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Essays 121 - 150

U.S. Family Impact of Prohibition

capita per year by those Americans that were considered of drinking age (Foner and Garraty, 1991). Obviously, alcohol con...

Family Impact Upon Future Generations

In five pages this paper examines the postmodern family in terms of various types and child rearing. Five sources are cited in th...

Families and Fetal Death Impact

before they ever come to the hospital. Once the diagnosis has been made, "[P]atient preferences should be considered when choosing...

Family Impact of Male Suicide

In five pages social and psychological views are taken regarding the familial impact of male suicide in a consideration of relevan...

Case Study on the Family Impact of Personality Theory

In five pages this case study examines the impact of such personality theories as Gray's anxiety theory, Kelly's personality theor...

Tourism and Family Structure Impacts

be in place regarding the time able to be spent on leisure. However, when looking at marketing these factors may be releva...

Social Issues and Impacts Upon Schools and Families of Young Children

more of a culturally mixed country we see more and more religious diversity, further confusing the matter for young children. Now,...

The Impact of Alcoholism on Families

placed in foster homes, which they were told would happen if just one more report was filed with protective services. The oldest ...

Overview of Teen Pregnancies and Impact Upon Families

group, as expected, there are quite a bit of pregnancies for the teenagers. This is true despite the fact that there is a decline ...

Family Impact of SIDS

In ten pages this paper discusses the family effects, most notably the parental impact of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Six sourc...

Industrial Revolution's Impact Upon English Lifestyle and Family

In five pages this paper discusses how the Industrial Revolution forever changed England's society and family structure. There ar...

Small Business Impact of the Family and Medical Leave Act

fiscal year, rolling year measured from the date the leave is used or requested, or any other fixed twelve-month period (p. 71). ...

2001 and the Impact of Human Relations on Organizations and Families

In six pages this paper examines the 21st century in a consideration of how families and organizations will be affected by human r...

Families and the Impact of Welfare Reform

Harris reports that though the amount of benefits applied for have declined by 26.5%-45% in the three states mentioned, the level ...

2 Career Families and Their Positive and Negative Impacts

day and age, where one lives matters. There are high crime areas that one sometimes finds themselves stuck in, and they must live ...

Family Impact of Divorce

well as younger children. When a specific age range is meant, that will be clarified in the text. * Divorce means that the couple ...

Sherman Alexie's Indian Killer, Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment and Impact of Family

In six pages this essay compares these two literary works in terms of family impact and protagonist alienation. There are no othe...

Children, New Family Structures and Their Impact

In five pages this paper examines 1990s' family research in a discussion of how children are being affected by families and the re...

Families and the Impact of Bipolar Disorder

consider that no one is immune from bipolar disorder. It can affect men, women and children at any stage of their lives. In a ch...

Chicago Law Enforcement Officers and Their Families and the Impact of the City's Residency Requirement

In ten pages this paper discusses how Chicago's residency requirement impacts police officers and their families alike. Eight sou...

The Impacts of Caffeine on Human Behavior

11 pages and 6 sources. This paper provides an overview of the impacts of caffeine on human physiology, with a specific view of t...

Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin

is addicted, pointing out that it was simply part of his wild nature, thus letting the reader see how the brother is being affecte...

Social Change and the Family Structure

Factors that include social, political and economic elements are distinctly related to the structure of the American family and th...

Reaction Essay on Wild Swans Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang

her family were forced to abide by Communist principles even - and especially - when they did not condone them from a personal per...

Political Socialization and Its Major Agents

mass media, school and peers are "major agents of political socialization." Family Lundblad (2004) describes two of her "de...

Overview of Alcoholism

panic attacks, low self esteem, and substance abuse are other manifestations of adults survivors of abuse(Boulware, 2002). Most of...

US Society and the Internet

incredibly intriguing and checks every day to see what the weather will be like. From such simple perspectives as this we can see ...

Family Fragmenting Through Deportation

teacher and artist and while he waits in jail for his fate to be sealed, his wife and five children have undergone extreme emotion...

Social Changes Resulting from the Internet

which was the first true beginning of linking computers together (Leiner et al., 2004). And, by the end of the 1960s the design wa...

Pay Equity

"oppressive child labor" was defined. Under this act those who are not paid the required level can reclaim the lost wages as wel...