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Heart Disease and Hypertension Treatment

In twenty pages this paper considers the effects of Toprol XL Metoprolol or Lopressor drugs for the treatment of hypertension for ...

Disease Management/Hypertension

management (DM) concept Disease management (DM) is defined as a "systematic clinical improvement process," which addresses both ...

Case Study Analysis of Disease and Heredity

which would have put him at greater risk for dying of heart disease, regardless of his genetic makeup. Smoking is considered the ...

Heart Disease and Saturated Fatty Acids

In five pages this literature review considers heart disease and saturates fats' role....

Tables on Acute, Infectious, and Chronic Disease

1). Further, inadequate utilization of screening tests contribute to approximately half of the deaths resulting from cancer of th...


the same view of chronic illness or its treatment than white patients might have. The Situation Family physician David Sat...

Fighting Cardiac Disease

vulnerable to the condition. Such individuals can help by keeping their blood glucose levels as normal as possible because increas...

Research Proposal on Intervention Studies Precutaneous Revascularization, Pharmacotherapy, and Exercise in PADr

problems with the arteries that carry the blood away from the heart. In recent years, a focus on arteriosclerosis, hardening of t...

Examination of Congestive Heart Failure

The link between behavioral components and risk factors has been a major element in the focus on nursing paradigms and treatment p...

High Blood Presssure and Heart Disease

has been linked to risk for hyperreactive responses to stressors (Lehman et al., 2009). Parent education and training might mitiga...

Information on Heart Disease

In seven pages this paper contains relevant information on heart disease and includes endocardial disease, myocardium and pericard...


This paper presents a six page examination of hypertension or high blood pressure in a discussion of various treatments, natural r...

An Article Critique of 'Protection Against Ischemic Heart Disease In The Belgian Physical Fitness Study: Physical Fitness Rather Than Physical Activity?'

which takes place during ones leisure time. Noting that it is not easy to establish a method for controlling self-selection into ...

The Most Common Cause of Liver Diseases

Hepatitis C is a disease that evolves, which means it can build up immunities to treatments. It is the most common cause of chron...

Chronic Disease Causes Fat versus Calories

In an argumentative research paper that consists of five pages chronic disease and its relationship between total fat calories is ...

Medical Evaluation Steps Regarding Coexisting Conditions and Chest Pain

professional must carefully evaluate this patient using all that is known about each of these conditions. Pain such as that being...

Uninsured Assistance

are intended to be marketing efforts for a variety of health services providers in the area. For a nominal fee, visitors can have...

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Business Plan

HMOs now are listed as the responsible parties for 97 percent of all Americans who have insurance coverage and are not covered thr...


number of heart attacks is that heart disease is associated with the wide scale accumulation of gunk in the walls of the arteries ...

Overview of Hyperlipidemia Condition

In nine pages this paper presents an overview of the condition known as hyperlipidemia in a consideration of its diagnosis, treatm...

Kidney Failure and Treatment

chronic disease. A medical dictionary, available online at, indicates that the ter...

Congenital Heart Disease and Blood Disorders

this disease impacts a much larger segment of the population than one might suspect. Congenital heart defects occur in approximat...

Overview of Heart Disease

and strokes. Heart disease became commonplace. The rate of heart disease increased so sharply between the 1940 and 1967 that the W...

Group Therapy/Heart Patients with Depression

Heart disease is known to have a significant relationship with depression, which can greatly complicate the processes inherent in ...

Taking a Toddler’s Blood Pressure

pressure There are three types of high blood pressure observed in children. The first type is called "white-coat" high blood pres...

Heard Disease and Psychosocial Factors

a Type A personality, chronic stress, hostility and anger all increase the risk of heart attacks (Harvard Mental Health Letter, Ju...

Studies for Heart Disease Contributors

This 7 page paper gives an outline of the heart disease studies and risk factors. This paper includes the studies on risk factors ...

Health Data Interactive and the National Center for Health Statistics

This paper explores human longevity as pictured by government statistics. Why is human longevity increasing at the same time dise...

Disease and Agriculture

In five pages this paper considers the diseases linked to agricultural practices in an examination of spina bifida, heart disease,...

Heart Disease and Periodontal Disease Effects

In five pages the connection between heart disease and periodontal or gum disease is discussed. Three sources are cited in the bi...