YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Japanese History
Essays 1 - 30
In fourteen pages this research paper examines this revealing look at the medieval history of Japan written by an Imperial Court's...
the shogunate around 1568. By 1573, the shogunate was nearly abolished. Nobunaga was assassinated in 1582 at which time, his prot?...
This paper consists of four pages and discusses whether or not the continuity of history for Japan was broken in 1945. Three sour...
In five pages the problems in the early history of Japan and China are considered in terms of the impact of Confucian on the citiz...
This paper discusses the history of Japan in 7 pages which includes the Tokugawa Shogunate and its importance, contrast and compar...
presented a lot of problems and a lot of burdens for many people. "Since the daimyo was a person of considerable status, he was ex...
from one epoch to another. The title symbolized customs of the past, but it could also be adapted to whatever future social or ec...
the other religions of the land. This, he believes, is a wise move, and it would seem to echo what was happening in England at the...
of Change Statistician Walter Shewhart published a work in 1931 describing the benefits of bringing manufacturing under sta...
kept separate from others, and how many different policies worked to keep the Japanese under the thumb of the government. He indic...
In fifteen pages this report discusses how baseball evolved in the cultures of America and Japan and how it promoted a kind of uni...
In nine pages cultural anthropology is applied to the culture of the Japanese Americans in hopes of understanding their U.S. histo...
Shogun Yoshimitsu had developed trade relations with Ming China and indirectly acquired Western goods. However, the new government...
At the turn of the twentieth century Japan was just beginning to take its place as one of the...
Death is an intruder" (Rubin). The Japanese culture has a tendency to believe that they are surrounded by many spirits at all time...
allow the young Emperor, age 8, to fall into the hands of Genji warriors, a "Nun of the Second Rank," instructs the boy to make h...
In five pages this paper discusses the Tokugawa Period of Japanese history and the industrial opposition that resulted in the rebe...
boom in both economic and political strength. As the twenty-first century began, Japan had new and stifling issues to deal with: ...
approach of these animators, led by Kanada, was "extremely Japanese," as drawing a "single-perspective painting" never crossed the...
February 8, 1904 and September 5, 1905, was decisively won by the Japanese. There has been some debate as to whether or not the Ja...
Japanese practices, their values and culture in development and the actual practices need to be examined. After this evidence indi...
In five pages this essay discusses Westernization of Japanese society in an examination of sociocultural values within the context...
In two pages Japanese management and worker relationships are examined....
In twelve pages the Japanese Consulate is the focus of this structural overview that includes various functions and policies....
better protected, with individuals warned that flood waters were coming and they should evacuate. Its likely that a wealthier 9th ...
determining both assignments and promotions" (Pempel, 1992, p. 19). The model for the bureaucracy that exists in Japan today was...
Such a person would not have felt any need to leave his beloved homeland, and his sons desire to do so would have been traumatic f...
of nature. These two factors can be seen in the both the practice of calligraphy., and its design images. In attempting to find ...
year old Hayashi and left the house. The child and her mother lived what we in the west label a "pillar to post existence," both,...
This research paper offers a brief overview of ancient Japanese architectural history. Three pages in length, three sources are ci...