YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :John Keats Emily Dickinson Joyce Kilmer and the Poetic Uses of Imagery

Essays 1 - 30

John Keats, Emily Dickinson, Joyce Kilmer, and the Poetic Uses of Imagery

Ourselves - / And Immortality" (Dickinson 1-4). In this one can truly envision the picture she is creating with imagery. She offer...

Romantic Emotion and the Differences Between Emily Dickinson and John Keats

all (Hinze PG). Dickinson is described as reclusive and shy. Although she was well educated, she is said to have often deferred ...

Poetic Works of Emily Dickinson

In five pages some of Emily Dickinson's poems that celebrate her passion for nature are examined....

Comparative Analysis of Poems by Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and Langston Hughes

likens the process of death to an innocuous fly buzzing. In other words, instead of being a mysterious occurrence, it is a proces...

A Review of the Poem As Watchers Hang Upon the East

A 4 page review and explanation of the poem by Emily Dickinson. 3 sources....

An Analysis of I Started Early Took My Dog

present us with the sheer power of the sea. Now, as mentioned, these lines, filled with imagery, can be seen from many symbolic ...

John Keats, John Donne, and Robert Browning's Uses of Imagery

line in every stanza is shortened by two metric beats to create a sense of temporary suspension before the story continues (Abrams...

Poetry Defined

This paper defines poetry and considers its development and various structures in four pages with Ogden Nash and Emily Dickinson's...

2 Poems By Emily Dickinson

she is dead. This interpretation is substantiated in the next stanza when she describes hearing the mourners lift a box, which c...

Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poem 712

wanted the poem to leave a profound impression; for that reason, it is subject to the interpretation of the individual. I...

Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poetry

The truths of our lives are such that we often see only a part for a time and perhaps even forever. Even those truths...

Dark Passages in John Keats' 'Ode to a Nightingale'

of the thinking principle (Keats,1008-1022). Secondly, he believed that one was propelled into the next chamber simply b...

Poetic Devices in Emily Dickinson's Works

sun, "a ribbon at a time" (35). By displaying one "ribbon" after another, Dickinson presented not just a story, but a complete cov...

Form and Structure of Emily Dickinson's Poetry

the last line which states the following: "Ah, what sagacity perished here!" (Dickinson 1-3, 11). This is a poem that is obviou...

A Reading of Emily Dickinson's Short Poem #1755

apt description of reverie being that which is made up of a few simple things; and if those things are not available, well, reveri...

Poems: Dickinson, Donne, Marvell, Parker, and Roethke

and taken blood from both. He tries to convince her that to give in to him, to give him herself, has been ultimately blessed by th...

Emily Dickinson's Poetic 'Truth'

and spiritual war is evident in the quote, "Faith is a fine invention for gentlemen who see; But microscopes are prudent in an eme...

Emily Dickinson's 'The Soul Selects Hew Own Society' and Imagery

keeping out all of the world that she does not desire to experience or see or meet. This is further emphasized by the third and fo...

Colonial to Romantic Period American Literature

In five pages this paper examines how American literature evolved from he colonial times of Jonathan Edwards, John Winthrop, Benja...

Religious Influences on Emily Dickinson

of God resides in all people, thus resulting in fundamental human goodness (Wohlpart, 2004). However, it is important to note tha...

Depictions of Nature in the Poetry of Dickinson and Frost

action so that the reader can easily imagine its intensity. It is a strikingly vivid image. Likewise, Frost is famous for his im...

Dream State Validity and 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats

popularity until his death. It is true that his poetry reflects a growing resentment of his critics and an apparent acceptance of...

Death and the Works of Emily Dickinson

Donoghue has aptly observed that "of her religious faith virtually anything may be said, with some show of evidence. She may be r...

Longfellow, Whitman and Dickinson

A 5 page paper which examines one poem from Longfellow, Whitman, and Dickinson. The poems examined are The poets, and their poems,...

Symbols Used in Poetry and in the Bible

kingdom of heaven is similar to a field in which a man has sown good seed. The "good seed" are righteous people who will come to b...

Elizabeth Bishop and Marianne Moore as Descendants of Emily Dickinson?

however, this relationship can also be shown by examining three representative poems: specifically, "The Wind begun to knead the ...

Emily Dickinson's 'Publication is the Auction'

womens education and his ultimate hostility towards female intellectualism influenced his daughters choice of secular isolation to...

Poetic Spiders

seems to be making a statement about independence of spirit, but an involvement with mankind. "I markd where on a little promontor...

Emily Dickinson's Poem, After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes

This paper provides a reading of the Dickinson poem, 'After Great Pain a Formal Feeling Comes. The author contends that Dickinson...

Religion and Romance in John Donne's Poetry

In six pages this report discusses how religion manifests itself in John Donne's love poetry with the soul's passions and spiritua...