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Higher Education and the Problem of Racism

This research paper investigates Spanish/Hispanic racism within the context of the nation's institutions fo higher education. This...

California Colleges and Universities

also numerous changes to the accreditation process, some of which have to do with distance education. And, there are special provi...

Effects of Academic Dishonesty on Higher Education

al., 2008). A 2002 study of nearly 50,000 undergraduate students in various U.S. colleges and universities conducted by Professor...

Three Events in the History of Higher Education

the fees and students came from "all walks of life," but primarily from the "poorer families of knights, or from among townspeople...

Racism in Contemporary America

investigations that "successfully demonstrate the unfairness that only Affirmative Action can begin to redress" (Bradley 450). Spe...

Accreditation & Regulatory Education Agencies

scope of service" (Eaton, 2001, p. 38). As this suggests, a college or university specializing in a specific field of study would ...

Policies of Higher Education in Scotland

This paper addresses the policies and stance of higher education in Scotland. The author also includes future proposals for integ...

An Identity for Universities

In 2997, Robbins wrote an article about the need for colleges and universities to have a theory and clear identification. She offe...

Evaluating Web-Based Courses

As more and more higher education courses are offered Online the usability of the design and process are essential. This paper dis...

Lone Star College System

Lone Star College, founded in 1973, is the largest higher education institution in the Houston, Texas area. It is also one of the ...

Forces Driving Change in Colleges

form of inertia wherein principals become comfortable with the way things are. An institution of higher education is a unique or...

Changes in Higher Education Due to the Internet

the graduates of these universities and is designed to deliver courses former students can take to "continue their education after...

Du Bois & Washington on Education

times, Washington endeavored to alleviate the fears of the white majority by emphasizing that black people were not a threat to th...

Parental Issues in Education

home-schooling vary, in general home-schooled children do very well in higher education. This is attributed to the fact that home ...

1990s American Education Legislation

In order to fully understand how legislation impacts the U.S. educational system, and also to consider the problems that are inher...

Governance Considerations for Expansion of a US University into China

The culture and governance in the US and China are very different. The writer looks at the way these may impact on higher educatio...

Student Retention in Higher Education

to minorities or to any particular region of the nation. In relationship to what can be done about this problem there are unders...

Teaching and IT in the Future

did not learn all the chemistry, mathematics, physics and all about airflow and dynamics. To work out how to fly you have got to a...

Sexual Harassment and Universities

This research paper analyzes the problem of sexual harrassment with a principal emphasis on how this applies to the universities a...

A Twenty First Century Platform for the Democratic Party

Racial inequality, problems in higher education, and affirmative action, jury nullification, and restitution are all issues that s...

Urban Problems of Atlanta, Georgia

In a paper consisting of ten pages Atlanta's urban problems are considered and include discussions of crime, racism, education, po...

Racism in Colonial America

Racism has been part and parcel of American society since its inception, and the colonial period featured racism in its most virul...

The Global Nature of Racism

This research paper examines racism, taking a global perspective and arguing that this is a pervasive problem that can be found an...

Education According to Newman

of itself, has remained a distant second to the pursuit of capitalism, one can readily argue that Newmans own pursuit of education...

Student Posed Questions Answered in a Trio of Essays

When something needs to be done, it is often the consumer who has to do the leg work. Another pet peeve involves people who drive...

Higher Education Trends

or is hired for a position. Employers see the degree as a sort of prerequisite. Even if the degree has nothing to do with the posi...

Higher Education and the Curriculum Inclusion of Thomas Paine

(Generation Terrorists, 2004). In England, however, he was looked upon with great distaste as he stood, perhaps, for all that t...

Past and Future of Educational Institutional Advancement

20, 2004. The key factor in the lotterys approval by the voters was the promise that all proceeds would go directly to Tennessee ...

Education and Views of John Kerry and George W. Bush

Kerry further thinks that due to the demands foisted on the nation by the presence of a new global economy, all children must rea...

Higher Education in California

in both US and CSU systems (UC Office of the President, 1999). To help with tuition, the state adopted the Cal Grant program to he...