The major source for the teachings...

Chinese and Mexican Communication Across Cultures

When addressing someone in China, one should remember that in China, family names come first. So for example, Mr. Li Hongjun would...

Grecian and Roman Styles of Death

Fields(Pearce, 2002). From early Greek accounts, then, one could easily conclude several things about the ordinary Grecian...

'Mr. Strehlow's Films' Analyzed

past and present. The result was an overwhelming collection of footage that has since been entitled, Mr. Strehlows Films. Thes...

History and Traditions of the Ashanti

The capital of the Ashanti kingdom, Kumasi, was taken by the British in 1873 and the kingdom became a British protectorate at the ...

Literature, Ceremony, and Ritual

by Gertrude Stein was a term she gave to a generation of men and women whose experiences in World War I undermined their belief in...

Amish and Samoan Marriage Customs

forms of relationships that occur between unmarried lovers, which involved clandestine encounters. This aspect of Samoan courtship...

Understanding Death Through Rituals

within some of todays Chinese societies include wailing and white banners placed upon the home to indicate death; wearing all whit...

Irish Folk Drama and English Ritual Drama

the Christian faith, though it can be stated that this idea came from much earlier roots in human civilization. English Ritual D...

Patriotism by Yukio Mishima

a review of this text and how Japanese marriage traditions are reflected in the double suicide ritual are analyzed in five pages. ...

Rituals of Yom Kippur and Passover

In five pages these rituals and their importance as described in the Old Testament are discussed in a consideration of Leviticus' ...

The Geography of Fiction California in the Writings of Kellerman and Mosley

5 pages and 2 sources used. This paper provides an overview of the way in which the geography of the state of California is repre...

Judaism and Feminism

In six pages conservative and liberal Judaism sects are examined in a discussion that considers the impact of the feminist movemen...

Process of Searching for a 'Perfect Mate'

In five pages this paper examines the ritual of human mating in terms of the various social and sexual process that are involved. ...

Purnel's Model of Cultural Competence and Eskimo Death Rituals

Orr (2000), peoples closely related to Alaskan Eskimos occupy the vast expanse of the Canadian Arctic and Greenland, and to the we...

7 Dimensional Model of Religion by Ninian Smart

he was able to more clearly articulate the similarities of faith that exist among event the most widely divergent populations. Sma...

Satanic Cults

the Supreme Court sees it, Satanism is a religion ("High Court," 2005). It does appear that one mans cult is anothers religion, bu...

Comparative Analysis of Pregnancy and Birth in Asian and Western Cultures

This paper contrasts and compares the pregnancy and birth rituals of Asian and Western cultures in ten pages. Five sources are ci...

North American Pow Wow

reality, the pow wow as we see it today has little relation to traditional Paiute culture! In reality the pow wow evolved a...

Comparison of Muslim, Hindu, and Jewish Prayer

in the woods or when theory are alone or even when they are in a crisis situation. Prayer under the umbrella of many religions is ...

Shintoism Ritual, Symbol, and Myth

been influenced by Japans contact with other cultures, particularly China (Shinto). The most striking feature of the Shinto reli...

Iroquois Boys' Manly Rite of Passage

hunter and a brave individual is the most important element of a boy becoming a man. Demonstrating that a person is brave and ab...

Hinduism Practices and Rituals

many other types. It all started, at least in Hinduism, with Krishna who suggested that the practice of a variety of yogas can hel...

Religion and Concepts of Emile Durkheim

it divides the world into the two domains of sacred and profane" (2001). One can see that this is exhibited in many religions toda...

Ritual and Museums

which is that the exhibits are intended to facilitate the "growth" and "learning" of the visitors (Virtual tour, 2004). The first...

Sights and Culture of the Pow Wow

this perspective the pow wow evolved in accordance with trade needs. Native peoples and those Europeans that had invaded their la...

The History of Marijuana; Legal Status and Usage

6,000 BCE as well as for textiles in 4,000 BCE in China and it is also recorded as being used as a medicine in China in 2727 (Narc...

Jennings/Aztec/Summation of Latter Half

of "flashes of purple dye" and the skeins of purple yarn that this produced (Jennings 524). The Aztec themselves were conqueror...

Three Anthropology Questions

(McGee et al, 2004). Characteristic of humanitys constant quest for the concept of meaning, the journey of understanding ha...