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Essays 91 - 120

Anxiety in a Diabetic Patient, A Case Study

This essay draws on research to report a hypothetical case study, which concerns therapy utilized to aid a woman with type 2 diabe...

Marketing Strategies for JP Business Solutions

In a paper of five pages, the writer looks at marketing strategies. JP Business Solutions is used as a hypothetical case study. Pa...

Technology Vendors and Marketing Issues

In a paper of eight pages, the writer looks at technology vendors and potential marketing issues. A case study is presented as a h...

American Family's Decline

probabilities of marrying and remarrying have decreased, cohabitation outside of marriage has become common, and rates of separati...

Family Therapy and a Systems Approach

13 year old may be experimenting with drugs and this too will affect the family. In this case study, Katie begins to act out in sc...

Drinking and Teens

about their future. There are many reasons why this subject group would prove to offer valuable information and many possible resu...

The Function of Technology in a Grocer's IT System

peak hours, does it take longer for the customer to get through?). What role would a database play in this particular syst...

Business Process Management and the Importance of Interdepartmental Communication

utilized by todays companies in an effort to improve their project management capabilities, reduce cost, and in general, meet more...

Project Management and the Value of Communication

project management as a rote process, considering only the most quantifiable assessments of process efficiency. This, however, is ...

Constitutional Law and the Illegal Acquisition of Evidence

are carried out because of precedent. Because laws are instruments which do not always map directly to the varying nuances of real...

Gumdrop Northern: A Business Ethics Memorandum

been made on a global level to restrict and even outlaw landmine use (UNAC, 2010). Gumdrop Northern has received a considerable am...

Teenage Anxiety: A Hypothetical Treatment Plan

it is all too common to adopt a textbook mentality in which "cases" are represented by a few paragraphs in a textbook, to which on...

Trans People & Bathroom Rights in Canada

meet the health needs of trans people (Sandeen). A fact cited by Davis is that only 15 to 20 percent of individuals who identify t...

Health Histories and Self-Critiques - A Sample

the cancer come for me at last". - Past History Mr. Skuulovich reported a lifelong history of combatting illness and diseases, ...

Security Risk Management for IT Systems

this is not to say that information technology cannot be leveraged towards any advantage at all. It simply requires that organizat...

A Case Study of the Consumer Protection Safety Act

the company relented. Employees were interviewed about all stages of the manufacturing process, from production to distribution, a...

Trists, Estates, and Financial Planning

In twenty pages the planning of estates and finances are examined in a hypothetical case study featuring a twentysomething couple ...

Case Study of Collections and Credit

A hypothetical case study consisting of twenty pages examines how to initiate collection practice changes for the sake of improvem...

Reducing Playground Violence

take an indirect form, such as gossip. There are also direct forms, such as name-calling; as well as range of behavior that includ...

Microculture/A Middle School Classroom

demands of life" (Wilms 606). The emphasis in this system was regimentation and standardization, and to a certain extent, its cult...

Family Structure and Crimes of Violence

In five pages this paper examines the impact of family structure on the incidences of violent crime with information analysis and ...

Adolescent Online Impact Study: Methods And Results

questionable impact over adolescent personality, values and manner. In gathering this information, several methods were utilized ...

Strategic Thinking and Its Practical Applications

of a statistical area that has many goals. In addition to needing to meet specific deadlines to fulfill filing requirements and su...

Multiple Sclerosis Client Case Study Patient Assessment

of anxiety due to the diagnosis. She is single but hoped to one day get married and have children. The sudden onset of symptoms an...

Pragmatics Case Study Analysis

and Greg are the deliverymen and they also help to keep the shop clean. While Glen also makes fun of Dan and Greg, they usually la...

Instruments of Career Assessment

In seven pages hypothetical case studies are used in the application of three instruments of career assessment. Four sources are ...

Demand Determinants

In fifteen pages a fast food restaurant hypothetical case study is used in a consideration of demand determinants and how to use a...

Educational Effects of Single Parenthood

Case Study In order to assess the impact that single motherhood has on education of children who are a part of such a family mode...

Music Therapy and Cancer Patients

In twelve pages a literature review is included in this hypothetical study that considers the effects and potential benefits of mu...

Faith, Self Esteem, and Social Phobia

In thirteen pages this hypothetical research study considers how religion is an effort to surmount the negativity associated wit...