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Essays 1 - 30

Home Health Care Nursing

This paper emphasizes the importance of home health care by outlining typical day in the life of a home health care provider. The...

Public Health Care v. Home Health Care

of Healthcare Organizations is one organization which has had a definitive impact on the quality of care being provided across the...

Home Healthcare Nursing Application in Critical Care Nursing

In ten pages a home healthcare case study is employed to examine what nursing approaches would best be used in this scenario and a...

Nursing Home Care and the Effects of Mandatory Continuation of Nursing Education

nursing care over the past decade and how do they support the argument for a continuum of educational practices for nursing profes...

Field of Nursing and Managed Health Care's Impact

In two pages this paper examines the nursing field and the growing complexities involving managed health care. Two sources are ci...

STDs and Plans of Health Promotion

in the heart and nervous system, or in some cases, death (WHO, 1996). While health promotion relating to STDs may be a global mis...

Health Care Quality, Nursing Job Satisfaction, and a Review of a Nursing Journal Article VI

In two pages an article featured in a nursing journal is reviewed that considers the correlation between patient health care quali...

The Changing Nature of Health Care in the U.S.

expected only to continue for several years to come. Then, growth will begin to decline in response to fewer numbers of people re...

Pediatric Home Health Care Services Marketing

In three pages this report examines pediatric home health care services and how they may be successfully marketed and promoted. F...

Home Health Care Marketing

In five pages this paper examines how to market home health care with a local marketer interviewed and a community facility that f...

Home Health Care Quality Enhancement

In six pages the home health care environment is the focus of this performance enhancement evaluation. Eight sources are cited in...

Slashing Home Health Care and Ethics

state of the art technology. Their lives will be saved above the others. It is somewhat like the scenario when the Titanic went do...

Home Health Care Services' Market Structure

income" (Helms, 2001). The policy was established during WWII at a time when providing health care to workers was relatively inex...

Suggestions for Home Health Care Services' Marketing

with the patient. The problem with this, however, is that therapists and other health care providers dont necessarily have time to...

Aging Population and Depression Issue in Home Health Care

In ten pages this paper presents a hypothetical situation in which an agency must address the issue of senior citizens and depress...

Home Health Care Performance Improvement Quality Assessment

In ten pages this literature review on home health care focuses upon performance improvement in a quality assessment that is based...


patients are in the hospital, using those resources that could be dedicated toward more serious problems). They also mean patients...

Environmental Analysis of HHH Home Health Care Company's Strategic Plan

care. Internal Environment Rising Costs As other types of health care providers seek to control their own costs, home healt...

Home Nursing Care Accreditation, Regulation and Licensing

for competency, the use do surveys to assess standards and the evaluation of clients as well as the provision of a complaints hotl...

The Development of Healthcare Financing in the US

millennia ago, it is the first recorded use of pooled payment systems to proved healthcare. There are many examples of similar soc...

Type and Incidence of Falls in Patients of a Home Care Nursing Agency

only injuries in 53% of the falls recorded. It should be noted that for other types of injury there were some cross overs, for exa...

Presentation for the Implementation of a Fall Prevention Strategy

The paper is a presentation designed to introduce and explain a new fall prevention policy for a home care nursing agency. The pr...

Business Plan for a Nursing Agency Providing In-Home Care

The writer presents a proposal to support a plan for setting up and running a nursing agency, providing nursing and other healthca...

Nursing Home Care for Dementia Patients: Speaker Notes:

This paper consists of the speaker notes for a PowerPoint presentation that pertains to the a student's volunteer experience. The ...

Home Nursing and Palliative Care

In fourteen pages this paper considers home hospice in an examination of palliative care issues. Seven sources are cited in the b...

Long Term Nursing Home Care

In eight pages this paper discusses nursing homes for long term care in a consideration of choices, features, and transitional rec...

Abuse of Senior Citizens and Care in Nursing Homes

In seven pages this paper discusses the appalling accusations of abuse of senior citizens in nursing homes in a consideration of v...

Nursing Home Industry and Patient Care Costs Determination

In six pages this research paper examines the nursing home industry and considers the increasing costs of patient care due to an e...

An Analysis of a Article on Nursing Home Care and Medicaid Payments

for all persons in Medicaid certified facilities within the US. This instrument entails over 350 different data elements ranging f...

Nursing Homes Centered on Clients

The most recent trend in nursing home care is client-centered treatment. This paper examines statistics in elder care, with almost...