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Essays 1 - 30

Heteronormativity and the History of Latin America

This paper examines the murder of Hernando de Medina and Gaspar de Peralta's wives. The author argues that Medina and Peralta nee...

Analysis of Jack Nelson Pallmeyer's The School of Assassins

In five pages this paper analyzes the text that recommends closing the 'School of the Americas' that contributes to Latin American...

Administration of Ronald Reagan and Its Latin American Foreign Policy

In four pages this paper discusses Reagan's foreign policy on Latin America as depicted in an article by Carothers....

History of Latin Literature

long possessed in the oral tradition. It was during the 19th century that it seems literature actually emerged in written form and...

Soccer and Baseball in Latin America

consist of up to 27 players!" (Hutchison, 2006). In light of the fact that similar games were played, in ancient times, all around...

Economic History of Latin America

In eight pages this paper discusses Latin America's economic history and different countries' similarities. Seven sources are cit...

American Experience of the Orthodox Jews and the Amish

is similar in many ways to the Amish. This is particularly true in regard to the role their women have played in their culture. ...

American Landscaping

the Old World origins of their culture - but they were attracted to the nature of the New World" (Introduction to the History of G...

6 Decades of the United States' Latin American Foreign Policy

Although President George W. Bush has a good relationship with Mexicos President Vicente Fox, indeed even leaned on that relations...

The Worlds Influence on Latin America

This 5 page paper gives an overview of the changes in Latin American to their economic state. This paper includes how the use of l...

Homosexuality and Latin American Gender Roles

of their culture to be replaced by Catholicism. In short order the indigenous population was dominated and overcome by the Europea...

U.S Foreign Policy and Argentina

was an East and West Germany. There was much strife in Ireland as well. Hence, as these things took a back burner, the U.S. milita...

Latin American History and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

In 5 pages this paper examines the history of Latin America as it actually existed in a comparison with the period spirit evoked b...

Spanish Colonies and Trade

prevent bankruptcy. Much of the taxes were not reaching the royal treasury (Lea 1898). If the taxes within their own country could...

Subterfuge and the CIA and FBI

properly! Over time the US...

Colonial Latin American Women

a traitor to her own people because of her cooperation with the Spanish, acting as an interpreter for Cortez (Gish PG). Hurtado ha...

Overview of the Chicano Band Los Lobos

began celebrating their cultures and communities in song with the Chicano variations of Woodstock festivals being staged throughou...

Latin America's Liberation Theology

to unite theology and sociopolitical concerns within the framework provided by this school of theological theory. Rather than spea...

3 Issues Pertaining to Latin American Society

In six pages this research paper discusses women's roles in Latin America and the economic effects, the Catholic Church throughout...

Latin America and Its Dark History

This paper considers the impact of the Cold War in Latin America and the atrocities committed in the countries of Argentina and El...

True History of Latin America and the Obstacle of Eurocentricism

In four pages the Americas of the preColombian era are examined in terms of the bias of historical representation as a result of a...

The Journalist in Combat

The history of reporting in war is the history of telling America's story. This paper explores that history and how the war story ...

Democracy and Latin America

arise in its place. Indeed, the respective governments were not about to allow such a perceived takeover without as much as an al...

Latin American Industry

as Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guat...

Colonial Latin America and Social Hierarchies

imperialism of the past 500 years. Social Hierarchy The social histories of nations throughout Latin America provide important i...

Latin America and Obesity

of food, and while in some instances that is true, it is not characteristic of obesity. While many people know when they are obes...

The 2001 and 2002 Collapse of Argentina's Economy

Argentina has suffered many types of economic angst in the past, and flat exports, decreased household demand and high unemploymen...

Democracy and Latin America

American countries move towards democracy. I. Latin America Has Acquired a Positive Image of the U.S. In one article that I...

Road to Democracy Forged by Latin America II

In nine pages a shorter version of Latindem.wps is presented in a consideration of Latin America's recent fascination with democra...

Latin America's Free Market Capitalism

In five pages Latin America's economic development is examined in an overview of relevant issues including free market capitalism ...