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Hypothetical Marijuana Study

such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent, beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts" (DSM-IV,...

Hypothetical Study of Touro Hospital's Wellness Center Efficacy

this study. The Goals and Objectives for the Study The following are the major goals and objectives for the study:...

Those Who Use Marijuana, Those Who Don't and Attitudinal Variations

came up with a theory as to why people utilized marijuana for pleasure (Hallstone, 2002). This sociologist looked at drug use from...

Case Study on the Workplace and Drugs

by speaking with these individuals who seem to stay out late, arrive to work late and look disheveled, a new situation presents it...

Juveniles and Marijuana Addiction

This research paper focuses on the role of peer pressure in regards to adolescent use of marijuana. Whether or not marijuana shoul...

All About Marijuana

of marijuana, 2001). The use of the drug in various forms continues to spread through the Middle East and in the 1300s, Arab trade...

Legalizing Marijuana

from pot bootleggers" (ONeill, 2002; NA). The above statement presents many of the arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana. F...

Legalization of Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes

it can lead to lung problems, and that legalizing it for medicinal purposes will only encourage the youth of the nation to obtain ...

Overview of a Criminal Justice Study on Marijuana Use

This research paper consists of an analysis of Green, et al's 2010 study, "Does heavy adolescent marijuana use lead to criminal in...

Concept Mapping Versus Care Plans/A Proposed Study

the fever? Was it related to an infection in the surgical wound? Was the patient developing atelectasis and pneumonia? Or, was the...

Procrastination and GPA

health when deadlines are far off" (Chu and Choi, 2005, p. 245). On the other hand, the Tice and Baumeister study also reported th...

Marijuana Bills Introduced by Reps. Blumenauer and Farr

This paper reports the history of the use of marijuana as a medical intervention and when it became illegal in this country. It po...

Medical Marijuana

compounds and has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents" (Medical Marijuana ProCon.or...

Marijuana versus Prozac in the Treatment of Depression

This 6 page paper discusses the merits of treating depression with marijuana instead of Prozac. The writer argues that using marij...

Marijuana Legalization Supporting Arguments

it made people violent and by the 1930s, the substance was illegal in all states (Kuhn, Swartzwelder & Wilson, 2003). In 1936, Po...

Marijuana and its Psychological Effects on the Brain, Sleep, and Stress

debate in recent years regarding the drug marijuana and whether or not its effects on the body and brain are really as dramatic an...

Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

that has always been associated with the civilization of a society. Yet, it appears that once a society is considered civilized it...

Textbook Chapter and Media Article Compared

protecting brain cells from stroke and trauma damage. A recent study also showed that cannabinoids block the formation of new memo...

U.S. and EU Marijuana Law

a "gateway" drug that inevitably leads to narcotics use, either cocaine or heroin. The fact is that marijuana is not physically ad...

Medical Marijuana

and medical marijuana would be sold in pharmacies and likely grown by pharmaceutical companies. In one particular article it is ...

Medical Marijuana, Pro and Con

This research paper discusses the benefits and risks associated with medical marijuana use. The writer concludes in favor of presc...

Legalizing Marijuana Compared to the Prohibition

Special interest groups and propaganda played a strong role in Prohibition and they have played a strong role in drug laws today, ...


challenge. Senior management sometimes just doesnt want to hear that a report is late because the project leaders father died two ...

Academic Achievement and Parental Involvement Impact

In six pages a hypothetical study is presented that considers how parent involvement affects student scholastic achievement with s...

Fatigue and its Impact on Emotions Study

In a paper consisting fo 6 pages a hypothetical study of fatigue is discussed in terms of its impact upon emotions and assesses th...

Adult Children Who Leave Home

home if they come from a close family? Literature Review David Anderegg, professional of psychology at Bennington College in Ve...

Lung Cancer in Men and Pain Management Through Narcotics

the 5 year mark after diagnosis (Kreamer, 2003). Tobacco use is the leading risk factor in regards to developing lung cancer and 8...

Arguing in Favor of Legalization of Marijuana

In 10 pages this paper proposes a quantification study regarding the issue of marijuana legalization. Six sources are cited in th...

Marijuana and Its Cognitive Effects

sharp increase in its use (1994). Indeed, part of the reason why the drug is popuolar is becuae its destructive effects are not ad...