YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Issues in Juvenile Delinquency
Essays 1 - 30
This research paper pertains to the association between child abuse and juvenile delinquency. The paper also discusses the relati...
riotous behavior inasmuch as students contend their rights are being violated by the limitation. The issue at hand, points ...
use is a prevalent factor in the school setting is intrinsically related to social elements, a point the authors illustrate by exa...
cultures norms in achieving those goals (Robert Merton: Anomie Theory, 2008). One could perhaps state that, as an example, the soc...
In ten pages this research proposal assesses the recidivism impacts and success rates of juvenile delinquency programs versus juve...
In fifteen pages this paper examines juvenile delinquency in a consideration of the relationship between youth crime incidence and...
not career criminals. While the label does have a negative connotation, it is not the same as calling someone a murderer or a thie...
contributing to delinquent behavior it may be nearly impossible to formulate an appropriate and meaningful intervention or treatme...
In ten pages this paper discusses juvenile delinquency in a consideration of the roles played by family, school, and the church wi...
and drug abuse violations at a rate of 1,447.1, 1032.7, 699.5 and 561.8 per 100,000 youth population (National Center for Juvenile...
be minors. One aspect of being a minor is the inability to enter a legally binding contract. For many, this represents a glaring l...
is trying to help and the psychologist. Social learning theories : The social learning approach to explaining juvenile delinque...
of the frequency of their transgressions, as opposed to seriousness, it is also true that only certain types of juveniles are like...
gang activity in Los Angeles is to realize how gang mentality universally displayed in this racially and ethnically homogeneous su...
(Henry and Lanier 2). The field itself is a branch of social science, in which criminologists endeavor to better understand crime...
This usually involves some type of probation arrangement or counseling/treatment (The Center for Young Womens Development Handbook...
While gangs are a part and parcel of the culture today, the concept of juvenile delinquency is rather elusive. Many do not dub chi...
in 1950 was named the first Roscoe Pound Professor of Law (Rubenser 183). In Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency, which was first pub...
This paper consists of eleven pages and examines whether or not juvenile delinquency is effectively treated through juvenile wilde...
In eight pages this paper examines how to address the problem of juvenile delinquency and how to productively reintroduce offender...
In eight pages the deviance concept is examined in an overview that discusses various factors such as the labeling theory with an ...
The social class individuals want to become upper class, while the upper class want better. Conflict theory is oftentimes related...
for the next several years. The exceptions to this generalization are some older youths who get involved in car theft, robbery, bu...
a traditional East Coast ghetto. The gang writing on cement walls, criminal samizdat that cops read for news of a planned attack ...
vary somewhat from state to state, juvenile justice typically has a similar protocol. At the time a juvenile is arrested, a decis...
programming to address problems with disruptive behaviors, school adjustment and delinquency. This study outlines some central go...
front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...
However, in some cases the desired goals would not be equally available to all social groups, in others there might be too...
of girls during the same period rose 6% (Siegel and Welsh, 2005). Even more striking and troubling is the fact that arrests for se...
adult arrests, which was only 33 percent for this period (Snyder, 2003). The juvenile population of the US in 2001 was 78 percen...