Essays 91 - 120

The 'Other' America in Alex Kotlowitz's There Are No Children Here

This paper consisting of five pages investigates the environment that two young African American boys experience in their Chicago ...

Human Nature and the Writings of Lee K. Abbott

In eleven pages Lee K. Abbott's quirky exploration of human nature in the short stories collection Living After Midnight is examin...

Life of an English Commoner from 1800 to 1850

In ten pages an English commoner's life as it was lived during the first half of the 19th century is considered with original test...

Christianity Challenges, Mandates, and Dualism

the entertainment industry and organized crime. Americans spend billions on dollars in x-rated entertainment, drugs, religious lit...

Swedish Furniture Company IKEA

As IKEA puts it . . . "Thats boring" (Internet source). But the most interesting point made in the Manifesto is one that is elegan...

Analysis of the Second Chapter of Walden by Henry David Thoreau

that regards Walden as the "story of a person who traded a flawed reality for an idealistic, isolated sanctuary" (845). A close re...

How to Live Creative Essay

and large, a combination of logic and illogic, it stands to follow that many decisions can and must be made without engaging in pr...

A Livable Wage in NJ Case Study

that community is much higher than average. With the assumption that it is impossible to live on only twenty thousand per year in ...

Standard of Living and the Industrial Revolution

a negative manner (Nardinelli, 2002). To illustrate this point, merely conjure up many of the ghastly images of which Dickens so ...

The Daily Lives of Ancient Egyptians

or when (Montet, 1968). There is some historical text which has been deciphered giving some of the details of ancient Egypt. Mon...

Life as Seen Through the Classics

to the role of an international statesman; through his efforts, he ultimately ended up as a role model for many American youths wh...

Women in Athens During the Fifth Century

dilemma for his children, Orestes and Electra, who have to choose between not avenging their father and murdering their mother (18...

The Arguments For Torture; Are They Right?

in order to extract the location. While it may be distasteful and unconstitutional, it can also be argued as necessary. The tortur...

Overview of Dementia

strikes first in the medial temporal lobe, memory recall, confusion and forgetfulness are typically the first identifiable symptom...

The Different Yet Similar Views of Walter Berry and Lewis Thomas

This paper examines two convincing arguments that mankind is not that dissimilar from the lower animals that live among us. The gr...

The Law as Compared to Living Organisms

example lies in the laws that we have that relate to due process. The laws relating to due process are specialized laws that dir...

The Impact of the Internet

and communities in a number of ways. The main influences, especially with tools such as multimedia, the internet as well as mobil...

The English Patient/Theme of Nationalism

blank slate for the imaginings of those around him, particularly Hana. Myth "crosses international boundaries and offers apparentl...

Ethical Implications Of The Sacraments

for leaders to be servants by washing the feet of His Apostles. He loved those who were unloved, He forgave His enemies, even with...

The Benefits of a Liberal Education

says that there are whole huge parts of life as American adults that nobody talks about, especially in commencement speeches (Wall...

Two Educations

were doing nothing but scraping along wondering if we will be able to survive until the next check, life can be very difficult and...

Life Expectancy

beings are approaching a biological ceiling on old age. It is perhaps a myth that as time progresses, people are living longer. It...

Lesson Plans/NY Standards/Science

The column for "L" what the students have learned is left blank and filled in as the week progresses. Lesson 2 involves begins w...

Living Below The Poverty Line In America And Ethiopia

Bureau, 2005). The 2000 census reflects an unemployed rate of 6.1% out of the overall civilian workforce of 656,539 people. Occu...

Conflict Theory: Treatment For Outpatient Clients of a Mandated Drug And Alcohol Program

as their economic base shrinks, poor, inner-city, minority neighborhoods become increasingly marginalized, disenfranchised, and po...

Coping Techniques For Parents With Special Needs Children

with such aspects as homework (Patten, 1994; Bryan et al, 2004; Cooper et al, 1994). Reaching the special needs student req...

Beehive Home Assisted Living Facility

care service has been the focus of greater scrutiny. Willging (2004) asks: "Just what is assisted living? There are still too ma...

The Bhagavad Gita

karma, the single-most component of unethical behavior. People are constantly judged; every moment of every day, all that they do...

Do Children Living With Their Mom Only do Worse

The incidence of children living in single-parent homes continues to increase and it is usually the mother raising the children. M...

'Where I Lived & What I Lived For' by Henry David Thoreau

that he was "in haste" to buy it before the owner finished making any more "improvements," i.e. changes that Thoreau implies he hi...