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Essays 1 - 30

Existence of Natural Rights

In five pages the existence of natural rights is considered within the context of John Locke's concepts and as they are manifested...

Is There an Incompability Issue Between the European Convention for Human Rights and Adverse Possession?

had abandoned or dispossessed the land. This was seen as legalising the theft of land where an owner did not exercise their rights...

R v DPP ex parte Kebilene Case and The Human Rights Act

In five pages this paper analyzes this case's interpretation and application of the Human Rights Act within the perspective of the...

Basic Human Rights Undermined by the Human Rights Act of 1998's Margin of Appreciation

may be seen as conflicting. However, the effectiveness of the Act given by the margin of appreciation may be argued to undermine t...

'Golden Thread' of Woolmington, Presumption of Evidence, and the Burden of Proof

fact been committed by the defendant, the burden of proof was on the defence to show that the act had not been one of murder ("fou...

Evidence, Law, the Burden of Proof, and EC's Human Rights

we can also see that there maybe some acts which we feel to be immoral or unethical, but they do not constitute criminal acts, whe...

Adoption Cases and the Rights of Children and Parents

In 20 pages this paper considers United Kingdom law in this overview of child welfare and the rights of both parents and child wit...

Educating God's Lost Flock in 'The Lamb' by William Blake

In four pages this paper discusses how William Blake educates others on the gifts from God humans possess in his poem 'The Lamb.'...

Social Responsibility, Terminally Ill Citizens, and Euthanasia

In five pages euthanasia is explored in terms of history, types, and issues of economics, living wills, and human rights....

International Law and Privacy

real sanctions that country can suffer for breaching an international law. It can be argued that the reason for the agreement is...

Property Law and the Effects of 1998's Human Rights Act

indicate the areas where property rights may be included, here it is easiest to consider them in relationship to the original Conv...

Judiciary and the Changes in the Interpretation of the Law After the Human Rights Act

European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms with the section indicating the law should be in interpreted in line ...

Uniform Code Value, European Law, Contract Law, and the 'Battle of the Forms'

In 28 pages the impact of globalization on twenty first century European contract law is assessed in a paper trail that covers amo...

International Participation, the United Nations, and Human Rights

In eight pages this research paper examines how the U.N. approaches human rights issues in a discussion of organizations such as t...

Analysis of Jack Nelson Pallmeyer's The School of Assassins

In five pages this paper analyzes the text that recommends closing the 'School of the Americas' that contributes to Latin American...

Aspects of human Rights Issues

2. What historical, cultural, and religious factors have shaped the concept of human rights in Russia? What legal and constitution...

Questions on United Kingdom Law Pertaining to the Human Rights Convention

well as the appearance of upholding the values of a violence free society. With the shooting of two teenage girls in Birmingham, t...

Global Human Rights Problems and Violations

partly because violations of human rights were protected by the doctrine of state sovereignty and partly because the Cold War made...

Improving Human Rights and International Efforts

to the survival of international law, for without this controlling entity there would be no sense of responsibility. With no modi...

Magistrates in the British Judiciary

This paper examines the European Convention's reforms and how they have impacted the British judiciary's magistrates in 5 pages. T...

The Status of Human Rights in Brazil

the main problems being a militarized police force that tended to shoot first and ask questions later (Human Rights, Political Wro...

Separate Concept of European Citizenship

This paper examines European citizenship as a separate concept and the various issues that are associated with it in eight pages....

Articles VIII and X of 1998's The Human Rights Act

Court interpretation of Article 8 and Article 10 of 1998's Human Rights Act is examined in 7 pages....

Can the Issues of Human Rights Be Considered Valid?

free citizens to own and inherit property as well as to be free from excessive taxation (1997). It created the right of widows who...

China and the Possibility of Revolution

societal dictates under which Chinese women had lived for centuries. This period was characterized by a complex interaction betwe...

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press

identifying freedom of speech as a human right for all men was the U.S. bill of Rights in 1791, which guaranteed four human rights...

Animals and Rights

provide a significant supply of goods for human beings, not the least of which supports mans medicinal, food, companion and entert...

Adverse Drug Reaction Among Elderly Patients: Impact Upon Costs And Length Of Hospital Stay

population want to be able to take care of themselves, yet they are rarely given the tools with which to accomplish this objective...

Article I, Protocol I of the Human Rights Convention and Property Law's Impact Upon the Human Rights Act of 1998

was an interesting case, but it is indicative of how individual human rights can be seen to cross over with property law (Reed, 20...

21st Century Report on North Korea's Concentration Camps

of slave labor, beatings, and of the executions they have personally witnessed that scream to be heard by the world. They are spe...