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Into That Darkness by Gitta Sereny

question, one of the jurors came up to her later and told her, "I dont want you to think it was unanimous--it wasnt" (Sereny 360)....

Differences Between Holocaust Personalities Stangl and Eichmann

In five pages a determination as to whether Stangl and Eichmann are two different authors or two different people are examined wit...

Historical Significance of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad II

In five pages the twentieth century relevance of Heart of Darkness is considered in this historical perspective of Joseph Conrad's...

Analysis of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker--may it last as long as the old earth keeps rolling! But darkness was...

Things Fall Apart by Achebe and Heart of Darkness by Conrad

with this great solitude" (73). Kurtz allows all of his most primitive desires to run rampant. The experience of being away from a...

Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Racism

Congo are largely recorded in Heart of Darkness, his most famous, finest and most enigmatic story, the title of which signifies no...

Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and Images of Darkness and Light

with the world of tradition, the world of civilization. Huddled within the womb-like interior of the Congo, he retreats ever furth...

A Report onthe Poem 'Gretel in Darkness'

as the person with whom she experienced an ordeal and yet still escaped. In contemporary psychological jargon, she could be said...

Heroism in Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' and 'Beowulf'

The concept of heroism is compared in this paper consisting of 5 pages and there is a consensus that it is a concept that is beyon...

'An Image of Africa' and 'Heart of Darkness'

This paper consists of 3 pages and considers the emotional elements that characterize these novels by Chinua Achebe and Joseph Con...

4 Works of Literature and the Themes of Exploitation and Power

In eight pages this paper discusses exploitation followed by power renewal in A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, Continental Dri...

Disorder and Moral Darkness in Macbeth by William Shakespeare

In five pages this paper analyzes the tragedy of disorder and moral darkness that characterizes the play and considers the roles L...

Narrative Evolution

In seven pages the evolution of narrative are examined in a consideration of Scarlet and Black, Tristram Shandy, Madame Bovary, He...

Apocolypse Now Film by Director Francis Ford Coppola

In five pages this paper considers the film's parallels with Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and also discusses influences of T...

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

In eight pages this paper discusses Joseph Conrad's battles with depression and how this affected his novel Heart of Darkness. Ni...

Kurtz and Marlow in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

In five pages Kurtz and Marlow's relationship is the focus of this Heart of Darkness character analysis. There are 3 sources cite...

Taking Chances in The Stand, Desperation, and Insomnia by Stephen King

this is the same evil that invades the minds and souls of killer postal workers, schoolyard murderers, and child abusers? King al...

Literature and Modernism

In six pages this paper examines 20th century modernist literature in a consideration of such concepts as impressionism, postmoder...

Jane Tompkins' Revolutionary Approach to Literary Criticism

In eighteen pages this paper supports Jane Tompkins' suggestions that literature instruction should address the students' minds an...

Marlow in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

the fact that the universe makes perfect sense if only one views it from the proper angle (McLynn PG). Basically, it is the langu...

Comparing Nadine Gordimer and Joseph Conrad

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares The Moment the Gun Went Off by Nadine Gordimer and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Con...

Old and New Hearts of Darkness

The Francis Ford Coppola motion picture Apocalypse Now served as a remake of Robert Conrad's Heart of Darkness. This paper compare...

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and the 'Quest' for Self

In six pages this paper analyzes the quest for self in a discussion of Charlie Marlow's enlightenment in Heart of Darkness by Jose...

T.S. Eliot's 'Waste Land' and Its Cultural Influences

In a paper consisting of 10 pages the aethetic, scientific, and sociopolitical influences on Eliot's 1922 masterpiece is considere...

Setting the Stage for Imagery and Violence in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

In six pages this paper examines how the stage for violence is set through imagery in this tragic play by William Shakespeare in a...

Metaphors of Darkness and Light in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

In five pages this paper discusses how the characters in this Shakespearean tragedy are better understood through the metaphors of...

Macbeth by William Shakespeare and the Motifs of Blindness, Sight, Darkness, and Light

In ten pages this paper examines Shakespeare's characterizations of Lord and Lady Macbeth regarding how they enable him to masterf...

Western Civilization's Failure in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

In 5 pages this paper examines how Western civilization's failure is conveyed by Joseph Conrad by the characterization of Kurtz in...

Civilization Through the Eyes of Freud and Conrad

Sigmund Freud and Joseph Conrad had very similar views of civilization. This analysis deals with Freud's Civilization and Its Disc...

Concept of Modernism and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad II

In five pages romanticism and modernism are compared in this consideration of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. There is 1 sour...