YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Its Your Ship by Capt D Michael Abrashoff

Essays 61 - 90

Pollution and the Tourism Industry

was worth a total of $5.5 trillion (Wagner, 2005). In the United States the travel and tourism sector is very important to the ec...

"The Way of a Ship"

mountains and is in compression. In its most violent manifestation (a williwaw) it can dump over high land spilling out onto the w...

Cost Accounting System for an Online Business

online business unit. Management Information and Control Systems The broad framework of MIC systems includes a variety of s...

The Good Ship "Lead Balloon"

aluminum alloy." One of the problems is that the Saturn 5 was built by a bunch of different contractors, and there is now no compl...

A Most Fortunate Ship

particular national treasure which has taken the military through many different periods in history. Such is further enhanced by M...

The Principle Agent Relationship between Management and Employees

common ground can be found and the relationship can be beneficial to both the employer and the employee. A useful framework that c...

Container Ports and Mega Ship Deployment Impacts

the need to change and adapt to changing ship sizes is not unique to this time. There has been change in the shipping industry for...

UK Shipping Law and VBeem Case Study

lading itself is not a contract itself, as seen with the case of Swewell v Burdick (1884) 10 App Cas 74 and also The Ardennes [195...

Tsakos Energy Navigation 2002 through 2005 Financial Performance

annual accounts. There are a number of ratios we can consider. We will start with profitability. The first ratio is the gross pr...

An Analysis of the Container Shipping Market

A problem with the container shipping industry is that despite an increased demand overt the last few years the capacity in the in...

Advantage to Other Forms of Transport?

types of transport for many reasons. The development of air freight and increased use of passenger aircraft to carry cargo provi...

The Trade of Feeder Container Ships

This 9 page paper looks at the trade and commercial operations of feeder container ships. The paper looks at what trade they take ...

Marketing Report; Container Shipping in the Mediterranean

handled (ISL, 2005). However, this alone does not indicate that these are suitable ports or whether or not these are the ports tha...

Mitigating Future Oil Spill Risk

all portage areas, and certainly is Californias most dangerous waters.4 Once onboard a visiting ship, the pilot has total command...

Decision Making in a Small Company

Im concerned about expanding our computer technology in light of the fact that ABC is a recent new customer and our initial contra...

Slave Food

morning (Spartacus International). A slave at a different location reported being given a "peck of sifted cornmeal, a dozen and a ...

Virtually Reality Genre; Star Trek's Next-Generation Episode Ship In A Bottle As A Forerunner Of Virtual Reality In The Matrix And The Thirteenth Floor

as a commercially viable and attractive genre by its continued existence and evolution. In all three of the production to ...


fact that logistics tends to be somewhat slow when it comes to innovation and management, the advent of computers, bar code system...

Dell's Supply Chain

One supply chain consultant noted that "Supply chains today are working like worldwide production lines ... We cant afford safety ...

A Case Study of Carnival Cruise Lines

The writer discusses the marketing strategies and other techniques used by Carnival Cruise Lines to become the most popular cruise...

Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre' and A Child's Perspective of the World

In 6 pages the child's worldly perspective is illustrated through Rochester's interest in one of Jane's paintings, her distant fut...

Steamship History and Uses

In five pages this paper discusses the transportation, shipping, and military uses of steam power and the historical role steamshi...

Matisse and Turner Art Compared

In eight pages Matisse's Impressionism and Turner's Romanticism are compared in terms of the artifice in The Slave Ship and Odalis...

Amistad and Atlantic Slave Trade High Seas' Revolt

In eight pages this research paper examines slave revolts on ship and considers the impacts of the Amistad situation on Africa and...

Efficiency and Costs of Electronic Data Exchange

In five pages this research paper examines EDI in terms of processes and uses with the emphasis upon shipping and manufacturing wi...

Global and U.S. Shipping

In eight pages this research essay discusses a U.S. and Greek joint shipping venture in a consideration of differences such as cul...

Shipping Industry Environmental and Supply and Demand Economics

In thirty two pages this paper discusses the impact of supply and demand upon the shipping industry with environmental costs a pri...

Greek Shipping Industry and Capital Markets

In thirty five pages the various changes that have occurred within the Greek shipping industry are examined as they relate to the ...

Titanic's 1912 Sinking

In ten pages this research paper examines the 1912 sinking of the Titanic in an overview of such topics as its construction, the r...

Five Hundred Years of Ship Development from 1250 to 1750

In five pages this paper examines how ship stern rudders, lateen sales, caravels, cogs, galleons, and carracks were developed duri...