YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Hybrid Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Essays 61 - 90

Resolving Conflicts

such things as the arms race, overpopulation, and climate change. A fundamental attribution error is assigning such acts or attitu...

Methods for Conflict Resolution

In a paper of five sources, the author reflected upon the use of conflict resolution methods in a specific type of organization: ...

Handling Conflict in the Workplace

This research paper presents an overview of the topic of conflict and conflict resolution. As a term, conflict is defined and conf...

A Case Study Conflict Analysis

the goals of the two parties, who had the power in the situation, and what currencies were applied. Well then analyze...

A Conflict Resolution Case Study

than that. The community by and large enjoy the Co-op. It is not as if the community is divided. Yet, the city that seems to super...

Urban Planning

In five pages this paper considers holistic alternatives to urban planning with a diagram targeting the congestion of inner cities...

Article Review of 'Predatory Initiators and Changing Landscapes for Warfare' by Karen Rasler and William Thompson

In five pages this paper evaluates the war initiation model by Gartner Siverson in this review of an article that appeared in The ...

Resolving Conflicts in Eight Steps

Conflict resolution is the subject of this paper consisting of ten pages that examines the issue within the context of Interperson...

Analysis of Jacob Boehme’s ‘True Repentance,’ George Whitefield’s ‘The Almost Christian,’ and Jonathan Edwards’ ‘The Resolutions’

divinity of God and that restoration of the original unity could be achieved only from an uncompromising faith through what Christ...

Window Framing

extrusion process, which is a simple and well-understood operation that can be performed relatively cheaply. Installing aluminum f...

Florida Construction of Hybrid Homes

environmentally friendly and will save the consumer money on oil and gas. One writer describes the new look of these green homes...

Organizing for Innovation

the up and down path provided by the hierarchical structure. The matrix structure, however, allows for - and even encourage...

Problems in Case Management and Scheduling

and judges are able to conclude the cases more quickly when there are fewer continuances. Though a case may be continued for othe...

Analysis of Marketing Opportunities; The Car Market in Australia

exert an influence for cars that are cleaner and cost less to run and increased the sales of smaller cars. Despite this there are ...


a New Era orientation. The value it creates for the customer is more than in the coffee cup, but rather, the ability for the custo...

Assessment of Beer and Nohria Article "Cracking the Code of Change"

looking at their own model of Theory E and Theory O change. The change model that was developed in these two theories reflected th...

Nursing Hybrid Program

to gain experience as a member of the health care team. At the end of the two years, some students will have earned 14 college cr...

Examination of Charter Schools

In six pages the hybrid creation of charter schools are examined in terms of encompassing the classification of a public learning ...

Educational Supervision and Hybrid Platform Development

In fifteen pages this report considers the development of educational frameworks with an individual's personality incorporated int...

Hybrid Cars and Their Impact

In five pages this paper examines the socioeconomic, political, and environmental impacts of hybrid automobiles following their 20...

Evolution of Black Music Hybrids

combine that indifference, with separatism or racism, no wonder the African American share of performances or broadcasts is consid...

Measurement of Credit Risk

to look at portfolios of risk as well as individual risk, looking as aspects such as concentration risk. This is often dealt with ...

The Development of the Fyborg

situations in terms of past experiences. Capra (1997) refers to this pattern as the "Computer Model of Cognition" (p. 65), ...

Hybrid Managers and Information Systems

(McManus and Wood-Harper, 2003). In these types of situations, the student can point out that the so-called Hybrid Manager...

Information Systems Failure

management, designed and/or implementation of the system (Chaffey et al, 2000). A great deal of literature in fact, have s...

U.S., China, and Pollution

Institute, 2002). Only one-third of urban Chinese have access to gas for cooking (World Resource Institute, 2002). The situation ...

Systems Failure Planning Through Hybrid Managers

of failure in this we will consider that determination to indicate that the system has, at one stage worked, failure due to never...

Hybrid Management Consistency and Mintzberg's Position

clowns again ... is when they are approaching my car, offering to wash the windshield" (Berry, 2001; p. 23). Countless programmer...

GM's Hybrid Car Crown Victoria and Marketing

departments and highway patrol organizations for their fleet cars. The Crown Victoria has been a police standard for decades. ...

An Overview of Fuel Cell Technology

electrons back from the external circuit to the catalyst, where they can recombine with the hydrogen ions and oxygen to form water...