YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Improving the efficiency of healthcare providers

Essays 1 - 30

Proposal for the Application of Collaborative Practices in Health Care Provision

The paper, which is written in the style of a White Paper, proposes an increased level of collaborative practices between medical ...

Disease Management/Hypertension

management (DM) concept Disease management (DM) is defined as a "systematic clinical improvement process," which addresses both ...

Hospital Technology

The purpose of technology in hospitals is to increase efficiency and accuracy of their healthcare systems and to improve patient c...

The Impact of Reimbursement Strategies on Healthcare Revenue

which was potentially the first ever schedule of physician charges (Jost, 1988). Today the issue is not as simple with a far more ...

Health Agencies and Regulation

and enforcer, taking on issues that are deemed to be in the public interest, but are not provided through other market mechanisms....

Influences on Patient Healthcare Service Provider Communication

information being given to the patient by the doctor. Anecdotal evidence from those who were patients at the time remember importa...

Managed Care Contracts

Wagner 35). It is also suggested that the practitioner should, of course, thoroughly read the contract, but also that practition...

Patient Satisfaction As An Indication of Clinical Quality

Agency for Healthcare and Quality as "doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, for the right person-and having ...

Use of the Clinical Pathways System in U.S. Healthcare

The Clinical Pathways system helps healthcare professionals map out medical interventions and surgery, as well as the expected out...


other customers? All of this needs to be clearly spelled out in the contract, so there is no confusion. What. What is the...

Improving Accounts Receivable

empowerment of the PFS staff, giving them responsibility over specific accounts and up to date tools to allow them to track the p...

Assessing Personal Development

graduate seeking to compete in an administrative environment with others that have MBAs, may benefit from undertaking an MBA for t...

The Impact of Schizophrenia

the family are high, exacerbated by the death of Davids father. Feelings Gibbs reflective cycle will usually focus in the feelin...

Changes in the UK

UK north/south divide with an old division becoming prominent once again, where economic hardship appears to be hitting the north ...

The Re-designing of Job Specifications

more of a smaller part of each task, to increase efficiency, this is an approach that is linked to the efficiency approach. The r...

Fall Prevention Assessment Tool

training in fall prevention strategies or interventions (tick one answer only). * Yes * No For the following questions please ind...

Influences on Long Term Healthcare in the US; The Case of Cathedral Rock Corporation

Florida senator Mel Martinez who has introduced the Senior and Taxpayers Obligation Protection (STOP) Act (S. 975) in May 2009 (An...

Real-Time Information in the Hospital Setting

real-time applications, patient records are updated instantly as information is added to them. Thus the physician making rounds h...

Reaction Essay to MS Article

was when a respiratory infection became severe and his doctors prescribed the use of an iron lung to aid ventilation. Macurdy desc...

How to Serve a Client with Multiple Physical and Mental Health Issues

combination of these factors can lead to an increase rate of CNS deterioration which in turn can lead to increased neurological si...

Financial Comparative Analysis of HCA Inc. and Tenet Healthcare Corp.

birth though to death with general and acute facilities as well as specialised facilities such as cardiology, oncology, orthopaedi...

Home Health Service Provider Business Plan

or may not have a market, home health care is a service that always has a market of some size. The business is a proven one, one ...

Overview of Self Mutilation

superficial variety is most common among adolescents. Self-mutilation is commonly the cutting of forearms or wrists, but there ca...

Nursing Economics/ Fiscal Realities

harms the healthcare systems of the home countries of these nurses, which ethically and morally limits its use. Another method t...

Comparing Healthcare in Zambia with Healthcare in United States

2007 and the disease accounts for 20% of maternal mortality and 40% if infant mortality (CSO, 2009). HIV is also a serious problem...

Harley Davidson ERP Case Study

This 6 page paper is based on a case study provided by the student. The paper assesses the decision making process followed by Har...

Healthcare Administration Leadership

to effective, responsible health policy initiatives" (Doctor in HA). Whether or not long-term goals are reached within the country...

Functions of Human Resources Management

needed. Once we have our goals in mind and our personnel needs sketched out for the next 12-18 months, the second most important ...


days is to promote itself as a place where customers can go to get low-cost goods. This has been an especially strong strategy dur...

Max Weber's Bureaucracy Theory and Hospital Structure

and generally run by fairly specific rules. This is necessary especially in a hospital -- for example, a surgeon just doesnt drag ...