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Implementing Supply Chain Management

that companies that had implemented such a process "had an order-cycle and an inventory days of supply that were 50 percent lower ...

Implementing XML Supply Chain Management at Riordan

only track goods from the supplier through production to the end users presents challenges, the abulty to automat this would be en...

New Supply Chain Models; Synchronized Supply Chains

to obtain a supply the buyer will have to collaborate with a potential supplier. This is also seen further down the supply chain a...

The Internet as Distribution Medium for Music

space and working capital, they are limited to what they can sell by the available space and the amount of capital that can be tie...

The Challenges of Adopting Customer Centric Processes

market capitalization 64 Figure 13 Hierarchy and Customer Centric Organisational Structure 70 Figure 14 Push Organization 72 Figur...

The Practice of Supply Chain Management and Logistics Management at McDonald's

the consistency and qualities of the inputs are also key to the delivery of this experience. The sale of food and beverage items...

How to Improve Supply Chain Management at McDonalds

paper is to look at the main elements of that supply chain and consider the way that it operates as well as the potential problems...

Supply Chain Management at Carrefour

Belgium (History, n.d.). Carrefour went public in 1970. Promod?s created the convenience store format in 1977; the two merged in...

Risk And Reward In Supply Chain Management Article Review

organizations different opportunities. The organization examines its portfolio of sources, distribution points, and locations of a...

Perodua SCM

of the firm. Schechter and Sander (2002) extend a well used business analogy which has been utilized by authors such as Mi...

Supply Chain Risk Management via Intelligent Agents

efficacy. For instance, through the use of embedded RFID chips, supply chain management can be handled in a much more straightforw...


been asked to provide some of the main issues that are involved with supply chain management and some of the new learning that has...


chain becomes so important. What was once considered mainly logistics (i.e., getting the raw materials in to make a product, then ...


years, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 underlined the fact that back-ups and recovery processes were necessary to prot...

Training for Adults in Supply Chain Management

stage of development of the learner. Both young adulthood and middle-aged adulthood (Hsu, n.d.) age groups are likely to be repres...

Supply Chain Management and the Extended Enterprise

Its many benefits deliver a powerful cumulative impact---speeding operations and improving customer satisfaction and loyalty" ("Ci...

Supply Chain and Operations Management Questions

user. Firms may compete using logistics in order to gain a competitive advantage. Effective supply chain management can help to cr...

Green Supply Chain Management

and policies associated with the greening of the supply chain can be associated with economic savings (Rao, 2007; Esty and Winston...

Supply Chain Management and RFID Chips

chips into products or shipping pallets. In particular, the development of the Intelligent Global Pooling System, or IGPS, has ena...


Provides an overview of supply chain management, business logistics and potential disruptions to supply chains. There are 6 source...

How Wal-Mart Creates Value Through the Supply Chain

The writer looks at Wal-Mart's supply chain, examining the different components and the way that they work together to provide the...

Challenges to International Supply Chain Management

International supply chains are becoming increasingly popular. The writer examines some of the challenges faced by the management ...

Improving Supply Chain using Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology for eliminating defects in any process. The concept of Lean Six Sigma comes from hybridizin...

Implmenting VMI in Indian Company

Rajat Mehra's company is a bottler for Coca-Cola and five other beverages. Their customers represent a range of semi-literacy in f...

Supply chain management improvement

Supply chain management, from the upstream supply to the downstream supply, has the potential to present organisations with unnece...

The Use of ICT in Corporations

One of the operations that we know gives a company a competitive advantage is a well-managed supply chain. Along the lines of corp...

Business Questions; Research and Supply Chain Management

to less biased than try to prove this is true. Truth can never be ascertained from continual failures to prove it false. Data anal...

Military Supply Chain Management

approaches to identifying strategic issues. They are the Indirect, Goals, Vision of Success and Tensions Approaches (Bryson, 2004...

Apple and Dell, Supply Chain Management

levels of attention is that of supply chain management (SCM). Supply chain management deals with the movement of goods fro...

Toyota Supply Chain Management

is why Toyota adopted just-in-time (JIT) supply chain management many, many years ago. JIT is about having the right raw materials...