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Essays 271 - 300

Article Critique/Hospice Patients/Symptom Intensity

incorporated into this study is extensive. The research team breaks this discussion into three subheadings: Assessment Congruence ...

Smith v. State/Hypothetical Ruling

without permission. There were no visible signs of illegal activity, but Officer Jones decided to push deeply into the drivers sea...

CA Prison Health Care/Article Analysis

training" (Murphy, 2005, p. 23). As a prisoner, the author observed prison culture from the perspective of a participant. Various ...

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - Case Study

problems?] The pharmacology interventions target the patients different health conditions, such as high blood pressure and high c...

Studying Lifestyles of Sedentary and Teenage Obesity

obesity, research includes differences in reports between teens and their parents (Goodman, Hinden and Khandelwal, 2000); and stud...

Born Unwanted Examined Critically

boys would prove to have greater difficulties than the girls in the study. Another hypothesis was that "the effect of unwan...

Teaching English to ESL Students/Research Proposal

ESL students who possess a beginning level of language proficiency also possess the ability to handle the academic language requir...

Leslie Silko's 'Ceremony' In a Hypothetical Dialogue

different things that the white man had done, but the point of the novel in regards to Tayo was to get beyond any kind of blame. T...

Moral Absolutism and Moral Egoism Considered in a Hypothetical Issue of Ethics

sixteen years has been paralyzed for the last six years of their marriage and as a result Rose has not had any sexual fulfillment ...

Hypothetical Case Assessment on Massage Therapy

In five pages this paper presents a hypothetical assessment of massage therapy as it can be used to treat a computer programmer an...

Hypothetical Legal Case Decisions and American Law

In six pages this paper examines hypothetical legal cases involving concepts such as the 'Necessary and Proper' clause of the US C...

Hypothetical Recovery Group and Psychosocial Nurse Administration

In six pages this psychosocial nursing consideration assesses a nurse administered fictitious recovery group in a discussion of gr...

Hypothetical Interview of Theodore Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington

In an interview consisting of ten pages set in 1901 the questions of these esteemed men include America's future outlook, the role...

Hypothetical British Common Lawl Case

In five pages a hypothetical case is presented that highlights British common law and applies negligence and liability premises. ...

Terrorist Plan, Hypothetical

This research paper outlines the parameters for a HYPOTHETICAL attack on the Statue of Liberty. Fifteen ages in length, thirteen ...

Research Analysis

This research paper, first of all, relates the PICOT question that provides the basis for a proposed study, and then compares it ...

Data and Two Hypothetical Businesses

Foodie is an app that uses big data to understand user's food preferences. Wandr uses big data to link travelers with other travel...

Qualitative Research Talk

The question for the study being discussed is: "How effective is the new ESL curriculum in helping student improve English languag...

Hispanic Youth, Obesity, and Research

This research paper pertains to three research studies, which pertain to overweight/obesity in Hispanic adolescents, and reports ...

Hypothetical Interview/Nursing Leader

task forces, committees, and organizational projects," while also serving as "resources to other nurses to facilitate advancing sk...

Article Critique/ADHD Study, An Intervention

hypothesized that "Shawns off-task behavior served a dual function," that involved both positive and negative reinforcement mechan...

Average Weekly Hours Students Study

going into statistical explanations, every empirical study establishes a confidence level that reports how much confidence the res...

Hypothetical 2000 Advertising and Marketing Plan for Budweiser

In fourteen pages a hypothetical Anheuser Busch marketing and advertising campaign is presented in terms of company challenges, an...

A Surgincal Team Change Hypothetical Case

The procedures of a surgical team are presented in a hypothetical case that consists of 7 pages. These procedures are described w...

Hypothetical Case on Surrogate Parenting Issues

In seven pages this paper examines a hypothetical instance in which the surrogate and biological mother are the same in a consid...

Hypothetical Company Mansell Ltd. Supply and Purchasing

knows that the buyer needs a thousand items each week, the seller will make sure that those items are in stock and will save them ...

Hypothetical Letter to a Mental Patient

the first place: it was your brothers wicked fiance Isabella who had dreamt up such nonsense in the first place, and convinced you...

Hypothetical Company and Maximizing Production

In five pages this paper discusses a hypothetical candy company and how to optimize production for 3 different candy types in a co... and Hartford Company Hypothetical Merger

In ten pages this hypothetical merger is examined in a consideration of possible problems as a result of such a merger, corporate ...

A Review of the Themes in Borderlands

Written in Spanish this essay is a 4 page analysis of the 1987 novel by Gloria Anzaldua. The borders confronting Mexican immigran...